Since i was traduction Français
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Wow, the perks of corporate medicine have really taken a nosedive since I was in the trenches.
Les avantages de la corporation de médecins ont vraiment coulé depuis que je suis dans les tranchées.
- [Crying] Ever since I was a kid, I've been a sucker for gossip.
Depuis que je suis enfant, je n'ai jamais pu résister aux ragots.
I've been playing this game since I was seven.
Je joue à ce jeu depuis mes 7 ans.
Been in the family business since I was 15.
Je suis dans le business familial depuis que j'ai 15 ans.
I haven't cried since I was a child, Zaz.
Je n'ai pas pleuré depuis que je suis enfant, Zaz.
No, actually, I've wanted to be an engineer since I was 10.
Non, en fait je le veux depuis que j'ai 10 ans.
Why don't you have the P.A. fixed? It's been out of order since I was a child.
Pourquoi tu ne fais pas réparer le système de sonorisation?
That's my mom, and the reason I know this is because I've had this since I was a baby.
C'est à ma mère, et je le sais car je l'ai eu quand j'étais bébé.
And, uh, we had been together already since I was 18 years old, even though we did have a wedding ceremony in Zaire, which lots of people don't realize.
On sortait ensemble depuis mes 18 ans déjà. On avait fait une cérémonie de mariage au Zaïre, peu de gens le savent.
Stu, I've known you since I was nine years old.
Je te connais depuis que j'ai 9 ans.
I've been driving since I was 11.
Je conduis depuis mes 11 ans.
He's been saying that since I was ten.
Il dit cela depuis que j'ai dix ans.
The kind I haven't known in a long time... since I was a little girl, running in a field with my sisters, chasing a kite.
Celui que je n'ai pas connu depuis très longtemps... depuis que j'étais une petite fille qui courait dans les champs avec mes soeurs, en chassant un cerf-volant.
I haven't seen him since I was 11.
Je ne l'ai pas revu depuis mes 11 ans.
But I've known I've wanted to be a pro mma fighter Since I was in preschool.
Mais je sais que je veux être un combattant pro de MMA depuis la maternelle.
I've been adding to this thing since I was seven years old.
J'ai commencé cette liste quand j'avais 7 ans.
Since I was a kid.
Depuis que je suis gamin
I've had that wallet since I was a kid.
J'ai ce portefeuille depuis que je suis gamin.
Look, I've just been planning my wedding Since I was a little girl, and I guess I always imagined You guys planning it with me, not planning your own.
Écoute, j'organise mon mariage depuis que je suis petite fille, et j'imagine que j'ai toujours pensé que vous l'organiseriez avec moi, et non l'inverse.
Oh, that, well, that was since I...
Oh, ça, eh bien, c'était parce que je...
It was the first time we've been apart since we got back together, and I just...
C'était la première fois que nous étions séparés depuis que nous sommes de nouveau ensemble, et je...
What I do care about is Amy was mad at you last night, and since you weren't around, she was mad at the only thing in the apartment with a penis, which is me.
Mais Amy était furieuse après toi hier soir, et comme tu n'étais pas dans le coin, elle était en colère après le seul dans l'appartement avec un pénis, moi.
Hey, I was thinking that since I'm paying the removal men, I ought to pay you something, as well.
Puisque je les paye, je devrais aussi te donner quelque chose.
I think that since the political changeover it is the only movement that was originally born.
Je crois qu'après la dictature, c'est le premier mouvement qui naît de manière authentique.
It had been so long since I'd seen her, it was hard to imagine anything but that shadow in her place.
Avant, il est arrivé un truc. J'étais chez moi.
I've raised that girl since she was 8, and Keisha... she wasn't going to tell you a thing until she heard about Toby.
J'ai élevé cette fille depuis ses 8 ans, et Keisha... elle ne vous aurait rien dit sans avoir eu des nouvelles de Toby.
That's longer than I've been away from the baby since he was born.
Je n'ai jamais été autant de temps loin du bébé depuis qu'il est né.
- I've been Sam's advisor since he was a freshman. I probably shouldn't say anything, but...
Je ne devrais probablement rien dire, mais...
You know I was in a boarding school since the age of twelve.
Tu sais j'étais en pensionnat depuis l'âge de douze ans.
I thought since it was just the two of us now, smaller the family, bigger the tree.
Je pensais que vu que l'on était que tous les deux maintenant, plus petite est la famille, plus gros est le sapin.
I was in Corto Maltese since May.
J'étais à Corto Maltese depuis Mai.
And, uh, really, where he was from and where it was all originated, I couldn't tell you, but since I've reached a little fame in boxing, most people want to know where I'm from and, uh, where did I get that name.
D'où il venait vraiment et comment tout ça a commencé, je n'en suis pas sûr, mais depuis que je suis un peu connu, les gens veulent savoir d'où je viens et d'où vient mon nom.
And you forget I've known Christa since the day she was born.
Et vous oubliez que je connais Christa depuis sa naissance.
It was also them... who brought me to this place. Ever since the first time I saw you. I've been scared of you.
Ce sont aussi eux qui m'ont emmenée dans cet endroit. j'ai peur de vous.
Marcus and I have been reciting the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet since he was about four.
Marcus et moi récitons la scène du balcon de Roméo et Juliette depuis qu'il a 4 ans.
Since we found out Natalie was a pro, I widened our search.
Depuis qu'on a découvert que Natalie était une pro, j'ai étendu mes recherches.
I was just thinking, since it's so nice out, we could go out for a run and then eat.
Mais vu qu'il fait encore bon dehors, on pourrait courir avant manger.
Maybe Jay, who I've known since I was 10, somehow became a vampire hunter on his own. Yeah. I'm such an idiot.
Je suis un vrai idiot.
I'm thinking, since Wiley did not have Sophie with him, he was headed to pick up that money.
Je pense que vu que Wiley n'avait pas Sophie avec lui, il était allé ramasser cet argent.
It had been a lot longer, but ever since I knew that it was just like a one time only session one, I've been making it shorter.
Il était beaucoup plus long, mais comme je savais que c'était à usage unique, je l'ai raccourci.
It's just I was wondering since Fatima was being given the opportunity to... who?
Je me demandais juste à qui Fatima pouvait donner l'opportunité...?
Mind you, I did think it was odd, because he'd been asleep in the assembly hall since Friday and that's, what, 48 hours.
Je trouvais aussi bizarre qu'il dorme dans le gymnase depuis vendredi, ça fait quoi, 48 h.
Fitz, it was Rowan. I've been hunting Rowan since I got...
Fire, c'était Rowan, je le traque depuis que...
I've been in love with you since the day we met, and suddenly we were pretending to be a couple, and there was hand-holding and kissing and threesomes.
J'ai été amoureuse de toi depuis le jour de notre rencontre, et subitement on prétendait être un couple, main dans la main, il y a eu les baisers, les plans à trois.
Someone got to you since last time I was here- - who was it?
Quelqu'un vous a parlé depuis la dernière fois, qui était-ce?
When I was in high school, a guy on the football team, but not since then.
Quand j'étais au lycée oui, avec un gars de l'équipe de football, mais pas depuis.
Listen, uh, since you were curious, the reason I was short with you earlier is because I just found out that my wife of 20 years has been stepping out on me with a family friend.
Vu que tu étais curieux, si j'ai été bref avec toi c'est que je viens de découvrir que ma femme depuis 20 ans me trompait avec un ami de la famille.
I've known I was gay since I was 11.
Je sais que je suis gay depuis que j'ai 11 ans.
There was nothing between Christer and I since high school.
Je te l'ai déjà dit! Il n'y a rien eu entre nous depuis le lycée! Il bossait pour toi.
Okay, so, I was just thinking, since it's Thanksgiving and, you know, your first major holiday with my family, maybe you could just... Kick it up a notch.
Je me disais, vu que c'est Thanksgiving, et tes premières vacances avec ma famille, tu pourrais peut-être... monter d'un cran.
And C : since you don't seem to like to divulge, I was all ears.
Et C : puisque tu ne révèles rien, j'étais toute ouïe.
since i was a child 16
since i was a kid 33
since i met you 22
since i'm here 26
since i've been here 18
since i 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
since i was a kid 33
since i met you 22
since i'm here 26
since i've been here 18
since i 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was just passing by 33
i was kidding 211
i wasn't talking to you 127
i was just leaving 200
i wasn't invited 33
i was born with it 17
i wasn't looking 38
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was just passing by 33
i was kidding 211
i wasn't talking to you 127
i was just leaving 200
i wasn't invited 33
i was born with it 17
i wasn't looking 38
i was so scared 191
i wasn't there 230
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181
i wasn't there 230
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181