That is ridiculous traduction Français
675 traduction parallèle
That is ridiculous!
Cela n'a aucun sens!
- Now, that is ridiculous!
- C'est ridicule.
Charlotte, that is ridiculous.
C'est ridicule.
- That is ridiculous, of course she will.
- C'est ridicule, elle y sera bien sûr.
That is ridiculous! It can't possibly be true!
On raconte n'importe quoi.
That is ridiculous!
- Tu vois? Tu es fâché.
That is ridiculous!
C'est absurde!
But that is ridiculous. Look, Joanna's my wife, or hadn't you heard?
Joanna est ma femme, si vous l'ignoriez.
Your Honour, that is ridiculous. We produced the witnesses in court.
Votre Honneur, ceci est ridicule, nous avons produit des témoins.
You see, my plan is so ridiculous... so simple... that it scares you.
"Vous voyez, mon plan est tellement ridicule... si simple... qu'il vous effraie."
That is ridiculous!
Un inspecteur. C'est ridicule!
This is ridiculous. I saw you with that old goat.
C'est ridicule, je t'ai vue avec ce vieux bouc!
- Yes, you! Don ´ t you see that this is all because that ridiculous other is here watching?
- Tu vois donc pas que tout ça c ´ est parce que l ´ autre pimbêche assiste au spectacle?
That is a ridiculous idea.
C'est une idée ridicule.
That is perfectly ridiculous of course, Mr. Czaka... but... just wait here a moment... please.
Moi, entre tous! Effectivement, c'est ridicule, M. Czaka. Mais... attendez-moi ici un moment.
Now I'm deliberately proving how ridiculous that attraction is.
J'ai décidé de démontrer l'absurdité de cette attirance. - Mais il t'attirait?
The idea that a frail girl like you... could literally tear a boy of 10 to pieces is utterly ridiculous.
L'idée qu'une fille frêle comme toi puisse... mettre en pièces un garçon de 10 ans est complètement ridicule.
Is it ridiculous to wonder why a woman like you should marry a man who cannot even see that she is beautiful?
Est-ce ridicule de s'étonner qu'une femme comme vous soit mariée avec un homme incapable de voir sa beauté?
Papa says that deputy sheriff job is just ridiculous, that you should have finished law school and then you'd be...
Papa dit que c'est un métier ridicule, tu aurais dû finir tes études de droit et...
This borough is in no position just now to finance daydreams. That's just plain ridiculous.
Ce quartier n'a pas les moyens de financer des rêveries.
It's ridiculous. Preposterous! It's downright silly, that's what it is.
C'est ridicule, scandaleux, parfaitement idiot!
- That's ridiculous. She only thinks she is.
- C'est ce qu'elle croit.
I was going to say leper, but that, of course, is ridiculous.
J'allais dire lépreux, mais c'est ridicule.
What I hate most is that you make me look ridiculous to others.
Ce que je hais le plus, c'est que tu me livres en pâture aux autres.
That hair is ridiculous.
Ces cheveux sont ridicules.
That question is ridiculous and outrageous.
Je proteste, cette question est ridicule et scandaleuse.
- That is how ridiculous it is.
C'est comme ça.
As ridiculous as it is, he insists that you are responsible for his difficulties
C'est ridicule, mais il prétend que vous êtes responsable de ses déboires.
I don't know the laws your council passed last spring. All I know is that this is ridiculous.
Je ne sais rien de vos décisions, mais ceci est ridicule.
If this is going to be a serious discussion and suddenly I'm terribly afraid it is, you're going to have to take off that ridiculous mask or else I'm going to have to wear one, too.
S'il s'agit d'une discussion sérieuse, et soudain j'ai bien peur que ce soit le cas, il va falloir que tu enlèves ce masque ridicule, ou il m'en faut un aussi.
I would say that person is funny... or ridiculous.
Je dirais que c'est quelqu'un de drôle... ou de ridicule.
You must understand that to me this doesn't make sense, this is ridiculous as well as painful for me.
Vous devez comprendre que pour moi ça n'a pas de sens, Ceci est ridicule et tout aussi douloureux pour moi.
That is a ridiculous lie.
C'est complètement ridicule!
All I want is to be cherished. And here we are listening to that ridiculous harp.
Tout ce que je veux, c'est être chérie, et nous sommes là à écouter cette harpe ridicule...
... this is without question the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard of!
... je n'ai jamais rien vu d'aussi ridicule!
Then I am not joking when I tell you that if you persist in this ridiculous notion of joining our profession your wisest course is to register at once for unemployment pay.
Je ne plaisante pas si je vous dis qu'en persistant dans cette idée ridicule de jouer, l'attitude la plus sage est de s'inscrire au chômage.
No, look, Endora, I realize that into every life a little rain must fall, but this is ridiculous.
Écoutez, Endora, je sais bien que sur toute vie un peu de pluie doit tomber, mais ceci est ridicule.
Yeah, I know this is for charity, Roger, but that's ridiculous.
Même pour une œuvre de charité, c'est ridicule.
That is the most ridiculous accusation that...
Tu veux bien enlever ce machin de mon lit?
Larry, I know this is going to sound ridiculous but just suppose someone knew of a way of getting to the moon without spending all that money.
Larry, je sais que ça va te paraître ridicule. Mais si un type savait comment aller sur la lune sans dépenser une fortune.
London. It is ridiculous to say that.
C'est ridicule de dire ça.
But it is ridiculous to say that to a gynaecologist!
Mais il est ridicule de dire ça à un obstétricien!
Yes, that certainly is ridiculous.
- C'est tout à fait ridicule.
That's ridiculous, Sir, Kriminal is locked up in prison in Istanbul. A life sentence of forced labour.
C'est absurde, monsieur, Kriminal est en prison à Istanbul, condamné à vie aux travaux forcés.
Well it's a disgrace, it's a shame... it's absurd, ridiculous and its just plain silly and there's nothing else... to add unless it's to say that your stable is infamous, oh Caesar!
- Il a construit les pyramides. La tour de Pharos, les temples, les obélisques! C'est vieux, tout ça.
Their ridiculous supposition that war is akin to civilization.
Ils supposent que la guerre, c'est la civilisation.
One of the more ridiculous clichés is that there's safety in numbers.
La sécurité dans le nombre.
That is a quite ridiculous suggestion.
Suggestion tout à fait ridicule.
Everyone knows that it is the books of Anaxagoras that abandon these propositions and wouldn't I be ridiculous to appropriate ideas that are not my own?
Chacun sait que ce sont les livres d'Anaxagore qui formulent ces propositions.
So in retaliation they made up this story. ... that J and a friend of his got these ice picks stuck'em up and took 800 dollars, which is ridiculous.
Alors, pour se venger, ils ont raconté que J et un de ses amis avaient pris des pics à glace, les avaient braqués et avaient filé avec 800 $.
I know that this is ridiculous but the fellas down there at the department, they say they've got a pretty good case against you.
Je sais que c'est ridicule, mais mes confrères pensent qu'ils ont de quoi vous inculper.
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is good 189
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is good 189