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There's something out there traduction Français

1,027 traduction parallèle
There's something out there.
Il y a quelque chose ici.
Well, I'll lay a bet there's something mighty important brings you all the way out here. It is.
Quelle affaire importante vous amène jusqu'ici?
At my age, when you're out of work, people think there's something wrong with you.
A mon âge, quand on est au chômage, les gens pensent qu'on a un problème.
There's an apartment over the garage. Not very large maybe but at least it has a regular bed, not something that leaps out of the wall at you!
Il y a un petit studio au-dessus du garage avec un lit, et pas un lit-cage!
Many times I thought I would. But there's something... I just can't make it out!
Oui, je devrais le quitter, mais un lien obscur me retient.
There " s something stirring out there.
Quelque chose bouge par là-bas.
There's something out there...
Le sol s'est ouvert...
Something would show, a crack or something, there's just nothing out there.
On verrait une fissure, quelque chose. Or, il n'y a rien.
See, there's something devilish out of foot With the Prince and Brummell?
Le torchon brûle entre le prince et Brummell.
We worked it out for you the best we could, but if there's something else...
On a fait au mieux, pour toi. Mais s'il y a autre chose...
DR. MAIA Look Out! There's something here.
Attention, il y a quelque chose.
There's something out there. You know that, don't you?
Il y a quelque chose dehors.
There's no point in making a federal case out of something that couldn't be helped.
Pourquoi faire une montagne d'une chose inévitable?
I thought to myself, "something's breaking out there."
Je me suis dit que quelque chose se passait là-bas.
I decided this morning that there's something I had to tell you even if I thought you'd never find out.
J'ai décidé ce matin de... de te dire quelque chose... même si tu dois ne jamais l'apprendre.
Captain, there's something strange going on out there.
Capitaine, il se passe des choses bizarres, là-bas.
There's something out there.
Il y a quelque chose.
With all that vegetation out there, there's bound to be something alive.
Avec toute cette végétation, il y a certainement de la vie.
I know there's something out there.
Je sais qu'il y a quelque chose dehors.
It's just that I'm sure there's something wrong out there and I have to know what.
Mais il s'est sûrement passé quelque chose.
It's funny you should say that, but there had been a girl in the town that he'd been going around with an artist or something like that, and it didn't work out so well, so I...
- Pas du tout. - A-t-il laissé un mot? - Pas que je sache.
If we don't do something, there's no way out.
Si on n'agit pas, il n'y aura plus d'issue.
- There's something Freudian about it. No, that's just the way I write. As it comes out, naturally.
C'est que moi, j'écris comme ça me vient, d'un jet!
He's either out of his head or there's something fishy going on here.
Il a perdu l'esprit ou il se passe des choses étranges par ici.
Still, I wish you high-powered scientific brains would do something about this world... .. instead of tackling all those others out there.
Il n'empêche que vos cerveaux développés de scientifiques devraient se concentrer sur ce monde au lieu de s'intéresser à ce qui se passe là-haut.
There's nobody out there who shouldn't be. Let me tell you something, chief.
Si vous laissez la porte ouverte, ça vous pénètre peu à peu.
Just as if something out there's pulling me.
- Dites-moi. J'ai peur d'ouvrir la porte.
There's something going on, and I'm going to find out what it is.
Il se passe quelque chose de louche, je veux savoir quoi.
Surely we can work something out? There's a fortune to be made out of this...
Nous pourrions certainement trouver une solution.
Harlock, you're cracking up. We have to admit there's something out there.
Ces simples rajouts ont fait toute la différence.
There you are. Something's come up. I've got to drive out to Fort Myer to see the General.
Désolé... il faut que je voie le général.
There's something fishy going on, and I wanna find out what it is.
Tout cela est louche. Je veux découvrir pourquoi.
There's something out there moving.
Quelque chose qui bouge là-bas.
There's something out there and it's close!
Tu me prends pour un idiot?
Come out here, child. There's something I want you to do.
Venez, j'ai quelque chose à vous faire faire.
There's something wrong, we have to find out what.
- Ce n'est pas normal, il faut aller voir ce qui se passe.
I admit that, so far, you've checked out 100 percent but there's something.
J'admets que jusqu'ici, tout a été positif à 1 00 %, mais il y a quelque chose.
No, listen Glyn, there's something else out there.
Non, il y a autre chose dehors.
Before you carry out your important task, there's something I must say.
Avant cette importante mission, j'ai quelque chose à vous dire.
If something happens to him out there... nobody will ever know about it.
S'il lui arrive quelque chose là-bas... personne n'en saura jamais rien.
There's something I've got to tell you... something I've got to bring out into the open.
Il est une chose que je ne peux plus taire.
Now, I suppose that's something for those wise hoodlums out there to laugh at.
Je suppose que ces petits malins pourraient se moquer de ça.
I've heard that they live in a split in the earth, and yet I've heard that they live high above the earth, but there's something out there.
On raconte qu'ils vivent terrés dans des crevasses, ou bien nichés en altitude, mais ils existent!
She ´ s trying to avoid you, but there ´ s something in the look in her eyes, that leads me to believe that if you went to her... Don ´ t be so shy! You ´ ve got to go out, you ´ ve got to meet people!
Vous ne devriez pas être si timide.
But there's gotta be something beautiful out there!
Mais il y a forcément quelque chose de beau qui m'attend!
Haven't seen him in years, yet I always feel he's out there doing something I'd rather not know about.
Je ne l'ai pas vu depuis un bail, mais je sens qu'il concocte quelque chose que je préfère ignorer.
There's something there, it's causing the symptoms and it ought to come out.
Quelque chose provoque ces symptômes et on doit l'enlever.
There's someone, something out there in the rocks.
Il y a quelqu'un derrière ces rochers. - Cinq.
And there was something else... they ordered him out of town... in Action B...
Puis, quelque chose s'est produit. On l'a chassé de la ville.
Oh, there's something weird about that dame, and I'm gonna find out what it is.
Cette dame a quelque chose de louche, je veux trouver ce que c'est.
And I tell you something. That is where it's really good, out there in California.
Ça vaut vraiment le détour, la Californie.

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