There are others traduction Français
964 traduction parallèle
Because there are others I could install in this house.
Mais parce qu'il y en a d'autres que je pourrais installer dans cette maison.
There are others after it, aren't there?
D'autres sont sur le coup, exact?
It's because you see me on a beautiful day, but there are others my friend...
Parce que tu me vois dans un bon jour, mais y en a d'autres mon vieux!
- So there are others?
- Il y en a d'autres?
There are others, Doctor, which should be left alone.
Il y en a d'autres qui doivent rester intouchées.
There are others in the library if you care for none of these.
- Il y en a d'autres.
Stephen, rappelez-vous que d'autres sont présents.
There are others who could tell it better, Your Excellency.
D'autres que moi en savent davantage...
And there are others, Doctor, which should be left alone.
Il y en a d'autres qui doivent rester intouchées.
Please, dear family... thank you, thank you for your efforts to comfort me in my bereavement... but I feel there are others who need even more consolation than I do.
Chers parents... Merci de votre sympathie. D'autres en auront encore plus besoin.
- Of course, there are others say different. - There are?
D'autres disent d'autres choses...
- But there are others.
- Il y en a d'autres.
I believe there are others.
Et elle n'est pas la seule.
Then there are others who go to still different ones, and they're Jews only they call their churches synagogues or temples.
Et ceux qui vont dans d'autres encore sont des Juifs, sauf que leur église s'appelle synagogue ou temple.
There are others who are responsible.
Ce n'est pas moi.
Well, there are others, but those are the ones the Apache use most.
Ceux que prennent les Apaches.
There are others, three or four.
Trois ou quatre en tout.
There are others, who will.
D'autres le feront.
If what you say is true, then there are others.
Si ce que vous dites est vrai, il peut y en avoir d'autres.
Maybe we're the only ones left on Earth, and well, maybe it's true there are others left besides us.
Peut-être que ca viens de moi. ... Ou peut-être que c'est vrai Qu'Il existe d'autres.
There are others.
Il y en a d'autres.
There are others, you for instance, who start every German lesson by spelling a few foreign words.
D'autres personnes, par exempIe vous, épeIIent quelques mots au début du cours d'allemand.
There are others whose lives are difficult
D'autres aussi, ont eu une vie difficile.
You know, Olivier, in life, there are events more serious than others.
Tu sais, Olivier, dans la vie, il y a des moments plus graves que d'autres.
As long as I do, you lay off. There are plenty others.
Il y en a plein d'autres.
There are lots of others to take your place.
j'en veux un autre locataire!
- There are no others.
- ll n'y a personne d'autre.
There are others to dance with.
Y a l'autre, là, qui t'attend.
There are so many others.
Tant d'autres sont morts!
There are people who write trash and others who read it.
Des gens écrivent des saletés et d'autres les lisent.
There are fish big as the temple and of others, small as my finger, with wings.
Il y a des poissons grands comme le temple et d'autres, petits comme mon doigt, avec des ailes.
And there are a lot of others who are going to do the same thing...
N'est-ce pas, Bert? Les autres auraient suivi.
- Are there others?
II y en a d'autres?
Only because there are millions of others just as stupid as she is.
Seulement parce que les autres sont aussi stupides qu'elle.
Are there any others?
A part toi?
There are, I think, others here who are not americans.
Il y a, je crois, d'autres personnes qui ne sont pas américaines.
Are there any others close to Freidank perhaps that you want?
Y a-t-il des proches de freidank que vous voudriez aussi?
There are others.
Il en existe d'autres.
And out there in that great, big concrete jungle... I wonder how many others there are like me- - poor, bedeviled guys on fire with thirst- - such comical figures to the rest of the world... as they stagger blindly towards another binge... another bender, another spree.
Et là-dehors, dans cette grande jungle de béton... je me demande combien il y en a comme moi... de pauvres types rongés avec la gorge en feu... des personnages tellement cocasses pour le reste du monde... alors qu'ils chancellent, aveugles, vers une autre beuverie... une autre cuite, une autre bringue.
I don't have to. There are plenty of others to say it for me.
D'autres que moi s'en chargent.
Are there any others in the house? - The night detail.
Il y en a ïautres?
If he isn't, there are plenty of others to dispose of.
S'il n'est pas là, il y en a beaucoup d'autres à tuer.
Now that's our chance. Our own Maoris are out there among the others.
Ils sont parmi les autres.
I'm sorry for you, monsieur. There are millions others.
Désolée, monsieur, mais nous sommes des millions!
There are men who were born to shout, and others who were born to jump.
Certains hommes sont faits pour crier, d'autres pour accourir.
For those who say Stark is a man of destiny... there are others who claim that he is evil.
Certains disent que c'est un homme d'avenir.
Yeah, there are always others.
II y en avait d'autres?
I would be there still if they hadn't been so shortsighted. Just as you are and all the others I've worked for.
J'y serais encore si l'on n'y était pas... aussi borné, tout comme vous l'êtes.
Others there are who, trimmed in forms and visages of duty, keep yet their hearts attending on themselves, and throwing but shows of services on their lords, do well thrive by them, and when they have lined their coats do themselves homage.
Mais d'autres, ne servant leur seigneur qu'en apparence, prospèrent à ses dépens, puis, leur habit bien garni, se gobergent.
There are four others hidden around the room.
Il y en a 4 dans la pièce.
There were others, and most of them are still with me.
Il y en eut d'autres, la plupart sont encore avec moi.
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are three 23
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are three 23