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Tico traduction Français

124 traduction parallèle
Their names are Tico and Pico.
Ils s'appellent Tico et Pico.
Tico and Pico, kids.
Tico et Pico, les gars.
- Tico and Pico. - I could eat you up. - Could I talk to you?
Puis-je vous parler un instant?
Well, I'd sharpen it to the " "Ticonderog," "and then to the" "Ticonder" "and then to the" "Ticond," "then to the" "Tic," "then to the" "Ti" "and then to the" "T." "
Je les taillais jusqu'à Ticonderog, puis jusqu'à Ticonder, puis jusqu'à Ticon, puis Tico, puis Ti, jusqu'au T.
When Keplero made his first calculations, drawing on the observations of his master Tico Brahe, he made just one error which he any way corrected :
Quand Kepler fit ses premiers calculs d'après les observations de son maître, il ne commit qu'une erreur :
[Frank] Oh, I can't. I got a date with my little brother Tico.
Je dois voir mon petit frère...
For Tico, this is not a sport. It's an art.
Pour Tico, c'est même un art.
[Announcer On P.A.] Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's winner of the 13th game feature, in a nicely-played point, post for Tico and Vinnie.
Mesdames et messieurs, les gagnants de ce superbe treizième match sont Tico et Vinnie.
Blessa, where's Tico?
- Où est Tico?
What's the matter, Tico?
Alors, Tico...
[Tico] Mrs. Batista, help me.
Mlle Batista... - Aidez-moi.
You didn't know the great Tico had a special interest in prostitutes, huh?
Vous ne saviez pas que le grand Tico appréciait les prostituées?
[Spanish] You're trying to get yourself killed!
Tico, tu essaies de te faire tuer?
Hello, Tico.
Salut Tico.
Well, since Tico started playing professionally.
Depuis que Tico est passé professionnel.
Tico was about 11 when our parents got killed.
Il avait 11 ans quand nos parents sont morts.
You still using that stuff, Tico? Is that why you're acting weird?
Tu prends toujours ces trucs?
You better listen to Benny, Tico.
Tu devrais écouter Benny.
Tico — I can't let you do that, man.
- Tico... - Je dois m'en occuper!
Tico, promise me.
- Tico, promets-le-moi.
I gotta go now. Tico.
Il faut que j'y aille.
Tico, promise me.
Tico, promets-le-moi.
Tico Arriola's been tied in with the hooker killing.
Tico Arriolla est impliqué dans le meurtre de la prostituée.
Arra and Tico now playing head-to-head.
Arra et Tico vont s'affronter.
Arra throws a hard forehand shot. Tico has it.
Arra commence très fort, mais Tico est là.
Tico comes down with his own forehand.
Tico renvoie la balle...
Good save by Tico.
Joli réflexe de Tico!
Carom shot. Arra has it on the outside. Throws to Tico.
Bon tir, Arra récupère sur l'extérieur!
Rebote shot by Tico is good. Arra has it.
Tico renvoie bien...
Tico nearly interfering with Arra's throw.
Il manque de gêner son adversaire!
[Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, again, we repeat : Tico Arriola has been struck with a pelota.
Mesdames et messieurs, je répète, Tico Arriolla a été touché.
They were trying to blackmail him. Frank was trying to cover for Tico.
Ils le faisaient chanter et lui voulait protéger Tico.
Top-ranked jai alai player Tico Arriola... was killed in a freak accident on the court tonight.
le célèbre Tico Arriolla a été tué dans un accident survenu pendant le match de ce soir.
Have you met, uh, Frank Arriola? It's, uh, Tico's brother.
Je te présente Frank Arriolla, le frère de Tico.
Your brother didn't kill that girl!
Attendez, Tico n'a pas tué la fille.
She was alive when Tico left, I swear it.
Elle était encore vivante...
[Male Announcer] To recap tonight's top story, star jai alai player Tico Arriola was killed tonight... while playing at Miami Fronton.
Tico Arriolla, star de la pelote basque, est mort ce soir sur le terrain de Miami.
I got this steel leg on the Tico.
J'ai perdu ma jambe sur le Tico.
How about you Tico Tigers?
Et vous, les Tico Tigers?
Tico? Kanaka is of another race. It is the feeling?
Je suis celui qui surfe la vague du Japon au Yucatán.
Tico. You can not imagine the pressure? N.
Je vais t'introduire dans mon univers intime.
They're too small, those Tico cars...
Ce que c'est petit, la Tico
Oh, Tico.
Tico couldn't have killed that girl.
Il n'aurait jamais pu la tuer.
Frank, don't — Listen to me, Tico.
- Frank... - Écoute-moi bien.
Listen, Tico.
You have to. Tico, you have to.
Il le faut.
Tico comes down with a hard forehand shot.
Tico revient à la charge...
Tico again setting up and positioning himself on the court now for Arra's throw.
Tico se repositionne...
The player on the court is Tico Arriola.
Il s'agit de Tico Arriolla.

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