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Took you long enough traduction Français

332 traduction parallèle
It took you long enough to discover that.
- Tu en as pris du temps à l'apprendre.
Well, it took you long enough. Have you decided who the woman is?
Avez-vous eu le temps de décider qui était cette femme?
- Took you long enough.
- Ce fut long.
- Well, it certainly took you long enough.
- Oui, il t'aura fallu le temps pour venir.
It certainly took you long enough to come back in the same outfit.
Vous voilà. Tu en as pris du temps pour revenir habillée pareille.
- Took you long enough to use it.
- T'as été long à l'utiliser.
It took you long enough.
T'en as mis, un temps.
It took you long enough!
Ça t'en a pris du temps!
well, I thought... Took you long enough to recognize me.
Vous avez mis du temps!
Took you long enough to get here.
Tu as mis du temps à venir.
- Now you feel guilty? It took you long enough.
- Tu aurais pu t'inquiéter avant.
- vous êtes reste longtemps en bas.
It took you long enough.
Vous y avez mis le temps!
- It took you long enough.
- Vous avez mis le temps!
Took you long enough!
Tu as mis le temps!
Took you long enough.
Ça vous a pris longtemps.
Took you long enough to stop!
Eh ben! Vous en mettez, du temps, pour vous arrêter!
Took you long enough!
Mon vieux, tu y as mis le temps!
Took you long enough to find that out.
Il vous en a fallu du temps pour trouver ça.
Took you long enough.
Z'en avez mis, du temps.
Took you long enough to get here.
Il vous en a fallu du temps.
- Walking. It took you long enough.
- Vous avez dû aller loin!
Took you long enough to get here.
Lui a en fallut du temps pour venir.
It took you long enough!
Il t'a fallu bien longtemps!
Took you long enough.
Vous avez pris votre temps.
Took you long enough.
T'es pas un rapide.
It took you long enough.
Tu en as mis, un temps.
- It took you long enough.
C'est pas trop tôt!
Took you long enough.
T'as mis le temps.
Nola, it took you long enough to invite me up here.
Tu as mis longtemps à m'inviter à monter.
It took you long enough. Better late than never I guess.
Tu as toujours au bec une cigarette éteinte.
Took you long enough to get here, Woodrow.
Tu as mis longtemps à venir, Woodrow.
It took you long enough.
Tu en as mis du temps.
It took you long enough.
Il t'en a fallu du temps!
- Took you long enough.
- T'as mis le temps, hein?
Took you long enough to get here, kid.
Vous en avez mis du temps.
You sure took a long enough time about wearing it.
Vous avez bien tardé à le porter!
I want to tell you something. It took you long enough.
Et maintenant, je veux te dire quelque chose.
- You surely took long enough about it.
- T'en as mis du temps.
- You took long enough.
- Tu en as mis du temps.
It took you long enough to get here.
Tu as été long.
It might take me longer to get it back that way, but you got time. You took it quick enough.
Ce sera long pour ravoir mes mises, mais tu as le temps, tu les as gagnées vite fait.
You took long enough.
T'as mis longtemps.
You took long enough.
Vous avez pris votre temps.
Well, that took you long enough.
Vous en avez mis du temps.
Well, you took long enough.
Vous avez pris votre temps.
It took you guys long enough to get here.
Vous avez mis du temps à venir.
Took you long enough.
T'en as mis un temps!
- That took you fucking long enough.
- T'en as mis du temps.
You took long enough!
Tu en as mis du temps!
You took long enough.
T'en as mis du temps.

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