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We're just talking traduction Français

681 traduction parallèle
Well, actually, we're talking about just how much you should do.
Nous parlions de ce que tu pouvais faire.
Mrs. Nash, we're just sitting here talking like always.
Mme Nash, on est juste assis là à parler.
Just like we're talking now.
Comme maintenant.
You are all talking as if he just died and we're here to criticise the remains.
Nous parlons de lui comme s'il allait mourir
We're somewhere in the palace, because I was just talking to the emp -
- On est quelque part dans un palais parce que je viens de parler avec l'imp...
Here we never even heard of each other four hours ago... and now we're just like a regular Four Musketeers - talking together, chewing the fat.
On ne se connaissait même pas il y moins de quatre heures... et maintenant on est comme les quatre mousquetaires - à papoter, discuter le bout de gras.
We're just talking off the record.
Nous parlons officieusement.
We're just talking business. Just business.
Nous parlons affaires, chérie.
Your blood pressure is going up just while we're talking here.
Papa, ta tension augmente.
All right, we're just wasting time talking.
On perd notre temps à discuter.
- Well, we're just talking, Tilly.
- On discute, c'est tout.
Think it over, we're talking about millions, and this is just an advance of 50.
On parle de millions! Ceci n'est qu'une avance.
Yes, we were just talking about Eddie. He's gonna have a birthday. And... we're gonna have a party.
Eddie va, euh, va bientôt célébrer son anniversaire.
Now, we know just what we're talking about, Lefkovitz.
Nous savons de quoi il s'agit.
We're just talking.
On bavarde.
We're just talking. Now, come on, you guys.
Soyez gentilles.
- We're just talking about you...
- On parlait de toi.
We're talking about 100,000 pieces of paper just for your report.
100 000 feuilles de papier rien que pour votre rapport.
We're just talking about ourselves.
On parle simplement de nous.
So... So, Mrs. Winters, we're not just talking about my job. - We're talking about prison or worse.
Il ne s'agit pas seulement de mon poste, mais de la prison, ou pire!
So, Mrs. Winters, we're not just talking about my job. - We're talking about prison or worse. - Worse?
Il ne s'agit pas seulement de mon poste, mais de la prison, ou pire!
- We're talking about eggs and bacon here, not just toast and porridge.
- Oeufs et bacon, pourquoi pas?
We're done talking, Come outside, have a drink. - OK, I just want to say...
On a fini de parler, Sors, Va boire, - accord,
Carol, maybe you just don't understand what we're talking about here.
Carol, tu ne comprends pas de quoi on aprle là.
- We're just talking to General Keever.
Nous parlons au général Keever.
We're not talking about just the people here.
On ne parle pas des gens qui se trouvent ici.
Well, as long as we're talking about transparent plans, why don't you just admit that you brought that clone of me here because you are still hung up on me.
Puisqu'on en est aux confidences, admets donc que tu as amené mon clone ici parce que tu penses encore à moi.
Belle, darling, we're just... we were just talking about you.
- Oh, Belle, chérie... nous parlions justement de toi.
All we're talking about.... We're just talking about one dinner out of your life.
II s'agit seulement d'un dîner, c'est tout.
Nous parlons, c'est tout.
Not yet. We're just talking around things here.
Pas encore.
Nothing, we're just talking about you.
Rien, nous parlions de toi.
Just a couple of games we're talking, or the whole series?
Nous parlons de deux match ou de toute les Series?
- Yeah, we're just talking.
Oui, on fait juste la conversation.
It's just the same. We're talking 50, 60, men against your what? Six or Seven?
De toutes façons, ça fait 50, 60 hommes contre vous 6, 7?
- I'm not belittling the foodless fund, Peter, it's just that we're talking teenage suicide here.
J'ai rien contre tes affamés, mais on met le paquet sur le suicide.
We were talking about those favorite posters of yours the fact that those posters are such attention grabbers they're ballsy When you need to tighten up just before the dart hits.
{ \ 3cH00718E } On parlait de ces fameux posters { \ 3cH0000AD } Oui c'était ça { \ 3cH00718E } le fait que ces posters attirent notre attention { \ 3cH0000AD } Ils sont bien faits
No, it's just that... What we're talking about, it's just music.
Non, c'est que... on parle juste de musique.
And we're not just talking about disciplinary charges. lt goes beyond that.
Ça ira bien plus loin qu'une simple mesure disciplinaire.
We're not just talking about you.
Il ne s'agit pas que de vous.
- I just care about where you're going. - Good, we're talking.
Je me fiche bien de vos motivations,
So, it's not just raw intelligence we're talking about?
Il n'y a donc pas que l'intelligence qui s'est développée?
Am I right? We're just talking.
On discute, c'est tout.
- We're just talking. - We are?
On discute, c'est tout.
No, we're just talking, Petrus.
Non, on en parle juste, Petrus.
I mean, we're just talking.
On discute.
just let me make sure we're not talking about food.
Je veux être sûr qu'on parle pas de bouffe.
We're talking about the old man and the spawn of his loins just happens to call.
On parle du vieux... et le fruit de ses bourses téléphone au même moment.
What we're talking about is a surgical procedure just to the joint. Would you do it?
Si ça rentrait dans le cadre d'une opération, s'il fallait amputer, tu accepterais?
- We're just talking, right?
On bavarde, hein?
- Yes, Marian. We're just talking!
Oui, on bavarde!

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