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We have to get out of here traduction Français

914 traduction parallèle
I love you, anne. If i tell you we have to get out of here now, you've got to believe me.
Si je te dis que nous devons partir, il faut me croire.
First we have to get out of here.
Nous devons d'abord sortir.
Honey, we have to get out of here.
Chérie, il faut qu'on parte.
Lieutenant, we have to get out of here!
Lieutenant, nous devons repartir!
We have to get out of here.
II faut partir d'ici.
We have to get out of here right away.
Nous devons sortir d'ici tout de suite.
But we have to get out of here.
Mais nous devons partir d'ici.
You see, we have to get out of here.
J'ignore l'étendue de leurs pouvoirs.
- We have to get out of here somehow.
- Nous devons sortir d'ici.
Get up. We have to get out of here.
Lève-toi, courage!
We have to get out of here as quick as possible.
II faut nous tirer plus vite d'ici.
- We have to get out of here.
- ll faut qu'on sorte d'ici.
We have to get out of here.
Nous devons partir.
I only know that we have to get out of here.
II faut qu'on s'en aille. C'est tout.
- Apollo, we have to get out of here fast.
- Il faut qu'on se dépêche.
We have to get out of here
Il faut foutre le camp!
Counting all, I admit we have to get out of here.
Après tout, je l'admets, nous devons partir d'ici.
We have to get out of here no matter what
Il faut dégager d'ici coûte que coûte.
We have to get out of here, out of this nightmare
Faut sortir de là, sortir de ce cauchemar.
We have to get out of here.
Faut filer d'ici.
We have to get out of here.
Nous devons sortir d'ici.
We have to get out of here.
Ne restons pas ici.
We have to get out of here.
Il faut qu'on s'en aille.
Come on, we have to get out of here.
Viens, il faut sortir de lá.
Well, we'll have to get out of here tonight.
Nous devons partir d'ici ce soir.
- It might be again. But we have to take the chance to get out of here.
Ça en sera peut-être encore un, mais c'est notre seule chance.
- We just have to get the hell out of here.
- Un plan!
If we don't get out of here fast, we'll have to go spinning.
Si on ne file pas, on se tapera la poterie.
We'll have to wait until dark if we're going to get out of here.
Attendons la nuit pour partir.
- We have to figure a way to get out of here.
Il faut trouver un moyen de sortir d'ici.
See if there's a rear exit. We may have to get out of here in a hurry.
Regardez s'il y a une autre sortie.
Oreste, we have to get our asses out of here.
Oreste..., faut qu'on s'magne.
Now Major, it's... Obviously we'll have to get out of here as fast as we can, so...
Major, nous devons quitter ces lieux dès que possible.
Vous ne m'entendez pas?
- Ahh the note We have to get him out of here.
- Ahh la facture. Nous devons le sortir d'ici.
Precisely, that's why we have to get him out of here. - Matias, please.
s'il te plaît.
We have got to get this train out of here!
Ce train ne peut pas rester là!
We have to get you out of here.
On va vous sortir d'ici.
If we're going to have visitors, we better get out of here.
Si on va avoir de la visite, on ferait bien de partir d'ici.
We aren't going to have the chance, unless we can get out of here.
Pour ça, il faut déjà qu'on sorte d'ici.
Here in the small pot I have prepared our real magic potion. I think we will need your muscles if we are to get out of here.
dans la petite marmite, j'ai préparé de la potion magique, car nous aurons besoin de tes muscles pour nous sortir d'ici.
We have to try to get out of here.
II faut filer d'ici!
Lieutenant, in the next 15 minutes... we have to create enough confusion to get out of here alive.
Dans les 15 minutes à venir, il nous faut créer assez de confusion pour sortir vivants.
We only have to try to get out of here in time.
On doit seulement essayer de sortir d'ici à temps.
I'm gonna get the hell out of here, but if something happens, I get jumped, can't come around for a couple days, you might have to rabbit out of here, we'll meet at Yazoo City, you got that?
Si on me tombe dessus, sauve-toi de ce trou. On se verra à Yazoo. - Yazoo.
You'll have to open her right up on the chocks or we'll never get out of here!
Poussez la machine au maximum, sinon on sortira jamais d'ici.
- We have to get her out of here
On ne doit pas la trouver ici.
We have to get her out of here
Il faut la sortir d'ici.
Whatever the explanation is I think we have to get Danny out of here.
Jack, quelle que soit l'explication... je pense... qu'il va falloir éloigner Danny.
We have to get this guy out of here.
Il faut sortir ce type de là.
We've gotta get out of here. We have to leave in two days.
Nous devons partir d'ici dans deux jours.

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