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We should talk to him traduction Français

102 traduction parallèle
Perhaps we should talk to him, try to arrange a truce, make peace!
On devrait lui parler, négocier une trêve, faire la paix!
We should talk to him.
On s'en occupera demain.
We should talk to him.
On devrait lui parler.
- Maybe we should talk to him.
- On devrait lui parler.
I think we should talk to him.
Allons lui parler.
- We should talk to him.
- Allons lui parler.
Maybe we should talk to him.
Et si on lui parlait?
We should talk to him.
On va devoir lui parler.
Well, maybe we should talk to him.
On devrait lui parler.
- I mean, maybe we should talk to him. WES :
- Peut-être qu'on devrait lui parler.
Maybe we should talk to him.
On devrait lui parler.
We should talk to him, find out why.
Il faut lui parler, et comprendre pourquoi.
- We should talk to him.
- On doit lui parler.
- We should talk to him.
- On devrait lui parler.
Maybe We should talk to him about it.
- Non. Il faudrait peut-être en parler avec lui.
We should talk to him about using the studio for free.
Il faudrait qu'on négocie pour utiliser le studio sans permis.
We should talk to him again.
On lui a déjà parlé. Il faut lui reparler.
Now she said that the meeting with Gavin and Cassie didn't go well and that she didn't know whether there was a connection, but we should talk to him.
Roxanne dit que la confrontation avec Gavin s'est mal passée. Elle sait pas si ça a un rapport, mais elle suggère de lui parler.
See if he wants to hang out with us. I didn't say we should talk to him.
Pour voir s'il veut se joindre à nous.
Okay. Well, maybe we should talk to him again.
On devrait peut-être lui reparler.
We should talk to him.
On doit lui parler.
I wondered if we should torture him to make him talk.
Nous lui faisons subir tous les supplices.
Well, I think we should go to the hospital And have a talk with him.
Je pense qu'on devrait aller à l'hôpital et essayer de discuter avec lui.
I think we should go talk to him about this.
Je pense qu'on devrait aller en discuter avec lui.
Should we talk to him?
Tu veux qu'on lui parle?
I think we should talk to Billy Phelps. I'll have him brought in for interrogation.
Je vais faire amener Billy Phelps pour qu'on l'interroge.
I think we should go up and slip him a Mickey Finn. He's liable to create a taste for them. Marco will talk to him.
Mais de tels lapsus pourraient vraiment me causer des ennuis.
Light's still on in there, Luke's in there somewhere - should we go talk to him?
La lumière est toujours allumée, Luke doit être là... on devrait aller lui parler?
Well, I-I still think we should talk to him.
On devrait quand même lui parler.
On devrait lui parler?
Guys, we should really go in there and talk to him.
Les gars, on devrait aller lui parler.
- You think we should go talk to him?
- Tu crois qu'on devrait lui parler?
Perhaps we should go and talk to him now.
Peut-être devrions-nous lui parler de suite.
Give him a call, and I suppose we should talk to the other parents.
passe-lui un coup de fil, Et je suppose que nous devons parler aux autres parents.
We should arrange to have him cleaned up - revealed so to speak - so that Dr. Wyatt and I can talk to him and exploit that connection.
Il faudrait lui enlever son maquillage, lui enlever son masque pour que le Dr Wyatt et moi puissions lui parler et exploiter ce lien.
Move, move. Should we give Nikki a-a chance to talk him down?
Doit-on lui donner une chance de le convaincre?
I mean, in fact, they call him the Sorcerer, but maybe we should go talk to him.
En fait, on le surnomme le Sorcier, mais on devrait peut-être aller lui parler.
We're the ones that should talk to him.
C'est à nous de lui parler.
We should, like, talk to him.
Essaie d'aller lui parler.
You're saying we should use the cop thing to force him to talk.
- Attendez...
We should go talk to him.
- Allons lui parler.
We don't have much time for small talk. Maybe I should just go in and talk to him.
Comme on est pressés, je devrais peut-être lui parler.
That's two hours away. We should at least go talk to him.
Nous devrions au moins aller lui parler.
We should go talk to him.
- On devrait aller lui parler.
We should go talk to him.
On devrait aller lui parler.
Bart called and said we needed to talk, that I should meet him at the building.
Bart a appelé et dit qu'il fallait qu'on parle, et que je devrais le retrouver à l'immeuble.
Should we talk to him through Internet, too?
Est-ce qu'il faut qu'on lui parle via Internet?
Well, we should at least talk to him.
On pourrait au moins lui parler.
I just think that maybe we should bring this up again and give him the chance to talk about it. I don't want to upset him.
Peut-être qu'on devrait en reparler, lui laisser une chance d'expliquer.
I'm not saying that we should do that. I'm saying that we should just talk to him.
Je dis pas qu'on devrait faire ça, mais plutôt lui parler.
Anyway, I think you're right. I think that we should... Try to talk to him again about his asperger's.
Je crois qu'on devrait... essayer de lui reparler d'Asperger.

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