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What time was it traduction Français

818 traduction parallèle
- What time was it?
- Quelle heure était-il?
- What time was it, Mrs Halligan?
- Quelle heure était-il, Mme Halligan?
What time was it?
Quelle heure était-il?
- What was the extent of the damage, Mr. Barr? - What time was it, Mr. Barr?
Quels sont les dégâts?
- What time was it?
- À quelle heure?
What time was it when you brought her in here, Watson?
À quelle heure êtes-vous arrivés?
What time was it when we got out to Crazy Mary's?
À quelle heure est-on allés chez Mary la Folle?
- What time was it? Oh, well, uh, quarter to 11 : 00. But...
- Quelle heure était-il?
What time? What time was it?
Quelle heure était-il?
What time was it?
- Quelle heure?
When the victim called you to send the cashier, what time was it?
- Appelez M. Bonnot.
- What time of day was it?
- Quelle heure êtait-il?
What was it this time, Sheila, a parachute jump into Sheepshead Bay for dear old Dooley's Little Liver Pills?
C " était quoi, cette fois, Sheila? Un saut en parachute dans Sheepshead Bay pour les pilules pour le foie Dooley?
Well, what I meant was that maybe we could just make it a lump sum this time.
Non, ce que je voulais dire, c'est... Nous pourrions arrondir la somme.
It was. I wouldn't admit it at the time, but what woman would?
Je ne voulais pas l'admettre.
- It reminds me of that other time. - What time was that?
- Ça me rappelle cette autre fois.
it also was a question of money. What time is it, anyway?
Ca me rappelle un différend avec ma belle-mère n ° 2, à propos d'argent aussi.
Then you asked what time it was.
Puis tu as demandé l'heure.
- What? Well, it struck me that Mr. Morgan was looking absent-minded most of the time.
M Morgan m'a semblé bien distrait, à plusieurs reprises
What I mean is, we'd come to the point where it was time to quit playing.
S'il s'agissait bien d'un jeu
There was no time to understand what happened. It was a matter of seconds.
Avant que j'aie pu me rendre compte, il y a eu le choc.
Why, it's time you knew what was going on around you.
Il est temps que tu découvres la vie.
His brain was working. I don't know what happened to it, but it was working... at the wrong time.
Ses méninges travaillaient, et sûrement à l'envers!
What was it this time?
Que s'est-il passé cette fois-ci?
That was a swell party last night, wasn't it, Charlie? Say, what time did we go home?
Quelle fête, hier soir, hein?
At an unhappy time like this it must be difficult, I know, to think of anything else... but what has happened was beyond human control, Nicholas.
En de telles circonstances, il est difficile de penser à autre chose. Mais ce qui est arrivé était indépendant de votre volonté.
Lucky you asked me before exactly what time it was.
C'est une chance que tu m'aies demandé l'heure juste avant.
- Just wondering what time it was.
- Je demandais l'heure.
What was it this time? A false alarm, Your Majesty.
Il y en avait un qui vendait des brosses.
What was it this time?
- Qu'est-ce que c'était cette fois?
Just because Lorraine's always had stomach trouble, I assumed that's what it was this time.
J'ai cru que c'étaient ses maux d'estomac.
Yeah, sure forgot what time it was in Springfield.
J'avais oublié l'heure de Springfield.
- What time was it?
Quelle heure il était?
I asked if you knew what time it was.
- Il vous a demandé si vous avez l'heure?
Well, let me see. Every time Beaver Canal went over to clean up nigger town, Johnny knew just what direction it was.
Voyons... quand Beaver Canal déboule à Négroville, Johnny trouve le chemin.
By the time I saw what had happened, it was too late.
Quand j'ai compris, c'était trop tard.
Another thing. If you was God, and it was summer all the time, and there wasn't any school, what would the schoolteachers do?
Si t'étais Dieu, que c'était tout le temps l'été, et qu'il n'y avait pas d'école, que feraient les maîtres d'école?
And what made it even tougher was that she was around all the time... hovering over me, afraid I'd do injury to her precious brainchild.
C'était encore plus difficile avec sa surveillance constante, sa crainte de me voir abîmer sa précieuse création.
Was the first time it ever been aware of Christmas, and what it really meant.
Auparavant, il n'avait jamais compris la signification de Noël.
I asked my Gerda what time it was.
Hier, j'ai demandé à ma Gerda l'heure qu'il était.
You promised my predecessor you would do what was needed but time is passing and it's leaning more each day.
Don Camillo n'est pas là, la lézarde attendra. Puisque vous, vous êtes là, c'est quoi la statue dans l'église, à la place de San Lucio?
I was wrong. What made you think of it now, after so much time?
Qu'est-ce qui t'a fait changer d'avis?
I don't know what time it was,
Quelle heure était-il?
Maybe you didn't know what it was a long time ago.
Vous ne saviez pas que c'était il y a longtemps.
Can you tell me exactly what time it was?
Quelle heure était-il?
Now, did you notice what time it was he went to the phone? Yes.
A quelle heure est-il allé téléphoner?
Perhaps you knew all the time what was going on and didn't have the courage to do anything about it.
Peut-être savais-tu ce qui se passait et n'as-tu pas eu le courage de réagir.
I realise that, all the time I was talking, the thing that was really in my mind was to remember not to ask what it was her boss Rappalo was so sorry for.
me souvenir de ne pas lui demander de quoi Rappalo était venu s'excuser.
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
What did you see this time, Rosie? Oh, it was terrible.
Vous avez vu quoi cette fois?
What time did he say it was?
Quelle heure?

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