When we were kids traduction Français
996 traduction parallèle
When we were kids, I used to jump out behind corners, and one time...
Lorsque nous étions enfant, j'avais l'habitude de surgir de derrière et une fois...
When we were kids, I used to think you were swell. In spite of the pigtails.
Quand nous étions petits, je te trouvais super, malgré tes nattes.
Mrs. Glendon and I used to throw jam in each other's hair when we were kids and sail off the stable roof on improvised parachutes.
Mme Glendon et moi, nous nous jetions de la confiture et nous sautions... d'un toit de grange avec des parachutes improvisés dans notre enfance.
There's a picture of us together when we were kids.
C'est une photo de nous quand on était jeunes.
You know, when we were kids, he... he ate a beetle, just'cause I asked him to.
Quand on était petits... Il a mangé un cafard, juste parce que je le lui demandais.
Remember how we used to fight when we were kids?
Tu te souviens comme on se disputait quand on etait enfants?
It used to be sort of a family joke. See, when we were kids...
C'est une blague familiale, quand on était gosses...
A little, when we were kids.
Un peu, quand on était petits.
When we were kids, the biggest treat was to play on the beach in the sand.
Quand on était gamins, le plus beau cadeau... c'était de jouer sur la plage.
Ellen, when we were kids, you used to torment me every way you could think of.
Petite, tu m'as tourmentée autant que possible.
We did that once when we were kids in Chicago.
On a fait ça quand on était petites.
Chicago, movies, when we were kids.
De Chicago, de cinéma, de notre enfance.
We used to come up here when we were kids and build a fire.
On venait ici, gamins, on faisait un feu.
We don't seem to get the big snows we used to when we were kids.
On ne va pas avoir les grosses neiges de notre enfance.
Le s pretend i s our first date, when we were kids.
Faisons comme si c'était notre 1 er rendez-vous, quand on était jeunes.
I still remember when we were kids and my mother used to read the Bible to us. The chill that ran up and down backs when she said the ancient word "leper."
Quand j'étais enfant, ma mêre me lisait la Bible, et un frisson me parcourait quand elle prononçait le mot "lépreux".
Do you remember when we were kids?
Tu te souviens quand on était mômes?
I remember when we were kids in Bakersfield and I worked vacations in San Joaquin Valley. You used to bawl me out for not writing.
Quand nous étions enfants, que j'allais en vacances, tu te fâchais car je n'écrivais pas.
Remember when we were kids, we used to make up stories about her?
On racontait des histoires sur elle, étant petits.
Even when we were kids, Georgie, you hated me and I hated you.
Même quand on était gosse, Georgie. On se détestait cordialement.
Mother and Dad used to bring it up once in a while when we were kids.
Nos parents l'employaient parfois quand on était enfants.
We used to talk, you and me, when we were kids.
On parlait beaucoup, toi et moi, quand on était gosses.
Me and Bert used to roam all over these hills when we were kids.
Bert et moi courions dans ces champs quand on était jeunes.
I'm getting dumber, but you've always been... maybe'cause I hit you so much when we were kids.
Et toi, tu l'as toujours été. A cause des roustes que je t'ai mises étant gosse.
Do you know that he even paid Karl to start fights with me when we were kids?
Sais-tu qu'il payait Karl pour se battre avec moi à l'époque?
LeIIo, remember when we were kids, we robbed that idiot who sold pigs of all his money?
Tu te rappelles, Lello? On était enfants et on avait volé du fric à ce type qui vendait des cochons.
We lived only a mile apart when we were kids, but we never met until we joined the services.
- Nous sommes comme des frêres. Il a des ennuis, je dois l'aider. Je sais qu'il est innocent.
My friends and I ate it when we were kids. Maybe'cause we were bored in class.
J'en mangeais avec mes amis quand j'étais petit, parce que je m'ennuyais en classe.
.. with these attics where we played when we were kids.
Avec ces greniers... Où nous avons joué...
Remember when we used to lie in bed on rainy nights and call to each other when we were kids?
Tu te rappelles quand on était au lit les soirs de pluie, on s'appelait, quand on était gosses?
"Remember, how we used to play family" when we were kids?
Souviens-toi comme nous avions l'habitude de jouer la famille quand nous étions enfants?
- On est faits l'un pour l'autre.
Has Sheila ever talked to you about what it was like when we were kids at home with Mom?
Sheila ne t'a pas dit comment c'était quand nous étions enfants à la maison avec maman?
We whispered your names when we were kids... scared to say them out loud.
On chuchotait vos noms étant enfants. On avait peur de les dire tout haut.
Remember what a swinger he was when we were kids?
Tu te souviens comme il était drôle avant?
I thought I'd walk in here and find him like I used to when we were kids.
Je croyais entrer ici et le trouver, comme quand nous étions enfants.
When we were kids we used to call them...'bed-worthy'.
Quand nous étions enfants, nous avions l'habitude de l'appeler...'digne du lit'.
We fell in love when we were kids... but cousins can't marry, unless they get permission from the church.
Nous sommes tombés amoureux quand nous étions enfants... Mais des cousins ne peuvent pas se marier sans la permission de l'église.
When we were kids, we used to argue about whether, when you were dying, your whole life flashed in front of you or not.
Quand on était enfants, on se demandait si, quand on meurt, on voit toute sa vie défiler ou non.
We went to the same camp when we were kids.
On allait à la colo ensemble.
When we were kids and I first started dating Howard...
Quand on était jeunes et que j'ai commencé à sortir avec Howard...
He loaned me cigarettes when we were kids together.
Il me filait des clopes quand on était jeunes.
Do you remember the sea back when we were kids?
Vous rappelez-vous les belles plages de notre enfance?
When we were kids our favorite game was "hot and cold."
Quand nous étions enfants, notre jeu favori s'appelait "chaud et froid".
Remember when we were kids?
Tu te souviens quand on était gosses? Tu gueulais :
You know, when we were all kids together, just growing'up, he was kind of wild, of course.
Quand on ètait gosses, en grandissant, iI était plutôt sauvage, bien sûr.
When we were kids, we lived for holidays.
Enfant, je vivais pour les vacances.
Ole and I ran around together when we were kids.
On a été gosses ensemble.
We were just kids when it happened.
Nous étions enfants quand c'est arrivé.
Do you remember when your uncle got married? We were at the wedding breakfast, we were kids.
Au mariage de ton oncle, on était au banquet, on était gamins.
We're living in different times, When you and I were young kids, there were no heroes, We got all sorts of heroes now,
Les temps ont changé. Nous, on n'avait pas de héros. Maintenant, il y a un paquet de gamins qui m'admirent!
when we first met 137
when were you born 26
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when we were young 21
when were you going to tell me 27
when we got there 24
when we're alone 19
when we come back 37
when we broke up 18
when were you born 26
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when we were young 21
when were you going to tell me 27
when we got there 24
when we're alone 19
when we come back 37
when we broke up 18