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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / Where did this come from

Where did this come from traduction Français

392 traduction parallèle
Where did this come from?
D'où cela vient-il?
Where did this come from?
D'où vient-il?
- Where did this come from?
- D'où cela vient-il?
- Where did this come from, Tarzan?
D'où cela vient-il?
Where did this come from?
- D'où est-ce que ça vient?
Where did this come from?
- D'où vient-il?
Why... well, where did this come from?
Pourquoi... D'où viennent-ils?
- Where did this come from?
- Mais d'où vient cette chose?
Where did this come from?
D'où est-ce que ça vient?
Where did this come from?
D'où est-ce que ça sort?
Where did this come from?
D'où sortez-vous cela?
- Where did this come from?
- D'où vient ceci?
Where did this come from?
D'où vient cette boîte?
Now, where did this come from?
Mais d'où est-elle sortie? M. Thorndyke?
Hey. Where did this come from?
D'où vient-il?
- Where did this come from?
- D'où vient-elle?
- Where did this come from?
- D'où ca vient?
Hey, where did this come from?
D'où vient ceci?
- Where did this come from?
- Ça vient d'où?
- Where did this come from?
- Ça vient d'où, ça?
- Where did this come from?
- Ça vient d'où? - Désolé.
- Where did this come from?
- D'où vient l'ordre?
- Where did this come from?
Où as-tu eu ce bâton?
Where did the last call to this number come from?
D'où vient le dernier appel?
- Hello. Well, where did this banquet come from?
Grâce au garçon.
I mean where did you come from in this country?
Je veux dire dans ce pays.
Where did this slave boy come from?
D'où vient cet esclave?
Where did this fog come from?
D'où ce brouillard vient-il?
If in the beginning there were Cain and Abel and Adam and Eve, where did this extra woman come from?
Si à l'origine, il n'y avait qu'Abel, Caïn, Adam et Eve, d'où venait donc cette femme?
"'Where in heck did all this water come from? "'
"d'où vient toute cette eau?"
And this brat, where did he come from?
Et ce mec, d'où il vient?
Look at all this food. Where did it come from?
D'où vient toute cette nourriture?
- Where did she come from, this...?
- D'où sort-elle, cette...
Where did all this come from?
Ça vient d'où, tout ça?
Where did this boy come from?
- D'où vient ce garçon?
Yes, and where did this idea for Zap come from?
Bon et d'où sort cette idée de Tonus, au fait?
What's up? - This money, where did it come from?
Cet argent, d'où ça vient?
- Where did this baby come from?
- D'où sort ce bébé? - Surveille-le.
Where the devil did this come from?
D'où est-ce que ça vient?
Where did this priest come from?
D'où sort ce pope?
Where did this come from?
- D'où ça sort?
Where did this disaster come from, my goodness?
Mon Dieu, quel sale pétrin!
Where did this little book come from?
D'où vient ce livre?
Ooh, and it's all right, and it's comin'on... Hey, where the hell did all this beer come from?
D'où vient toute cette bière?
Where did all this come from?
D'où est venu tout cela?
But if we wish to pursue this question courageously we must, of course, ask the next question : Where did God come from?
Si l'on veut poursuivre ce raisonnement... il nous faut nous poser cette autre question... d'où vient Dieu?
Where did all this sand come from?
D'où vient tout ce sable?
where did this great change of heart come from?
D'où vient ce grand changement?
- Where did this story come from?
- D'où vient cette histoire?
Where did this animal come from?
D'où sort cet animal?
L... I know, but... but where did all this money come from?
Je sais, mais d'où vient tout cet argent?

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