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Who would do something like this traduction Français

61 traduction parallèle
Who would do something like this?
Qui a bien pu faire ça?
Where we gonna find a broad who would do something like this?
Et une gonzesse qui fera un coup pareil?
Who would do something like this?
Qui pourrait bien faire un tel carnage?
Who would do something like this?
Qui ferait une chose pareille?
Who would do something like this?
- Qui a fait ça?
Who would do something like this?
Qui a pu faire une chose pareille?
We don't know anybody who would do something like this.
On ne connaît personne qui ferait ça.
Who would do something like this?
Qui pourrait faire cela?
Who would do something like this? I mean, who the fuck would wanna come here and do something like this?
- Qui pourrait faire une chose pareille?
At the least, Sagara was never the kind of guy who would do something like this.
Sagara n'est pas du genre à agir de cette façon.
Can you think of anyone who would do something like this?
Vous pensez à quelqu'un qui pourrait faire ça...
Who would do something like this?
Qui a pu faire ça?
Who would do something like this?
Qui pourrait faire une chose pareille?
Who would do something like this?
- Qui ferait une chose pareille? - Bon.
Who would do something like this?
Qui ferait une chose semblable?
No one who would do something like this.
Personne qui me ferait subir ça.
Who would do something like this?
Qui a pu bien faire ça?
Who would do something like this?
Qui ferait quelque chose comme ça?
Who would do something like this?
Qui voudrait faire quelque chose comme ça?
Who would do something like this?
Qui ferait ça?
- Who would do something like this?
- Qui peut bien avoir fait ça? Et pourquoi?
Who would do something like this?
Qui ferait un truc pareil?
Who would do something like this?
Qui ferais quelque chose comme ça?
I lived most of my life here, Nina, but I never knew anyone who would do something like this.
J'ai vécu une grosse partie de ma vie ici, mais je n'ai jamais connu personne qui ferait ça.
No one who would do something like this.
Personne qui ferait quelque chose comme ça.
Then you should have thought of that before you picked someone who would do something like this in the first place.
Tu aurais du penser à ça avant de choisir quelqu'un qui ferait quelque chose comme ça dès le début.
Who would do something like this to you?
Qui te ferais quelque chose de la sorte?
You should've thought of that before you picked someone who would do something like this in the first place.
Tu aurais dû penser à ça avant de choisir quelqu'un qui ferait ce genre de choses.
I guess my big problem is I never saw Leonard as the kind of guy who would do something like this.
Je suppose que mon gros problème est que je ne vis jamais Leonard que le genre de gars qui ferait quelque chose comme ça.
Who would do something like this?
Qui aurait fait quelque chose comme ça? Pourquoi?
No. There's no one I can think of who would do something like this.
Je ne vois personne qui ferait une telle chose.
If it doesn't do something with it... like make some kind of change... or make some kind of difference... this group of people who feels this certain way... this group of people who, like, thinks these things... that the underdogs we've all met and lived with think... if they finally get to the forefront... and nothing comes of it, that would be the tragedy.
Si ça ne permet pas de changer les choses, de faire la différence... Tous ces gens qui ont cette sensibilité, ces gens qui ont cet état d'esprit... Si tous les "paumés" qu'on a tous côtoyés ont réussi à être au premier plan et que rien ne se passe...
I don't know who's responsible for this, but what human being would do... something like this?
Je ne sais pas qui fait une chose pareille, mais... il faut être un monstre.
Who the hell would do something like this?
Qui peut bien faire un truc pareil?
- Thank you. Who would do something like this?
Qui peut faire une chose pareille?
Who would possess the vulgar cultural background and raw, angry, street talent to do something like this?
Qui possèderait un registre de grossièretés assez étoffé, et un tel talent de la rue, pour faire une telle chose?
Who in the world would do something like this?
Qui pourrait commettre un tel acte?
Who would have ever thought That a man whose job it is to save lives would... would do something like this?
Qui aurait pu deviner qu'un homme dont le travail est de sauver des vies fasse... fasse une telle chose?
I mean, there are many people who are capable, but, uh, I don't know why anyone would do something like this.
Beaucoup de gens en sont capables, mais je ne vois pas pourquoi on lui ferait ça.
Who would do something like this? Dongalor.
C'est moi, ou elle boitille?
If you knew a certain gesture, like, say, calling... would be considered "needy", and therefore a turnoff... but you wanted to call, and you felt... this call could be welcomed this one time... if you were the one person who took a chance to do something different... maybe even some would call it romantic... like calling for another date... a date that... if someone were counting, could be numbered above five... say six... do you think that would be considered manly?
Imagine que le fait de téléphoner à une personne risque de te couvrir de ridicule et de te rendre pathétique. Mais tu as quand même envie d'appeler parce que tu crois que ça peut être bien reçu. Surtout si tu es le seul à avoir tenté quelque chose de différent.
Who would do something like this?
- Qui ferait une telle chose?
I'm sorry, but- - but do you have any idea who would want to do something like this to you?
Pardonnez-moi, mais savez-vous qui pourrait vous en vouloir?
Who do you think would do something like this?
Vous pensez que qui ferait une chose pareille?
Oh, my God, who would do something like this?
Qui ferait ça?
Who would do something like this to David?
De Brooklyn jusqu'au Bronx.
Who do you know that would do something like this?
Qui connais-tu qui ferait quelque chose comme ça?
Who else would do something like this?
Qui d'autre ferait quelque chose comme ça?
And you can't think of anyone who would want to do something like this to you?
Et tu ne penses pas à quelqu'un qui voudrait faire quelque chose comme ça?
I would never do something like this- - it's not who I am or how I operate.
Je ne ferais jamais une chose pareille. Ce n'est pas ce que je suis ou la façon dont j'opère.
Okay, uh, do you know anybody who would want to do something like this to him?
Bon, euh, connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui aurait pu vouloir le tuer?

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