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Why wouldn't he be traduction Français

90 traduction parallèle
Now is there any reason why Luis the Lug could not be the ambassador to Turkey? - What? - And the Weasel, wouldn't he make an excellent secretary of war?
Louie la Gueule ne peut-il être ambassadeur de Turquie et le Furet, un excellent Ministre de la Guerre?
And when he does come back why, then he'd be a gentleman. And he wouldn't be so offensive. Would he?
Et à son retour, ce sera un gentleman moins agressif, non?
- Why, he wouldn't be there!
- Aucune chance.
I've been trying to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and now all I can think of is that it's got to be because of you.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il refusait de partir. C'est pour vous.
- Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi ne le serait-il pas?
That's why I told Mr. Graves he wouldn't be coming back to school at all anymore.
J'ai donc dit à M. Graves qu'il n'irait plus à l'école.
You wouldn't be wanting to find yourself on ship's report. Like the lad who was flogged. - Why was he flogged?
Tu ne veux pas être sur le rapport comme... le gars qui a été fouetté?
Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi pas?
- Why wouldn't he be?
Un fou n'aurait-il pas peur de la guillotine?
The coal company gets every dollar which he can chisel out of some coal miner... through oppressive management tactics. So why wouldn't the coal operators be satisfied?
La compagnie minière rackette le mineur par des tactiques de gestion oppressives, alors pourquoi ses dirigeants ne seraient-ils pas satisfaits?
- Why not? Would he get in trouble, or wouldn't he be glorified by it?
Aurait-il des problèmes, ou n'en tirerait-il aucune gloire?
Yeah, why, wouldn't he want the soup to be good?
Il se fiche qu'elle soit bonne?
Why wouldn't he be ok?
Why wouldn't he be able to?
J'ai écrit gros exprès.
I think he was pleased. Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi ne le serait-il pas?
Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi ne le serait-iI pas?
Figured he wouldn't be around for a while. - Why?
Je savais qu'il allait pas rester.
Fact is, I wouldn't be surprised if it's why he picked me for this case.
En fait, je ne serais pas surpris qu'il m'ait refilé cette affaire pour ça.
- Why wouldn't he be in her dreams?
- Il doit hanter ses rêves.
- Why don't you go on it, you'd be great, wouldn't he, he'd be great.
- Tu devrais participer. Il serait bon, non? Le 50 - 50.
I mean, why wouldn't he just be hiding?
- Pourquoi il se cacherait pas?
I don't know why he wouldn't be at the restaurant.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi il n'est pas au restaurant.
- Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi il ne bougerait pas?
That's why we'll make it look like we left so he wouldn't expect me to be here.
Je veux qu'il croie que je suis partie, et l'attendre quand même.
And why wouldn't he be?
Et pourquoi ne le serait-il pas?
Even a highly evolved Human host wouldn't be as advanced as he was. Why bother?
Ecoutez, je pense que nous devons considérer le fait de savoir si on veut le préserver déjà!
- Why wouldn't he be?
- Pourquoi il ne serait pas impliqué?
Why he wouldn't be Nordenstrale?
Pourquoi ne serait-il pas Nordenstrale?
Of cou rse, why wouldn't he be?
Bien sûr! Pourquoi il aurait pas peur?
This might be a crime of passion and not one of the serial killings. Why wouldn't Miguel talk if he's innocent?
Pourquoi Miguel n'a-il pas parlé si il était innocent?
Why wouldn't he be, he was shot.
Pourquoi ne le serait-il pas, on lui a tiré dessus.
Uh, why-why wouldn't he be able to do that?
Euh, pourquoi ne serait il pas capable de faire ça?
So when we found out, we wouldn't be suspicious. - Why did he kill the nurse?
Pour que quand nous les trouvions, nous ne serions pas soupçonneux.
Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi ne le serait-il pas?
Why wouldn't he just take it out and do the work in the lab where it should be done?
Pourquoi il ne l'a pas juste sorti pour faire le travail au labo, là où ça doit être fait?
Why wouldn't he be dead, right?
Pourquoi ne serait-il pas mort, n'est ce pas?
- Why wouldn't he be?
- Pourquoi donc?
Why wouldn't he be?
Pourquoi mentirait-il?
Why wouldn't he be?
C'est l'évidence.
Of course he is.Why wouldn't he be?
Bien sûr qu'il l'est. Pourquoi ne le serait-il pas?
He'll be, "Yeah, I sold it to Saul." Why wouldn't he?
Lui : "A Saul." Possible, non?
Of course. Why wouldn't he be?
Bien sûr, pourquoi il ne serait pas là?
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } I wouldn't be surprised if that's why he joined the volunteer fire department.
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Je pense que c'est pour ça qu'il a rejoint les pompiers volontaires.
If I understood why Jack does what he does, I wouldn't be sitting here.
Si je savais pourquoi, je ne serais pas assise là.
I think he's into me.I mean, why wouldn't he be?
Je crois que je lui plais. Pourquoi je ne lui plairais pas?
Well, why wouldn't he be? He's not sleeping in a moldy apartment with dead fish.
Il ne dort pas dans un appart moisi avec des poissons morts.
Why wouldn't he be okay?
Pourquoi n'irait-il pas bien?
- Why wouldn't he be in the coffin?
Pourquoi il serait pas là?
See, if Hoyt he really were a dog, he wouldn't be able to tell us why he's so sad right now.
Si Hoyt était vraiment un chien, il ne pourrait pas nous dire pourquoi il est si triste.
Yeah, it might be nothing, but I just... I can't work out why he would have them. I mean, if he dedicated them to her in his own hand, wouldn't he have given them to her?
C'est peut-être rien, mais je comprends pas pourquoi il les lui a tous dédicacés sans les lui offrir.
Why wouldn't he be?
- Pourquoi l'aurais-je fait?

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