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You've seen it traduction Français

1,975 traduction parallèle
Then why is it that ever since he's gotten here, I've seen less and less of you?
Pourquoi, depuis qu'il est arrivé, je te vois de moins en moins?
It's the most incredible ring you've ever seen.
C'est la bague la plus incroyable que t'aies jamais vue.
The important thing is that I've seen "Scary Movie" 10 times and I know you can bring it for me.
Ce qui compte, c'est que j'ai vu "Scary Movie" 10 fois et je sais que tu peux jouer ce rôle.
It's been a while since you've seen the inside of my place, huh?
Ça fait longtemps que tu n'étais pas venue chez moi, hein?
Does it sound like any patients you've seen around here?
Cela correspond-il à un patient que vous avez vu ici?
So you must've seen it Or at least heard it.
Donc, vous avez dû voir ou au moins entendre quelque chose.
And I know what happens to people when they don't- - ok, sophie, it's going to be all right. I've seen more than you know.
J'en ai vu plus que vous ne savez.
And I know what happens to people when they don't- - ok, sophie, it's going to be all right. I've seen more than you know. Ok?
About the article She said she's my PA, you've seen me get along with it, so based on that what assessment are you trying to make?
Je ne l'ai pas contredite, quelle est votre conclusion?
I've seen it, nice photo Thank you
- La photo est belle. - Merci.
I've seen that wound before. I don't know what ammo you have in here... but if it's Teflon-coated, you have about a half an hour.
J'ai déjà vu ce genre de blessure.Je ne sais pas ce que tu as comme munitions... mais si ces balles sont enduites de Téflon, tu as environ une demi-heure.
You've actually seen it?
Vous l'avez vraiment vu?
You go out and get the best looking fucking Ouija board I've ever seen, and you put it in the middle of our living room?
Tu trouves le plus beau ouija que j'aie jamais vu, et tu le mets en plein milieu du salon?
I s this the fi rst time you've seen i t? Why don't you hold it?
C'est vrai que tu ne l'as jamais vu...
You've never seen it, you know.
Tu ne l'as jamais vue, tu sais.
Just when you think you've seen it all, Chazz Michael Michaels walks in with the unrated version.
On croyait avoir tout vu, mais Chazz Michael Michaels nous a présenté la version non censurée.
You've seen it.
Vous ne trouvez pas? Vous l'avez vu!
You've not seen fit to trust her with it.
Tu n'as pas daigné l'en informer.
You've seen it all, done it all.
tout fait.
And if it's nostalgia... "You should've seen me when I was a DA back in Queens." - Let me give you a serious piece of advice :
Et si tu me dis : "Tu aurais dû me voir plaider dans le Queens", je vais te donner un conseil :
But you've never seen it.
Mais tu ne l'as jamais vue.
It's spacious but don't let that put you off until you've seen it.
Elle est spacieuse, mais voyez-la quand même.
You know, there's a junction box at the top, and I've seen it, you can test the lines.
Il y a une boîte de jonction en haut, et on peut s'en servir pour tester la ligne.
You know how... when you see people for the first time, even though you know you've seen them before, it's... and then John Lennon must be the most famous person in the world... and I've never seen him!
John Lennon est la personne la plus célèbre du monde et je ne l'ai jamais vu.
I've never seen you once back it up.
T'as jamais donné un coup de main.
You've seen a bit of it.
Vous en avez vu des morceaux.
You've seen it from one perspective, I've seen it from another.
Vous avez une vision des choses, j'en ai une autre.
You know, the only picture I've ever seen of you is with me in it. Holding this dog.
La seule photo que j'ai de toi, je suis dessus et je tiens ce chien.
You've seen it a thousand times.
Tu l'as vu une centaine de fois.
You've seen it on a map?
Tu l'as vu sur une carte?
- You've seen it.
- Tu l'as vu.
You've seen me with stubble. It's normal in the morning.
C'est normal d'avoir la barbe le matin.
Hey, Ma, you should've seen it.
Maman, tu aurais dû voir ça,
It's the first time I've seen you out of your base uniform in quite some time now.
C'est la première fois depuis un bon moment que je ne vous vois pas en uniforme.
I take it you've seen that before?
- Vous savez ce que c'est.
You've seen it loads of times.
Tu l'as vu des tonnes de fois.
I mean, you should've just seen it, like faster than you could see.
T'aurais dû voir ça, trop rapide le gars.
It's hard to comprehend the dangers unless you've seen them with your own eyes.
C'est dur d'appréhender le danger, avant de l'avoir vu.
Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it 1,000 times.
Quand on vu du rien une fois, on l'a vu mille fois.
It took two of you guys to give me paperwork I've already seen?
Il m'aura fallu vous deux pour me donner un journal que j'ai déjà vu?
And right when you think that you've just seen it all
Et quand on pense qu'on a tout vu
You've seen it out there, Sam.
Arrête ton cirque, Sam.
You should've seen him when it jumped out.
Vous auriez dû le voir, quand il a jailli.
I've seen you use it.
Belle pièce. Ouais.
You've seen it before.
Vous l'avez vue avant.
You've already seen what it's like out there.
Tu as déjà vu comment c'était là-bas.
Neighbors could've seen it, you know?
- Les voisins auraient pu les voir.
You've seen it?
Tu l'as déjà vu?
You know how long it's been since we've seen ice?
Savez-vous depuis combien de temps on n'a pas vu de glace?
Do you ever feel you know someone, think you've seen everything they're gonna do, and then they trump it?
Ça t'arrive d'avoir l'impression de tout savoir sur quelqu'un, et d'un coup, il fait pire?
These guys, whatever else you've seen, you gotta promise me you won't tell anyone about it.
Ces types, peu importe ce que tu as vu, tu dois me promettre de n'en parler à personne.

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