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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ Y ] / You would do that for me

You would do that for me traduction Français

303 traduction parallèle
You would do that for me?
Vous feriez ça pour moi?
You would do that for me?
Tu ferais ça pour moi?
You would do that for me after everything?
Vous feriez ça pour moi, après ce qui s'est passé?
Oh, you would do that for me?
Tu ferais ça pour moi?
- You would do that for me?
Tu ferais ça pour moi?
Um, you would do that for me?
Vous feriez ça pour moi?
What, you would do that for me?
Tu t'es procuré des places?
It would be of no use for me to swear to you on the honour of the profession we both respect that I had nothing to do with the death of Mr Lincoln?
Il me serait inutile de vous jurer, sur l'honneur du métier que nous respectons, que je n'ai vraiment rien à voir avec la mort de Lincoln?
Do you mean to stand there and tell me that your friendship for Millie... would mean more to you than your love for me?
Tu veux dire que ton amitié avec Millie compte davantage que ton amour pour moi?
Would you do that much for me, Keyes?
Veux-tu faire ça pour moi?
Do you remember saying to me that Madeleine would be a treasure for anyone who wanted to get on?
Ne m'as-tu pas dit toi-même que Madeleine était un trésor pour qui voulait réussir?
However, to return to our muttons... you asked me to keep an eye on your wife and I assure you that had it been possible for me to do so, I would gladly have done so
Bref, je devais avoir l'œil sur votre femme et sachez que, si j'avais pu, je l'aurais fait.
I'd like to buy you a little something Would you do that for me?
Je t'achèterai des robes.
Would you do that for me, please? - Would you?
Le feriez-vous pour moi, je vous prie?
Would you do that for me?
Vous feriez ça pour moi?
Darling, would you do all that for me if I said I'd marry you?
Oui. Chéri... Tu ferais tout ça, si je disais oui?
- Would you really do that for me, Bendrix?
- Feriez-vous ça pour moi?
You said that you would do anything for me.
Et maintenant tout que ce que tu veux, c'est t'éloigné de moi.
I would want you not to go wrong but in all that you say only one thing is certain, your faith, and if with it should came the light in your eyes and you should see me you would understand that for once I do not lie,
Je voudrais que tu te trompes pas mais dans tout ce que tu dis une seule chose est vraie : ta foi, et si elle mettait la lumière dans tes yeux et que tu puisses me voir tu verrais, et pour une fois je ne mens pas,
Would you do that for me?
Tu veux bien?
That is why I am calling you. I am not that fine I believe it would be better if you were here with me do you think you could come here just for a day?
C'est pour ça que je t'appelle ce n'est pas terrible en fait, je crois que ce serait mieux si tu venais avec moi est-ce que tu pourrais t'absenter juste une journée et venir ici?
Would you really do that for me?
Vous feriez ça pour moi?
- Would you do that for me?
- Vous feriez ça pour moi?
And at last that would be a great chance for me to do something. And so you could promote me.
ça serait ma chance de faire quelque chose et alors tu pourrais me faire une promotion.
Don't think I think for one minute it would be me or that one call would do it. You'd have to make several, wouldn't you?
Ne me dis pas que tu m'appellerais.
You know, I'll go out with you or I'll stay in with you or I'll do anything that you'd like for me to do if you would tell me that you love me.
Je veux bien qu'on sorte... ou qu'on reste là tous les deux... ou encore faire tout ce que tu voudras que je fasse... si tu me dis que tu m'aimes.
"Sir, I do hope you will not be annoyed if I remind you... "... that you once promised me that when you had your next command... "... you would try to find a place for me. "
"Monsieur, j'espère ne pas abuser en v ous rappelant que v ous m'aviez promis que lors de v otre prochaine campagne, v ous me trouveriez un poste."
Would you do that for me? Reha... thingie me?
Veux-tu faire cela pour moi?
Lieutenant, I want you to see what Tommy Brown's like. I want you to talk to him. Would you do that for me, please, as a personal favor?
Allez le voir, parlez-lui, pouvez-vous le faire pour moi aujourd'hui?
Jack, you could turn us in, or perhaps you could do something else that would make things difficult for us, but, believe me, Jack, we will still get our friends back.
Tu peux nous dénoncer, ou nous compliquer les choses d'une autre façon. Mais nous emmènerons quand même nos amis.
I'd like you to do me a little favor, if you will. - I'd like to improve my reception, so would you raise my antenna for me? Would you do that?
Pourrais-tu me rendre un service?
would you do that for me?
Tu le feras?
would you do that for me?
Tu le ferais pour moi?
- Would you do that for me?
- Vous le feriez pour moi?
Do you know why it turned dark? So that it would only be bright enough for me to see you.
Tellement jolie que le mot est faible pour décrire ta beauté.
You would really do that for me?
Tu ferais vraiment ça pour moi?
Would you do that for me, ma'am?
- Vous pourriez le faire?
Would you do that for me?
Tu ferais ça pour moi?
I can do a nice puffy feature that reports exactly what you tell me, or I can delve so deeply into your background with an eye for every inconsistency, your mother would disavow any knowledge of your birth.
Je peux rédiger un bel article qui reprendra tout ce que vous me dites, ou je peux fouiller si loin dans votre passé pour traquer la moindre incohérence, que votre mère irait jusqu'à nier vous avoir mis au monde.
I can't believe this. For months you've been trying to convince me to do all these things... I would never dream of doing and now that I'm actually doing you're...
Incroyable... pendant des mois, t'as essayé de me convaincre de faire des trucs... que j'aurais jamais osés en rêve, et maintenant que je les fais...
I can't compromise the conversations that have been had... ... but this would be an excellent time to tell the entire truth... ... of what transpired for your husband if you did not do this.
Je ne puis compromettre la nature des conversations antérieures... mais je vous conseille vivement de me dire toute la vérité... sur la mort de votre mari.
Would you do something special for me? If you get out of this, that is.
Vous voulez bien faire quelque chose pour moi, si vous survivez?
You said then, in your sweet way, that you were there for me and would do everything for me and would forever be the lady of my household.
Tu m'as dit alors, dans un bon jour, que tu étais là pour moi, que tu ferais tout pour moi et serais toujours la maîtresse de ma maison.
Would you really do that for me, James?
Tu ferais ça pour moi, James?
If I were in your position, I am sure that you would do the same for me.
Si c'était moi à votre place, je suis sûr que vous en feriez autant.
I want you to see... that my reasons for doing this are not selfish, only this... I'd hope that you would do the same for me.
Je veux que vous sachiez que je ne fais par ça pour moi, simplement... j'espère que vous feriez la même chose pour moi.
- Lucius, would you do that for me?
Lucius, tu ferais ça pour moi?
I have to say, Odo, I'm touched that you would do something like that for me.
Je dois dire que je suis touché que vous fassiez ça pour moi.
When I told you about Jack and how he was always getting hurt, and how I would never date anybody like that again, you didn't think, "Maybe I should tell her what I do for a living"?
Dans nos conversations, quand je te parlais de Jack, qu'il se faisait blesser, que je le trouvais barge, que j'en avais marre de ces mecs, t'as pas pensé que tu devrais peut-être me le dire?
Would you do that for me?
Est-ce que vous le feriez?
That's what I would want them to do for me or for you.
C'est ce que je voudrais qu'ils fassent pour moi... ou pour vous.

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