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Zia traduction Français

117 traduction parallèle
Zia Rosaria.
Zia Rosaria.
- Then further on... "Zia Adele" for a soup.
Alors, chez "Tante Adele". Soupe de poisson.
- Good evening, zia Carmela.
- Bonsoir zia Carmela.
Zia Rosa, you too, how are you?
Zia Rosa, joyeux Noël. Comment allez-vous?
Zia knows people.
Zia connaît du monde.
This is Zia.
Ici, Zia.
- It's Zia Sarnia.
- Zia Sarina. - Qui?
It's Zia Sarina's recipe.
C'est la recette de Zia Sarina.
The kids loved Zia Sarnia. I told them she was a personal friend of Pinocchio's.
Oui, j'ai dit que Sarina était une amie de Pinocchio.
You know what else we found out? Zia Sarnia had twin brothers.
On a découvert que Sarina avait des frères jumeaux.
Hi, come in, this is.... Zia! This is your Aunt Sarnia.
Voici votre tante Sarina.
Thank you so much for finding my Zia Sarnia.
Merci d'avoir retrouvé ma Zia Sarina.
ZIA : When we did the photo shoot in their house, I just could not believe it.
Quand on est allés chez eux, j'ai halluciné.
Is he looking weirder?
Zia, regarde par ici.
"You know, Zia looks like how Zia looks. " The dancers looked how they looked, and you look how you look, " and that's how you look.
Zia est comme elle est, les danseurs sont comme ils sont, et toi, tu es comme tu es.
He was like, " You don't even understand the....
" Tu comprends pas Zia,
- " I would never wanna hurt you, Zia.
" Je vous ferais jamais de mal,
# Ride me, yeah # ZIA : How did I get in, like, the coolest band on the planet, like, my first try?
Comment j'ai réussi à entrer dans ce super groupe du 1er coup?
ZIA : We established so early on that we're going to be big for just being who we are. And that just saved us so much work, I think.
On a décidé très tôt qu'on serait importants pour ce qu'on est et ça nous a épargné beaucoup de travail.
Excuse me, Zia madam..
Excusez-moi, Zia la madame..
Excuse me, Zia madam, the reason for the break-up..
Excusez-moi, Zia la madame, le Raison du démantèlement..
This is Zia..
C'est Zia..
Zia Katyal.
Zia Katyal.
Currently Zia's father is enjoying his retirement in Coorg.
Actuellement le père de Zia aime Sa retraite dans Coorg.
Zia started her career with south indian films.
Zia a commencé sa carrière avec Sud Indian films.
Nowadays Zia does all kinds of films.
De nos jours Zia fait Toutes les sortes de films.
Zia has seen many ups and downs in her life..
Zia a vu beaucoup d'ups Et downs dans sa vie..
Zia, these are big fans of yours.
Zia, ceux-ci sont les grands supporters ( ventilateurs ) des vôtres.
Not Jia, but Zia.
Pas Jia, mais Zia.
You joke well, Ms. Zia.
Vous plaisantez bien, Mme Zia.
Dinkles, I feel bad disconnecting Zia's calls.
Dinkles, l se sent mal débranchant Les appels de Zia.
I was in love with Zia for three years but..
L était amoureux de Zia Pendant trois ans mais..
Zia.. so.. okay..
Zia.. Ainsi.. Bien..
Zia, I didn't want to come here.
Zia, l n'a pas voulu venir ici.
Zia.. - Anyway, I have said this dialogue..
Zia.. - de Toute façon, l a Dit ce dialogue..
- Zia..
- Zia..
Zia.. actually, we are just from two different worlds.
Zia.. En réalité, nous sommes juste De deux mondes différents.
Zia.. we are separating.
Zia.. Nous nous séparons.
Zia.. you are crazy.
Zia.. Vous êtes fous.
Come on, Zia..
Avancez-vous, Zia..
.. when you behaved when you saw Zia in the studio?
.. Quand vous vous êtes comportés quand vous A vu Zia dans le studio?
You did it again, Zia.
Tu l'a refais, Zia.
You know, Zia, dishwashing was Eugene's first job in America.
Tu sais, Zia, la plonge c'était le premier job d'Eugene aux USA.
You see, Zia, all of us, we were always together.
Tu vois, Zia, on a toujours été ensemble.
Where are you from, Zia?
D'où viens-tu, Zia?
- Zia, it's okay.
- Zia, c'est pas grave.
Zia, did you finish my cottage cheese?
Zia, est ce que c'est toi qui a fini mon cottage cheese?
Zia, you do it all the time!
Zia, tu fais ça tout le temps!

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