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А traduction Français

127 traduction parallèle
N. Ekk, A. Stolper R. Yanushkevich
N. Ekk - А. Stoller R. Yanukevitch
L. Voytovich, A. Stolper
L. Voytovitch А. Stoller
We dig uр diamonds by the sсore А thousand rubies Sometimes more
On a des diamants plein les poches On a des rubis plein les mains
Hey, this is all а la carte.
C'est à la carte.
А bout de souffle. Breathless.
À bout de souffle.
"А whole new direction!"
Un "nouveau départ"!
I just had a tкte-а-tкte with Hef.
Je viens de voir Hef.
Where you gonna be when you're 21?
Tu seras oщ, а 21 ans?
Look, man, I ain't got no heat.
J'ai pas de feu. Je suis а poil.
Here, bro, you ain't naked no more.
T'es plus а poil.
We fatten'em up and put'em right back on the street where they get slaughtered.
On les engraisse et on les envoie а l'abattoir.
We're not even making'a dent.
On sert а rien.
This is my mother.
- А qui tu parles?
Don't hit my son! Are you crazy?
Touche pas а mon fils!
Our whole system's designed to prevent them from making contact.
Tout notre systиme vise а les priver de contact.
But your neck is way out on this.
Mais t'avances а dйcouvert, sur ce coup.
Catch you on the fly, homey.
А plus.
It's a lot harder than five homeboys beating'up a security guard, Perez.
Plus dur que de rosser un vigile а cinq, Perez.
Or maybe you got another liquor store to rob.
Au cas oщ t'aurais une boutique а braquer.
I'll talk to your case worker. - All right?
J'en parlerai а ton йducateur.
Look, I have to be honest with ya. I don't think it's in the best interest of my kids to play you.
Je doute que vous affronter profite а mes gamins.
Take a knee, half-circle.
А genoux. Demi-cercle.
And if you accept this challenge, when it's all over come December,
Et si vous relevez le dйfi, а la fin, en dйcembre,
Hell, yeah, Coach.
А fond.
Hustle. Touch that line and get back!
А fond jusqu'а la ligne et revenez.
You ain't cheating'me, you're cheatin'yourself.
C'est vous que vous trompez, pas moi. А la ligne!
You wanna come back out here, we'll be out here workin'our asses off.
Si tu veux revenir, on sera ici а en chier.
On my whistle.
А mon signal.
All the way through, touch the line and get back.
Jusqu'а la ligne et revenez.
Take a knee.
А genoux.
Mustangs on three. One, two, three!
Mustangs, а trois.
We about to make it six.
Grвce а nous, зa fera six.
Man, I don't know what all this shit mean.
Je pige rien а ces conneries.
- Look out for Junior.
- Gaffe а Junior.
How'd you feel when Roger died?
Qu'as-tu ressenti а la mort de Roger?
How did you feel when your friend was killed?
А la mort de ton ami? T'as pleurй?
Well, you were a college football star. Maybe this team is...
Tu йtais une star du foot, а la fac...
And teamwork. Teamwork to them is four homeboys robbin'a liquor store.
Et collaborer, pour eux, c'est voler des bouteilles а quatre.
Bug, give this to somebody who can use it.
File зa а un gars qui s'en servira.
If he can't learn it, he doesn't play, which means he doesn't block for you, which then means I'm gonna have to put in Aguilar to protect you.
S'il le retient pas, il joue pas, donc il te couvre pas, donc... je devrai demander а Aguilar de te protйger.
Let's just give the kids what they worked really, really hard for, huh?
Donnons а ces gosses ce pour quoi ils ont trimй.
Man, you a bluff. See you when you get out the box.
Je t'attends а ta sortie du placard.
Gets so I just hate her.
J'en suis а la dйtester.
You mean, like, I'd be catchin'the ball?
Je serais а la rйception?
You guys got any letters to go out before the weekend, I gotta screen'em tonight.
Si vous avez du courrier а envoyer, je relis ce soir.
Look, I'm sorry you felt bad here.
Dйsolй de t'avoir mise mal а l'aise.
My mama moved to Oakland.
Ma mиre a dйmйnagй а Oakland.
All right, we're runnin'this play to Junior.
On la passe а Junior.
Then get your ass down there on my whistle.
Alors descends а mon signal.
Danyelle, you're the only one who cares anything about me.
T'es la seule qui s'intйresse а moi.
Run it, Leon.
А toi, Leon.

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