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All i said was traduction Portugais

763 traduction parallèle
All I said was darling and she smacked me.
Eu só disse "querida" e ela deu-me um murro.
Why, all I said was...
Mas eu só disse...
All I said was that a guy committing suicide is no novelty.
Um suicida não é novidade nesta cidade.
All I said was no more roomers.
Só disse que acabaram os hóspedes.
- All I said was he looked like Boris Karloff.
Só disse que ele era parecido com o Karloff.
All I said was...
Só disse...
All I said was, I'll bet.
- Claro o quê?
All I said was, "How's the weather up there?"
Só hei dito : "Como vai o tempo por aí acima?"
All I said was, we didn't want to leave you here.
Eu já disse que não queremos deixá-lo aqui.
- All I said was...
- Eu só disse...
All I said was you feinted him into drawing with your left shoulder while you were going for your gun with your right hand.
Disse que simulou sacar com o ombro esquerdo... enquanto pegava a arma com a direita.
I mean, all I said was, "fivepenny, please."
- Como assim? - Só disse : "Um de 5 pence, por favor."
- Even Mr. Donelli said I was all right.
- Até Mr. Donelli disse que estava bem.
I was gonna show him a clipping that said I should've been all-American.
La mostrar-te uma coisa que dizia que eu devia ser 100º / o americano.
Every word the priest said was meant for us and in my heart, I made all of the vows to you.
Cada palavra do padre era para nós, e, no meu coração, fiz-lhe todos os meus votos.
I lied when I said everything was all right.
Menti quando disse que estava tudo bem.
But the lie was in the way I said it, not at all in what I said.
Mas a mentira stava no modo como a disse, não no que eu disse.
I said, that's all the money there was in the insurance.
Disse que foi só esse o dinheiro do seguro.
I don't remember all that was said over a hundred winter evenings But it was always the same
Não consigo lembrar-me de tudo o que foi dito durante cem noites de inverno, mas, os temas não variavam muito.
If I said it wasn't true about the Kellerson that it was all a lie, then I'll be doing
Eu sei. Então por que não nos tentas ajudar, comportando-te?
Now, Jonnie, I thought you said that my happiness was all that mattered and you must admit that you behaved as if it was.
Não disseste que a minha felicidade era a única coisa que importava? Tens de admitir que te comportaste nesse sentido.
Well, I better get back to work if I'm gonna be all the things I said I was gonna be.
Bem, é melhor eu voltar ao trabalho se vou ser todas as coisas... que eu disse que ia ser.
I was part of all that, until the law came along and said I ought to go to school.
Eu também o fazia, até que as autoridades vieram e disseram que eu tinha de ir à escola.
I hate to remind you, but this all started because you said she was murdered.
Detesto lembra-te, mas tudo isto começou por dizeres que ela foi assassinada.
All the things I could say... seems to me I could've said them when he was alive.
Tudo o que podia dizer... acho que poderia ter dito quando ele estava vivo.
- I said that was all.
- Já disse que era tudo.
Knowed I was bein'called on for a bigger job. Jim said you were gonna protect us all.
Jim disse que ficaria e nos protegeria a todos.
- I said he was all right, didn't I?
Não disse que estava bem?
I remember because when I told him the Count was out, he gave me a funny look and said, "He's in, all right, he's just afraid to see me."
Disse-Ihe que o Conde não estava e ele olhou para mim e disse : "Ele está em casa, mas tem medo de me receber."
What did you do with the gun? I- - All right, Mason, you said last night you wouldn't let me talk to Miss Bagby unless I was prepared to arrest her, and I'm prepared now.
O que fez à arma? Tudo bem, Mason, disse-me ontem à noite que não me deixava falar com a Miss Bagby a menos que eu estivesse preparado para a prender.
Roy said it was all right with him if it was all right with you... that I could try writing a few obituaries.
O Roy disse que, por ele, tudo bem, se o senhor não se importar... que eu tente escrever umas colunas de necrologia.
All I said in my note was, "Where are you?"
Tudo o que o meu recado dizia era : "Onde estás?"
Before I could get out, Barney grabbed me and said he was gonna tear all my clothes off and attack me again.
Antes de poder sair, o Barney agarrou-me e disse que ia... rasgar toda a minha roupa e atacar-me de novo.
And when the cops said "Get out of town in 24 hours", all I wanted to do was spit in your eye, blackmail you, a shakedown - anything to hurt you.
E quando me disseram "Sai da cidade em 24h", eu só queria cuspir nos teus olhos, chantagear-te, tramar-te - qualquer coisa para te magoar.
All I did was repeat what he said.
Só repeti o que ele disse.
I said it was all I had left that had belonged to my wife.
Era tudo o que me restava que pertencera à minha mulher.
- Poor Fred. I said all along a ship was no place for a woman.
E a amarrei com muita firmeza naquela balsa.
It's only a few weeks ago you said I was sweeter to you than all your other pleasures put together.
Ainda há poucas semanas dizias que eu era mais doce para ti do que todos os teus outros prazeres juntos.
They'd all laugh at me, if I said my name was Scott Mary.
Ririam todos de mim se dissesse que o meu nome é Scott Mary.
Well, like I said, they knew I was coming, so they all had guns and none of them got it in the back.
Como, sabiam que eu vinha, assim tinham armas e nenhum recebia um tiro pelas costas.
All those things they said about you in the paper, I was so worried.
Estava tão preocupada com tudo que estão dizendo nos jornais.
Sir Harold, I think it was Alcibiades in the Peloponnesian War... 415 B.C. He said, "If Syracuse falls, all Sicily falls, and then Italy."
Sir Harold, creio que foi Alcibíades, na Guerra do Peloponeso, em 415 antes de Cristo, que disse : "Se Siracusa cair, toda a Sicília cairá e depois a Itália."
I said it was different, that's all, but I didn't curse the reverend from right in the front pew.
Disse-te apenas que era diferente, e é tudo, mas eu não amaldiçoei o reverendo da direita no banco da frente.
I said something was afoot! All right.
Empurrem-nos para o mar.
Mr Kingston and the attorney said it was all right if I dropped by
O Sr. Kingston e o advogado disseram que eu podia passar por cá.
"Well." he says. "It was directed all right?" And I said. "Oh. it's wonderful."
E ele me perguntou se estava bem dirigida, e eu respondi que sim.
One of your men... I believe it was the gardener... he said it was all right if I waited here.
Um dos seus empregados, acho que era o jardineiro, disse que eu podia esperar aqui e devo dizer que foi um grande prazer, porque nunca tinha visto tantas flores tão bonitas na minha vida.
You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then and it all adds up to one thing : You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
Disseste que eu devia pensar por nós dois... por isso tu vais entrar naquele avião com Victor.
I remember that the word that all they said was "Aus harren".
Lembro-me que a palavra que todos diziam era "Aus harren".
But Mr Truman said, "This is the sort of thing I was trying to reach for - get that all spelled out."
Mas Sr. Truman disse : "Era mesmo isso que eu pretendia, ter tudo isso por escrito."
I was sure he would come to the funeral, but all he said was,
Estava certo de que ele iria ao funeral, mas limitou-se a dizer :

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