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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ A ] / And look at him

And look at him traduction Portugais

642 traduction parallèle
And look at him go!
Vejam como corre!
- He's in the third act, and look at him.
Preciso dele para o terceiro acto e olhe para isto!
The man's country's at war and look at him.
O país do homem está em guerra e olha para ele.
I'd better get in down there and look at him.
É melhor ir lá abaixo e olhar para ele.
and look at him.
.. e olha para ele.
Take a good look at him, Dad, and try to remember him, because... he's going to be your son-in-law.
Olhe bem para ele, pai, e tente fixá-lo, porque... ele vai ser o seu genro.
You know, sometimes I get up in the morning... and I take a good look at him and he frightens me, too.
Às vezes, quando acordo de manhã, olho para ele e também me assusto.
One look at you and I can see him.
Olho para ti e vejo-o.
I shall look Mr. Rowley up at once... and give him his instructions.
Vou falar com o Sr. Rowley imediatamente... e dar-lhe as instruções.
And if I ever see one of them look at a paper, I'll brain him. Where's my hat?
E ver como lhes nascem os dentes e se sei que algum lê um jornal romper-lhe-ei a cabeça.
I suppose you've had a look at the pro, and he's desperately handsome, and you've conceived a schoolgirl crush on him.
Suponho que viu o professor, e ele é desesperadamente bonito... e pensou em ser sua aluna.
His extraordinary absences became notorious... and when he reappeared again in society, men would whisper to each other... in corners, or pass him with a sneer, or look at him with cold, searching eyes.
As suas extraordinárias ausências tornaram-se notórias, e quando reaparecia em sociedade, os homens segredavam entre eles pelos cantos. ou o olhavam com olhos frios e prescrutadores.
One look at him and you say, "By gum, there's an honest thief."
Só do olhar, pensa-se logo : "Diabo, um ladrão honesto".
I picked him up on me beet, thought you might want to have a look at him and see if he's your man.
Encontrei-o enquanto fazia a minha ronda. Ohei a ver se era o seu homem.
You only have to look at him to know he's nice and that he comes from a nice family.
Só de olhar para ele, vê-se que é um bom rapaz, de boa família.
I couldn't even look at him But she was calm and confident
Não o podia ver a ele, mas ela estava firme, segura de si.
Just look at him and nod.
Olha e aponta.
Look at him and know that he is but sick.
Se olhares para ele, verás que está apenas doente.
Look at him : all filthy and ragged!
Olha para isto, todo roto, todo sujo.
- I see. I suppose you've had a look at the pro, and he's desperately handsome... and you've conceived a schoolgirl crush on him.
Suponho que viu o professor, e ele é desesperadamente bonito... e pensou em ser sua aluna.
And when the nuns are gone, I went back to look at him again.
Quando as freiras se foram embora, fui novamente vê-lo.
He didn't have the look of an American tourist at all about him, not a camera on him and, what was worst, not even a fishing-rod.
Não tinha pinta de ser o típico turista americano,... não levava câmara fotográfica e, ainda pior, tampouco vara de pescar.
I took one look at him when he first came into town and I said to myself...
Olhei para ele quando veio à cidade pela primeira vez e disse para mim mesmo...
I'll come out and have another look at him this evening.
Eu irei vê-lo ao anoitecer.
Look at him. Dunbar's being crucified and he's trading again.
O Dunbar está a ser crucificado e está de novo a negociar.
Just look at Filippi, if he touches Peppone we'll make him eat his words, paper and all.
Olha só para o Filippi, se ele toca em Peppone... vai comer as suas palavras, juntamente com o papel.
Well, at least now we can go around and look for him.
Sempre é melhor dar voltas para encontrá-lo, do que não buscar.
Some battleship admiral took a look at what he had coming to him in the way of his staff. Discovered he raided a marine major and didn't have one- -
Um almirante descobriu minhas habilidades valiosas, e como tinha acabado assistente, me deu o trabalho para mim.
Believe me. I don't usually complain of an attractive jiggle but you save that jiggle for your husband to look at if and when I get him out of jail. Let's go.
Acredite, não costumo queixar-me de um bamboleio atraente, mas poupe-o para o seu marido, se e quando eu o tirar da cadeia.
They take one look at him and we're kaput.
Se o virem, estamos tramados.
And then, my father - it killed him, too. Look at it.
Depois, o meu pai e, matou-o também.
I have a sore throat and asked him to ask you to look at it before you left,
Tenho a garganta inflamada, Sr, doutor, e disse-lhe para lhe pedir que me auscultasse antes de sair,
I mean, when I'm dead, people will look at him and say, " There goes Mangus.
Quero dizer, quando eu morrer as pessoas olharão para ele e dirão : "Ali vai o Mangus."
One look at him and you wanna cry.
Vê lá este. Choras ao olhar para ele.
They all look at him and say :
Os outros olharam-no e disseram :
I've just asked him to be best man, and look at his face.
Convidei-o para meu padrinho, e olha a cara dele!
Look at him, calm and easy.
Aí está ele.
Agora fica ali deitado o dia todo imóvel, perto do armário.
When she tries to take him for a walk, he'll get one look at those stairs and go right for her throat.
Dá uma olhada àquelas escadas e salta-lhe logo à garganta.
Look at him, almost an old man... with his flabby stomach and spindly legs... bring, with dog-like devotion, a fresh adept... who only a few nights ago was under his protection.
Reparem-no, quase um velho traz-nos, com a sua devoção, uma nova adepta onde apenas a algumas noites atrás estava sob a sua protecção.
Hide your face. Don't let him see, One look at it, and he will flee.
Esconde a cara, não a deixes vê-la porque se ele a vê, vai sair a correr
Come up here and take a look at him.
Cheguem-se cá e vejam.
# # I look at him and cannot look away
# # Olho para ele e não consigo desviar o olhar
You look at him, and you see cities, acreage, coastline, taxes.
Olhas para ele e vês cidades, campos, costas, impostos.
He took on 10 troopers down there, killed four of them and not a one of them got a look at him.
Ele atacou lá 10 soldados, matou quatro deles... e nenhum deles o chegou a ver.
Look at him, and don't be afraid.
Olhem e não tenham medo.
And I want the rest of yer to look at him - if you can bear it - and tell me some facts about Tibbut.
E todos os outros, olhem para ele - se conseguirem suportar - e contem-me factos sobre Tibbut.
Because Herod was a lewd man and a fornicator, and Jesus didn't want to look at him.
Porque Herodes era um homem lascivo e fornicador, e Jesus não queria olhá-lo.
At that moment, I really was crazy, and I was darn near off that cliff when... The time had come to look the devil in the eye and send him to hell where he belonged.
Nesse momento, eu estava realmente louco, e estava mesmo à beirinha do penhasco quando... tinha chegado a altura de olhar o Demo nos olhos e de o mandar para o inferno, que era o lugar dele,
And every time I look at it, I wanna know I had the right to kill him.
E, sempre que olhar para ela, quero saber que tive o direito de o matar.
wait do'nt take up, take up your clothe not me look at him, soldier blue he can move twices faster you can and your stupid army pants
Não apanhes. Despe-te. Tens de olhar para ele.

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