And she loves you traduction Portugais
221 traduction parallèle
And she loves you, Eddie.
E ela te ama, Eddie.
She's so frail and gentle, and she loves you so much.
Ela é muito frágil e delicada e gosta muito de ti.
And she loves you.
E ela ama-te.
Her name is Kyoko, and she loves you.
O seu nome é Kyoko, e ela ama-te.
You have a beautiful wife, she has talent, you are having a child she is making the best scrambled eggs in Paris and she loves you.
A sua mulher é linda, talentosa, grávida de si uma grande brasa, e ela ama-o.
But she is safe. And she loves you.
Ela está a salvo e ama-vos.
- Of course, you love her. And she loves you.
Claro que tu a amas e ela ama-te.
That's because she's your mother and she loves you.
Isso porque é tua mãe e gosta de ti.
And she loves you.
E ela gosta de si.
And she loves you. But you're hurting her right now.
E ela adora-te, mas agora só estás a magoá-la.
I just talked to Joanna, and she loves you.
Acabei de falar com a Joanina e ela adora-te.
You love her and she loves you...
E você ama-a e ela ama-o, portanto...
And she loves you.
E ela gosta de ti.
You mean to tell me, you love her and she loves you... and neither of you got married today?
Queres dizer que tu a amas e ela te ama e nenhum dos dois se casou hoje?
She's pretty and she loves you very much.
É bonita e gosta muito de ti.
- And she loves you a lot too? "
- E a Avó também o ama muito, não é?
It's pretty obvious that you love her and she loves you.
É bastante óbvio que tu amas e que ela te ama a ti.
You love Phoebe, and she loves you. So get over your l-never-wanna-get-married thing and step up!
Tu amas a Phoebe e a Phoebe ama-te a ti, por isso, esquece isso de nunca queres casar e resolve logo isto!
And last, she loves you which makes you more to be feared whether you love her or not.
Além disso, ela ama-o, o que o torna mais temível, quer a ame, quer não.
Remember when you came to me and said, HHopper, she loves me.
Lembra de quando me disse... " " Hopper, ela me ama.
She loves you, my lord, and she's in great danger.
Ela o ama, senhor, e corre perigo.
And you see, at the office they take advantage of women But she loves you, you know. She does.
E depois no escritório é sempre a mesma coisa, as mulheres são exploradas, não se sabem defender, mas ela gosta muito de ti, gosta muito de ti.
That Buddhist monk in you is what she loves and why she'll never leave you.
Ela não o vai deixar porque o que ela ama em si é o seu lado de monge budista.
♪ And you know that can't be bad ♪ she loves you ♪
E isso não pode ser mau Ela diz que te ama
Mariana, she wants to be your friend and loves you a lot.
Mariana, ela quer ser sua amiga e ama muito você.
♪ Yes, she loves you and you know you should be glad ♪
# Yes, she loves you and you know you should be glad #
♪ She says she loves you and you know that can't be bad ♪
# She says she loves you and you know that can't be bad #
♪ Because she loves you and you know that can't be bad ♪
# Because she loves you and you know that can't be bad #
♪ She loves you and you know you should be glad ♪
# She loves you and you know you should be glad #
Your mom loves you very much and the reason she left has nothing to do with you.
A tua mãe gosta muito de ti e a razão de ela ter ido embora nada tem a ver contigo.
- l know, and she thinks she loves you.
- E ela supõe-se apaixonada.
I stopped over at Diana's and she just loves the material you chose, Matthew.
Parei em casa da Diana e ela adorou o tecido que o Matthew escolheu.
"You're being responsible, and I can see why she loves you."
Estás a ser responsável e percebo porque é que ela te ama. "
I know she loves me and not you, and it's driving you crazy.
Sei que me ama e não a ti, e isso enfurece-te.
The important thing is that she loves you and that you're not some pawn in her plans for world domination.
O importante é que ela o ama e que não é um peão nos planos dela para o domínio mundial.
How do you know, when a woman is intimate with you, that it is you and not the crown she loves?
E como sabeis, quando uma mulher é íntima convosco, que é a vós e não à coroa que ela ama?
She'll call and tell you she loves you.
Ela vai ligar-te e dizer-te que te ama.
You die, and I lose Gina by killing the man she loves.
Você morre, e eu perco Gina por ter matado o homem que ela ama.
Well, because she loves you and because you love her.
Bem, porque ela te ama e tu amas a ela.
She said that she loves you and misses you but understands why you can't be with her.
Ela disse que gosta de si e que tem saudades suas mas compreende o motivo que o impede de estar com ela.
And today you want to forget her, just because she loves someone else... very good - thats really great.
Hoje queres esquece-la, apenas porque ama outra pessoa... Muito bem. Isso é realmente bem feito.
Look, she loves you, and your silence is killing her in the same way that Nancy's silence is hurting you.
Ela te ama e seu silêncio o arbusto do mesmo modo que o do Nancy faz-te mal.
Because she loves you and she deserves better.
Porque ela te adora e merece mais do que isso.
Because she loves you and she deserves better. - We all love you, for that matter.
Todos nós te adoramos.
Look, she always said that I was wasting my time with him, and there's nothing she loves more than saying "I told you so."
Ela sempre disse que eu estava a desperdiçar o meu tempo com ele e não há nada que ela goste mais de dizer do que "Eu disse-te".
And you can tell she really loves you.
E vê-se mesmo que ela te ama.
Jack, from what I could see, she really loves you and wants to work it out.
Pelo que vejo, ela ama-te e quer ultrapassar isso.
a week after sally tells you she loves you, and you're getting some girl's phone number!
Uma semana depois de a Sally te dizer que te ama, pedes o número de uma rapariga.
And it ´ s all right to feel bad because she was so important to you and because she loves you very much.
E não faz mal sentires-te mal, porque ela era muito importante para ti e porque te ama muito.
You go and you see her, and if she loves you... she will leave her husband and she will go with you. "
Se ela o amar... deixará o marido e irá com você. "
Take your girlfriend to a seven-star and she says she loves you
Aqui estão as 7 estrelas. Espera... onde vamos Raj?
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she is 39
and she 275
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she is 39
and she 275
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27