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Bill clinton traduction Portugais

212 traduction parallèle
Clin... Uh, Clinton. Uh, Bill Clinton.
Clinton, Bill Clinton.
I am a friend of Bill Clinton's!
Eu sou amigo do Bill Clinton!
Warren Beatty ; and Bill Clinton. - Really?
Warren Beatty e Bill Clinton.
I'd rather take an order from Bill Clinton... than hear that guy's snooty, high-toned voice again, sir.
Preferia receber ordens do Bill Clinton a ouvir aquela vozinha chata e aguda outra vez.
Almost as much as Bill Clinton's haircuts.
Quase tanto como os cortes de cabelo do Bill Clinton.
MOORE : At the state capitol in Wisconsin... I accompanied a group of women... whose welfare benefits had just been cut... by the Republican governor, Tommy Thompson... and the Democratic president, Bill Clinton.
Na capital de estado, Winsconsin, acompanhei um grupo de mulheres que viram os seus subsídios cortados pelo governador republicano, Tommy Thompson, e pelo presidente democrata, Bill Clinton.
Ifyour son-in-law goes to Washington, buddies up with Bill Clinton... next thing you know, you're havin'lunch with rock-and-roll legend Don Henley. Oh, God.
Se o teu genro for para Washington, ficar amiguinho do Bill Clinton, quando deres por ti estás a almoçar com a lenda do rock roll Don Henley.
That's Bill Clinton.
Esse é o Bill Clinton.
Thank you, Bill Clinton.
Obrigado, Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton?
- Bill Clinton!
I don't know what's more questionable, your pitching arm or Bill Clinton's integrity.
Eu não sei o que é mais questionável, o seu braço lançador ou a integridade de Bill Clinton.
When we're finished. we can go through Bill Clinton's porno stash.
Quando acabarmos podemos ver a colecção de pornografia do Clinton.
How is that not sex? You sound like Bill Clinton.
- Já pareces o Bill Clinton.
That's why Bill Clinton is our new mailman.
Por isso é que o Bill Clinton é o nosso novo carteiro.
She is like a beautiful virgin, escaping the clutches of a lecherous bear, and running to Bill Clinton to save her maidenhood.
Ela é como uma bela virgem, a escapar dos ataques de um urso devasso, e a correr para Bill Clinton para salvar a virgindade.
Deborah Connors'intimate talk with former president Bill Clinton.
Deborah Connors conversa intimamente com o ex-presidente Bill Clinton.
We landed on Mars, cloned a sheep, Bill Clinton was busted for getting head in the Oval Office from a 22-year-old intern, and Regis Philbin is the biggest star in prime time.
Aterrámos em Marte, clonámos uma ovelha, o Bill Clinton foi tramado por ter recebido sexo oral na Sala Oval, feito por uma estagiária da Casa Branca de 22 anos... e o Regis Philbin é a maior estrela do horário nobre.
Bill Clinton, everyone!
Bill Clinton, pessoal.
The Bill Clinton defense?
A defesa tipo Bill Clinton?
Without inhaling, like that guy who used to be President of the United States, that guy Bill Clinton.
Sem engolir, como aquele tipo que já foi presidente dos Estados Unidos, um tal de Bill Clinton.
- So was Bill Clinton, didn't stop him.
O Bill Clinton também é, e isso não o tolheu.
- Bill Clinton.
- Bill Clinton.
- Bill Clinton?
- Bill Clinton?
is hosting Bill Clinton, Jay-Z, and Kofi Annan.
Bill Clinton, J. Z. e Coffi Annan
Bill Clinton?
O Bill Clinton?
I'm here at the local Democratic election party where hundreds of volunteers have helped Bill Clinton... 11 : 15, election night.
Estou aqui na festa local da eleição Democrática onde centenas de voluntários ajudaram Bill Clinton... 11 : 15, noite de eleições.
If there's one thing I learned from Bill Clinton, never lie about that sort of thing.
Se aprendi alguma coisa com o Bill Clinton, é nunca mentir acerca desse tipo de coisas.
How about we send a letter to Bill Clinton?
Que tal mandarmos uma carta ao Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton.
Bill clinton?
Bill Cliton?
I'm Bill Clinton.
Sou Bill Clinton.
Determined to prevent North Korea from becoming a nuclear power... President Bill Clinton orders Defense Secretary William Perry... to draw up military OPLAN 5027... a U.S. Surgical strike on the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon.
Para impedir que a RPDK se torne uma potência nuclear... o presidente Bill Clinton ordena ao secretário da defesa William Perry... que elabore o Plano de Operações 5027.
You know with all the times that the Republican talked about Bill Clinton's penis.
É que com as vezes... que os Republicanos falaram do pénis do Bill Clinton...
Bill Clinton's penis had to bend in a...
O pénis do Bill Clinton vergava.
Hey, uh, Bill Clinton's on his way to the hotel.
O Bill Clinton está a caminho do hotel. Temos de ir.
Who do you think you are... Bill Clinton?
O Bill Clinton?
- It's a personal gift from Bill Clinton.
- Foi uma prenda do Bill Clinton.
Warren Beatty, Bill Clinton, Rosie o'Donnell.
Warren Beatty, Bill Clinton, Rosie O'Donnell...
Bill Clinton would never have lied in the deposition.
O Bill Clinton nunca teria mentido num depoimento. Ele não arriscaria um impeachment.
- Bill Clinton? - Uh-huh.
- O Bill Clinton?
You asked Bill Clinton if he wanted to represent the family?
Perguntou ao Bill Clinton se queria representar a sua família?
Come on, Bill Clinton, for fuck- -
- Qual é... Bill Clinton.
For instance, you remember that guy that used to smoke but didn't inhale- - Former President Bill Clinton.
Por exemplo. Lembram de um cara que fumava sem tragar? O ex-presidente Bill Clinton.
If Al Gore had won the election, if President Gore had sent his top emissary out here- - say he sent Bill Clinton out here- - to talk to leaders in Hollywood about how the entertainment industry could help right now, would you have had an objection?
Se o Al Gore tivesse ganho as eleições, se o Presidente Gore tivesse enviado cá o seu principal emissário... Imagina que tinha enviado o Bill Clinton para falar com os líderes de Hollywood sobre como a indústria do entretenimento podia ajudar neste momento, tinhas alguma objecção?
It looks more like a tribute to Bill Clinton.
Parece mais um tributo ao Bill Clinton.
In 1992, Bill Clinton was running for president.
Yes! ... Em 1992,
I just want to thank Bill and Hillary Clinton... for inviting me to the inauguration.
Só quero agradecer a Bill e Hillary Clinton, por me convidarem para a inauguração.
Seriously, I strongly believe that we should support President Clinton and her husband, Bill.
A sério, acredito que deveríamos apoiar a Presidente Clinton e o marido dela, o Bill.
And babies would refuse to be born unless he stops laughing And babies would refuse to be born unless he stops laughing The world-famous Bill Clinton laughs!
E os bebés recusam-se a nascer se ele não parar de rir
Oh, hey, is Bill Clinton running for anything?
O Bill Clinton está a candidatar-se a alguma coisa?
I named him Bill because I got him when Clinton was in office and as a puppy, he was humping everything.
Dei-lhe o nome Bill porque na altura, o Clinton era presidente e quando era cachorro andava em cima de tudo.

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