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But you were traduction Portugais

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Samantha put you in, I know it was an impossible decision, but you were right.
Eu sei a posição que a Samantha colocou-te, que era uma decisão impossível, mas tinhas razão.
Like you said, maybe you can't become a hero without succumbing to the darkness even a little bit, but you were able to defeat Darhk by giving the city its hope back.
Talvez não possamos ser heróis sem sucumbir à escuridão. Mas conseguiste derrotar o Darhk e devolver a esperança à cidade.
I warned you something happened, but you were so certain - - th-that doesn't prove anything happened.
Alertei-te para o facto de algo ter acontecido, mas, tinhas tanta certeza... Isso não prova que alguma coisa aconteceu. Não?
But you were saying?
Ias dizer o quê?
But you were the one who released it.
Mas foste tu que o libertaste.
It was one time, and I knew that you and Oliver were together, but I was young and stupid and selfish, and I should have been honest with you. No.
Foi uma vez, e eu sabia que tu e o Oliver estavam juntos, mas, eu era nova, estúpida, egoísta e devia ter sido honesta contigo.
In your defense, you were missing and presumed dead for 5 years, but that's not what I mean.
Em tua defesa, estiveste morto durante cinco anos, mas não foi isso o que quis dizer.
You probably don't recognize phaedra and Milo now that they're dead, or maybe you were too busy running for your life, but- - they were with darhk when held us hostage.
Provavelmente não reconheces a Phaedra e o Milo por estares ocupada a salvar a tua vida, mas... Estavam com o Darhk quando ele nos fez reféns.
Laurel's gone, and finding Andy and whatever you're gonna do to him, it's not gonna bring her back, but if she were here, she'd tell you the same thing that I'm gonna tell you.
A Laurel está morta. Encontrar o Andy e fazer o que queres fazer com ele, não vai trazê-la de volta. Mas, se ela estivesse aqui, diria a mesma coisa que estou a dizer-te agora.
I know you don't live here anymore, but those were nice windows.
Sei que já não vives aqui, mas essas janelas eram bonitas.
You would have wanted, me killing Darhk, but you were always better than me, Laurel.
CANÁRIO NEGRO Sempre foste melhor que eu, Laurel.
You know, this is a nice dinner and all, but I thought you guys were going to save this commercial money for Stewie's college fund.
Sabem, isto é um belo jantar e não sei que mais, mas... pensei que iam poupar este dinheiro da publicidade para o fundo da faculdade do Stewie.
They all started out just like you, but eventually they were destroyed by their parents greed, drugs or perverted Hollywood directors.
Todos começaram tal como tu, mas eventualmente foram destruídos pela cobiça dos pais, drogas, ou realizadores pervertidos de Hollywood.
You were also there in 1987. But that little trip didn't work out like anyone hoped.
Também estiveram em 1987 mas a viagem não correu como esperado.
I wish there were some other way, Mick, but you're dangerous.
Desejava que houvesse outra maneira, Mick, mas tu és perigoso.
I understand. But yeah, you were.
Eu entendo, mas, sim, você foi.
You were pretty young when Mom and Dad died... but they had a great marriage.
Você era muito novo quando mamãe e papai morreram, mas eles tiveram um grande casamento.
No, but you were on the right track.
Estavas no caminho certo.
You were forced to abandon the pleasures of the caffeinated bean during your stay in the Catacombs, but you and I both know... your strong desire... for the cappuccino con doppio caffé.
Foste forçada a abandonar os prazeres dos grãos de café durante a tua estadia nas Catacumbas, mas ambos sabemos o teu forte apreço pelo cappuccino com café duplo.
No, you look like a criminal, but last I checked, you were still a Gallagher.
- Não, tens cara de criminoso, mas pelo que sei, ainda és um Gallagher.
But you were right.
Mas, tinha razão.
But, you know, you were busy with the kids and work, and rushing out of the car to your house, and rushing from the house to the car.
Mas, sabes como é, estavas ocupada com as miúdas e o trabalho e sempre a correr do carro para casa, da casa para o carro. Por isso...
I mean, I've always thought you were cute, but last night you were...
Sempre te achei giro, mas, ontem à noite foste...
If you were to give your beauty elsewhere, you would not receive the beauty of a new life, but only sorrow... and the unbearable burden of guilt.
Se doar a outro lugar, não receberá a beleza de uma nova vida, apenas dor... e o insuportável fardo da culpa.
Everything you were supposed to do but haven't done yet.
Tudo o que devia fazer mas ainda não fez.
And they told me that you always kept a piece of the pipe with you, but that you were missing the other piece.
Disseram-me que mantinha um pedaço do cachimbo consigo, mas que tinha perdido o outro.
Elliot, it took a lot for me to talk to you after what you did, but I agreed with the condition that you were going to be more open with me.
Elliot, custou-me muito falar contigo depois do que fizeste, mas concordei na condição de que irias ser mais aberto comigo.
If your life were chained to a man... who left you despite your devotion, what choice would you have but to break free?
Se a tua vida estivesse ligada à de um homem que te abandonou apesar da tua devoção, que outra escolha terias, excepto tentar libertar-te?
But y-you were a witch.
Mas tu eras um bruxo.
But maybe you were the villains in his story.
Mas talvez os vilões tenham sido vocês no caso dele.
Apologies. But, to be honest, your days were numbered the moment you caught Nik's eye.
Tinhas os dias contados desde que captaste a atenção do Nik.
But you wanted to show me you were more than that.
Mas quiseste provar-me que eras mais que isso.
Maybe I can't kill you, but I can make you wish you were dead.
Talvez não te possa matar, mas posso fazer-te desejar estares morto.
So you're supposed to know better. I don't know what you and Clary were doing all night, but I do know that between the two of you at least one of you has got to have a phone.
Não sei o que tu e a Clary fizeram a noite toda, mas sei que, entre os dois, pelo menos um tem telemóvel.
Clary said you were okay, but I just kept picturing you dead in a ditch somewhere.
A Clary disse que estavas bem, mas imaginava-te morto numa vala qualquer.
I know it's late, but they said you were up, so...
Sei que é tarde, mas disseram que estava a pé.
- If it were anyone but you...
Se fosse qualquer outra pessoa...
And you will hear that the defendant's victims were criminals... but the victims are not on trial here today, and justice does not belong in the hands of a man like Frank Castle.
Dir-vos-ão que as vítimas do arguido eram criminosos, mas não são as vítimas que estão a ser julgadas e a justiça não deve ser feita por alguém como o Frank Castle.
But you and I know you and your family, you... you were at the carousel that day.
Mas ambos sabemos que o Frank e a sua família estavam no carrossel naquele dia.
But with that said, you need to understand that a good number of your assets were seized by the government, Mr. Fisk.
Mas, ainda assim, tem de perceber que muitos dos seus bens foram confiscados pelo Governo, Sr. Fisk.
You were taken from us... but now you have returned.
Foste-nos tirada, mas agora regressaste.
That you were ready for great things, but you won't accomplish anything by wallowing.
Que estavas pronto para grandes coisas, mas que não alcançaras se não parares com essas tolices.
But Snart said you weren't mindless when you were Chronos.
Mas o Snart disse que não eras estúpido quando eras o Chronos.
But I wanted to tell you you were right.
Mas queria dizer-te que tens razão.
But, no, you were right, and I was wrong.
Mas não, estavas certo e eu errado.
You're looking for someone? ( gasps ) But... you were just over there.
Procura alguém? Mas... você estava daquele lado.
You know, Dan, I thought we were actually making progress there for a second, but once again, look who's on Team Everyone Else.
Sabes, Dan, pensei que estavamos a fazer progressos por momentos, mas mais uma vez, olha só quem está na Equipe Todos os Outros.
But before you fell, you were known as Samael.
Mas antes de caires, eras conhecido por Samael.
Yes. Well, we were when she was little, but You know, single father with a teenage daughter...
Bom, éramos quando ela era pequena, mas, sabem, pai solteiro com uma filha adolescente...
But if somebody, if I were to do the things you're implying, all it would take is an elementary genetic synthesis.
Mas, se alguém... se eu fosse fazer as coisas que está a insinuar, apenas precisaria de uma síntese genética elementar.
No, but, Mary, you're thinking about the time we were in Cancún.
Mary, estás a pensar na nossa viagem a Cancun.

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