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But you were wrong traduction Portugais

179 traduction parallèle
But you were wrong about Steve.
Mas estavas enganado quanto ao Steve.
But you were wrong, Jen-Ai.
Mas estava enganada, Jen-Aì.
You've been playing us for saps, but you were wrong.
Tomaste-nos por parvos, mas estavas enganado.
You know, honey, I hate to argue with a man after he's been so nice to me but you were wrong about one thing.
Sabes, querido, detesto discutir com um homem depois de ser tão bom para mim, mas enganaste-te acerca de uma coisa.
You thought you could waltz through life and never bump into me again. But you were wrong, Jerry.
Pensaste que poderias passar o resto da vida sem me encontrar, mas enganaste-te, Jerry!
But you were wrong about somebody trying to kill me.
Mas estavas errado sobre alguém tentar matar-me.
No, but you were wrong to arrest the vedek.
Não, mas erraste ao prender o Vedek.
But you were wrong about something, too.
Mas também te enganaste numa coisa.
But you were wrong.
Mas tu estavas enganada.
Uncle, I hate to say this but you were wrong.
Detesto admiti-lo, mas o tio enganou-se.
And now I'll wait and see! They thought I was some jackass, you know, but they were wrong because I am a...
E eu sempre quero ver agora, que eu era para aqui alguma cavalgadura sabe, mas enganaram-se porque eu cà sou um...
But you were all wrong, Kate.
Está errada, Kate.
I don't know where you were brought up, kid but wherever it was, you were brought up wrong.
Não sei onde foi educado, rapaz. Mas onde quer que tenha sido, foi educado de forma errada.
I know this may sound horrible, but you were right and we were all wrong.
Talvez soe horrivel mas você tinha razão e nós não. Tivemos que chegar a este ponto para descobri-lo.
We were chasin'the wrong fox, but I've run you to earth at last.
Estivemos caçando a raposa errada, mas por fim te apanhei.
I wish I were wrong, Mrs McBain, but you're liable to end up selling the place for a plate of beans.
Gostaria de estar errado, Srª McBain, mas pode acabar por ter que vender por tuta-e-meia.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't I hear you say that you were home all day yesterday?
Corrija-me se estiver enganado, mas não disse que ontem esteve em casa o dia todo?
I wish I were wrong, Mrs McBain, but you're liable to end up selling the place for a plate of beans.
Espero não estar enganado, Sra. McBain, mas vai acabar por vender a terra pelo preço de um prato de feijões.
I'm sorry, but you were going the wrong way, magician.
Lamento mas iam na direcção errada, mágico.
♪ Now the water was deep ♪ ♪ The current was strong ♪ ♪ You thought you could swim but I guess you were wrong ♪
⠙ ª Now the water was deep ⠙ ª ⠙ ª The current was strong ⠙ ª ⠙ ª You thought you could swim but I guess you were wrong ⠙ ª ⠙ ª You sink to the depths of your misery ⠙ ª
But you, too were wrong
também procedeste mal.
I couldn't help but believe, "Oh, Glenn, you were wrong... for probably the first time in your life."
Paul... não puder evitar pensar : " Oh Glenn, como estavas errado! ...
We thought you were brain-damaged or something... but we were wrong.
Pensávamos que vocês fossem dementes, mas enganámo-nos.
Sarah- - But how long did you keep me hanging on while you were sleeping with her, making me feel like I was the one who was doing something wrong?
- Sarah... - Mas quanto tempo me deixaste quando dormias com ela, fazendo-me sentir que eu é que estava a proceder mal?
But now you see that you were very, very wrong.
Mas agora vê que estavam muito, muito errados.
He thought you were wrong about the Maquis but he forgave you which is ironic considering you never forgave him.
Achava que estava errado quanto aos Maquis, mas perdoou-lhe, o que é irónico, tendo em conta que nunca lhe perdoou.
But you were wrong.
No, but I will tell them that you realize that you were wrong.
- Mas eu dir-lhes-ei... que percebeste que erraste.
But if we were wrong, I hope you can forgive us.
Mas se nos enganamos, espero que nos perdoes.
Lois, you were always my favorite niece. I just knew you'd find a wonderful man who would make all your dreams come true. But I was wrong.
Lois, sempre foste a minha sobrinha favorita, eu sabia que ias arranjar um homem maravilhoso que iria fazer os teus sonhos realizarem-se, mas estava enganada,
Not only were you completely wrong, but you made me out to be the crazy one!
Não só estavas errado, como ainda me fizeste passar por maluca!
uh... but that's different from being yet i think we can accommodate a lot of differing views that but from weapon if you devoted to see things for the wrong i do find it very frustrating socrates died for his beliefs how far were you prepared to care for you with
Mas é diferente quando a outra pessoa está errada. Podemos aceitar pontos de vista diferentes. Mas, pessoalmente, se vejo que algo está errado, fico muito incomodado.
- But you said... We were wrong.
- Mas disse...
" You say you're looking for someone who's never weak but always strong To gather flowers constantly whether you were right or wrong But it ain't me, babe
" Vocês dizem que procuram alguém que nunca é fraco mas sempre forte para juntar flores constantemente mesmo que estejam certos ou errados mas não sou eu, querida
Crichton thought you were safe here. But he was wrong.
Crichton achou que você estava segura aqui... mas estava errado.
- You say you don't, but you were picking the wrong size.
- Diz que não precisa, mas estava a escolher o número errado.
You were wrong at the time - he wasn't dead - but that's neither here nor there.
Estavas errado, porque naquela altura ele não estava mesmo morto, mas agora está.
My mother was wrong about you. She said you were an elephant, but you're not.
A minha Mãe estava enganada a teu respeito.
- No, no. But... if you became convinced that you were wrong, you'd be man to admit it... wouldn't you?
Mas, se estivesse convicto de que estava enganado seria homem pra admitir, não é?
No, there was a time where I though you were the smartest person I had never met, but listening to you now, if that is the way you think, then I was wrong about you as you are about me.
Sabe, houve uma altura em que pensei que era a pessoa mais inteligente que alguma vez tinha encontrado, mas ao ouvi-lo agora... se é assim que pensa, estava errada sobre si do mesmo modo que estava sobre mim.
I came home one night, and I don't know how I knew, but I just knew something was wrong, so I went straight to your room... and you were just lying there sleeping like an angel.
Ao regressar uma noite para casa, não sei como soube, mas soube que algo estava errado, fui diretamente ao seu quarto. E estava apenas ali deitada, dormindo como um anjo.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but yesterday you were standing here complaining that we're not doing enough.
Corrija-me se estiver errado, mas ontem estava aqui a queixar-se que não estávamos a fazer o suficiente.
You were blonde, but it was wrong.
Foste loura, mas ficava-te mal.
I hate to tell you this, Jim, but you were in the wrong.
A escoltar o meu superior. - Exactamente.
You were right when you said that once I cared for your opinion of me... but wrong in thinking I ever stopped caring.
Tinhas razão quando disseste que alguma vez me importou que opinião tinhas de mim mas erraste ao pensar que alguma vez deixou de me importar.
But it sounds like you were wrong much with the teacher.
Mas parece que fizeste porcaria com a professora.
I figured I could rely on you, you were my friend, but I was wrong.
Achei que podia confiar em ti. Enganei-me.
If you're absolutely certain that your wife has never had sex with anyone but you... since you were married, then I'm wrong.
Se tem a certeza de que ela nunca dormiu com outro além de si desde que se casaram, então estou enganado.
- look, I thought you and I were the same, but I was wrong.
- Olha, pensei que nós fossemos iguais, mas, estava enganado.
Oh, man, you were right, and I was wrong, but I'm....
Tinhas razão e eu estava enganada, mas...
But when you went back downstairs, you were too drunk and pissed off to know you went to the wrong floor.
Mas quando voltaste para baixo, estavas tão embriagado e danado para saberes que tinhas ido ao andar errado.

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