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Carey traduction Portugais

306 traduction parallèle
Why, Palmer. Why, Carey Sue! Do you remember me?
Palmer Carey Sue, lembram-se de mim?
The strange, almost unbelievable, story of Robert Scott Carey... began on a very ordinary summer day.
A estranha e quase incrível historia de Robert Scott Carey... começou num dia comum de verão.
I know this story better than anyone because I am Robert Scott Carey.
Conheço esta história melhor que ninguém porque eu sou Robert Scott Carey.
- Morning, Mrs. Carey.
- Olá, Sra. Carey.
Still get five foot eleven inches, Mr. Carey.
Continua a medir 1,80 m, Sr. Carey.
Oh, I very much doubt if you've been losing height, Mr. Carey.
Duvido muito que tenha perdido altura, Sr. Carey.
I wouldn't worry about it, Mr. Carey.
- Não se preocupe.
People don't get shorter, Mr. Carey.
As pessoas não encolhem, Sr. Carey.
Well, that's the last of them, Mr. Carey.
Esta é a última, Sr. Carey.
I don't profess to understand it, Mr. Carey.
Não consigo entender isso, Sr. Carey.
That's what we've always believed, Mrs. Carey.
Isso era o que nos acreditávamos, Sra. Carey.
Now don't be despondent, Mr. Carey.
Não desanime agora, Sr. Carey.
We think we do, Mr. Carey.
Acreditamos que sim, Sr. Carey.
And still Robert Scott Carey... known to a nation as The Incredible Shrinking Man, keeps getting smaller.
E mesmo agora, Robert Scott Carey, O incrível homem que diminui, continua a encolher.
My name is Louise Carey, my hus...
Chamo-me Louise Carey e meu marido...
The incredible Scott Carey, the shrinking freak? - Stop it.
Scott Carey, a aberração que encolhe!
Yes, this is Carey.
Sim, sou o Carey.
Mr. Carey will remain here under observation for a week.
O Sr. Carey ficará em observação uma semana.
Mr. Carey, we seem to have checked the degenerative process of your disease.
Acredito que paramos o processo degenerativo.
Mr. Carey, I assure you, we'll go on working.
Asseguro-lhe que continuamos a investigar.
- My name's Scott Carey.
- Eu sou Scott Carey.
Scott Carey?
Scott Carey?
The passing of Robert Scott Carey.
A morte do Robert Scott Carey.
Carey's death was the result of an attack by a common house cat... a former pet in the Carey home.
Carey morreu devido ao ataque de um gato doméstico, a ex-mascote na casa de Carey.
A man whose fantastic story... was known to virtually every man, woman and child in the civilised world. - Mr. Carey?
Um homem cuja fantástica história... era conhecida por quase todos os homens, mulheres e miúdos do mundo civilizado.
- Want to say hello to Kerry?
Quercumprimentar a Carey? Quero!
Hi, Nick.
- Oi, Carey.
- ( laughing ) - Got Kerry on here.
Vamos trazer a Carey para cá.
Carey, Michael S. Phelps, Robert A. Colbert.
Carey, Michael S. Phelps, Robert A. Colbert.
I mean. I know he was tough on his kids.
Sei que ele era muito duro com seus filhos, especialmente com Harry Carey Jr.
especially on Harry Carey Jr and a couple of the others. and. uh...
e mais alguns outros e...
It was 1917 and the star was that great early Western hero Harry Carey.
Era 1917 e a estrela foi um grande heroi de faroestes, Harry Carey.
They had a picture coming up with Harry Carey. And they had no director. and. uh.
E iam fazer um filme com Harry Carey, e não tinham um diretor, e o Sr. Laemmle disse :
From Harry Carey to John Wayne, the same.
Desde Harry Carey a John Wayne, é esse mesmo homem.
And one of Harry Carey's. uh. stances was grabbing his elbow and looking off and he always seemed like such a lonely character to me.
E uma das posturas de Harry Carey era agarrar seu cotovelo e olhar com força. E sempre o achei um personagem muito solitário.
Mariah Carey?
- Mariah Carey?
I'm Paul Carey from the airline.
Sou Paul Carey, da companhia aérea.
Did you know Detective Carey in SIU?
Conhecia o Detective Carey, da UEI?
And Carey knows you.
E o Carey conhece-o a si.
Carey Mahoney.
Carey Mahoney.
Officers Moses Hightower and Carey Mahoney.
Os agentes Moses Hightower... e Carey Mahoney.
( Harry Carey on radio ) Hello again, everybody.
Olá, pessoal!
Officer Carey Mahoney reporting for duty, sir.
Agente Carey Mahoney a apresentar-se ao serviço.
Carey Mahoney, your new partner.
Carey Mahoney, o teu novo parceiro.
- Carey, look at this.
- Carey, olha para isto.
I'm one of your hosts, Sgt. Carey Mahoney.
Sou um dos anfitriões, o Sgt. Carey Mahoney.
I'm Officer Carey Mahoney.
Sou o Guarda Carey Mahoney.
You love Scott Carey.
Amas o Scott Carey.
- Yes?
- Sr. Carey?
Dwayne Statz and Vince Lloyd... this is Harry Carey at Wrigley Field.
Aqui fala-vos Harry Cary...

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