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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ C ] / Cell phone vibrates

Cell phone vibrates traduction Portugais

17 traduction parallèle
If he gets frustrated, encounters too many obstacles, Or suffers a blow to his narcissistic ego, [Cell phone vibrates] he could go on an all-Out rampage.
Se fica frustrado, se encontra demasiados obstáculos, ou se sofre um abalo no seu ego narcisista, pode entrar numa espiral de violência.
( Her cell phone vibrates. ) An old lady should be able to cross the street without fearing for her life.
Uma idosa deveria poder atravessar a rua sem ter de temer pela vida.
( cell phone vibrates )
- Elas foram instaladas?
( celular VIBRA )
Vais para o tribunal?
[Cell phone vibrates] So round one goes to the ladies.
A primeira ronda vai para a senhora.
[Cell phone vibrates] Hold that thought.
Espera. Desculpa, pensei que fosse a Autumn.
- Feel free to look around and... - [cell phone vibrates]... we have the plans up on the wall here.
Podem ver à vontade, os planos estão pendurados aqui na parede.
( Cell phone vibrates ) Oh, fuck!
- ( CELL PHONE vibrates ) - Excuse me.
Peço desculpa.
[Cell phone vibrates]
- [both chuckle ] [ cell phone vibrates] - Get a banner.
Arranjem um banner.
[Cell phone vibrates]
E está?
[Cell phone vibrates] She'll think you're having an affair.
Ela vai pensar que tens um caso.
[Cell phone vibrates] You should answer that.
Devias atender.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Al, não.
[Cell phone vibrates] - Yes, unfortunately, Martha... right. Oh, Castle, there's been a homicide.
- Castle, houve um homicídio.

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