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Croissants traduction Portugais

195 traduction parallèle
I'm hungry bring me coffee and croissants on the terrace
- Tenho fome. Traga-me um café e biscoitos ao terraço.
Jelly rolls, mocha éclairs and Boston cream pie and cherry tarts...
Croissants recheados, éclairs de moka, tartes de creme, de cereja...
Coffee and a couple of croissants.
Dois cafés e dois croissants.
- Cider with hot croissants.
- O quê? Uma tigela grande de cidra e'croissants'quentes.
Croissants, sir.
- O que é isso?
I brought you some croissants. Fresh from that nice old dairy on the corner of your street.
Trouxe croissants frescos da pastelaria da esquina da vossa rua.
I even went out and bought you some croissants.
Até saí para te comprar uns croissants.
Coffee, juice, croissant, eggs?
Café, laranjada, croissants, ovos?
I want two coffee, orange juice, croissant...
Queria dois cafés, sumo de laranja, croissants...
We have croissants.
Temos croissants.
First of all I would like to have breakfast with you.. ... in a dairy where they bake great croissants.
Primeiro, gostava de tomar o pequeno almoço contigo numa pastelaria, onde fazem belos doces.
It's canapes and croissants for the next few days.
Tapas e "croissants" para os próximos dias.
Bagels, eggs, how pretty.
Croissants, ovos.
Pass the croissants, please.
Passe os croissants, por favor.
- Croissants?
- Croissants?
Croissants in the morning!
- Croissants de manhã.
Want some "café au lait" and croissants?
Queres'café au lait'e'croissants'?
I'd like some of their awful coffee and plaster croissants.
Quero o horrível café deles com croissants em plástico.
Welcome to Croissants Aplenty.
Bem-vindos ao Croissants Aplenty.
Welcome back to Croissants Aplenty.
Bem-vindo de volta ao Croissants Aplenty.
Grab ourselves a shower, pick up some croissants and shit.
Dão-nos um banho de chuveiro, levam uns croissants e merdas assim.
I've got croissants and those beignet-type things.
E croissants e aqueles bolinhos.
We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and DEFINITELY no smeggin'flapjacks!
Não queremos queques, torradas, biscoitos, rufadas, brioches, baguetes ou bicos de pato, não queremos croissants, regueifa, panquecas, bolos de batata, panikes, e de certeza que não queremos crepes!
Des oeufs de jambon... du cafe, du pain, des croissants.
Ovos, presunto, café, pão e "croissants".
For breakfast, French pastry, correct? Lunch, UN finger food.
Para o pequeno-almoço, croissants e almoço buffet de comida étnica.
We were inseparable by day and insatiable by night. Just lived on love and stale croissants.
Éramos inseparáveis de di e insaciáveis de noite, vivendo só de amor e de croissants duros.
The croissants look good.
Os croissants têm bom aspecto.
Yes. I gained 10 pounds eating croissants.
Sim, engordei 5kg a comer croissants.
We'll also make cakes.
Faríamos croissants, bolos...
Like hot croissants, roquefort.
A croissants quentes, a roquefort.
- Get some croissants.
- Buscar croissants.
We have a fine selection of scones, croissants, tea biscuits and mille-feuille.
Temos uma boa selecção de scones, croissants, biscoitos e mil-folhas.
I was going to do croissants, but you might've had a heart attack.
Por acaso pensei em fazer croissants, mas podia causar-te um ataque de coração.
♪ But then we crave a meal more nourishing to chew ♪ ♪ And since you're shaped ♪ ♪ Like a croissant is ♪
Mas já não me chega um Pão de Deus e tens muita pinta lembras croissants
Nasty French planet - filled with shifty, backstabbing, croissant-sniffing nitwits.
Planeta francês nojento. Cheio de cretinos manhosos, traidores, snifadores de croissants.
Croissants flew everywhere.
Voaram croissants por todo o lado.
Coming to get the croissants with me?
Oferece-te para ir pelo pão comigo?
Sorry, I'm fresh out of croissants.
Desculpe, não tenho nada que se coma.
- No croissant?
- Não há croissants?
It's 12 : 00, I went to buy some croissants and in the meantime I married the baker.
Era meio-dia, fui comprar croassaints e, desesperada, casei-me com o padeiro.
- Croissants are bread.
- Não aqui. Croissant é pão.
- Croissants are pastry.
- Croissant é folhado.
They don't have croissants.
Não há croissants por aqui.
Yeah, but at the bakery we would've gotten croissants and cinnamon rolls.
Sim, mas se tivéssemos ido à padaria poderíamos ter croissants | e pãezinhos de canela.
Danishes, doughnuts, croissants.
bolos, donuts e croissants.
- Got croissants, Elsa?
- Tem croissants, dona Elsa?
We only do a croissant with the continental breakfast.
Só fazemos croissants com o pequeno-almoço continental.
"Second floor--croissants!" You know?
"Segundo andar... croissants!" Não é? Pois.
- Any rolls left?
O que toma? Ainda tem croissants?
Nick, what is it?
- Croissants.
I'll get some croissants.
- Eu vou buscar alguns croissants.

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