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Did you call the cops traduction Portugais

56 traduction parallèle
Why did you call the cops?
Porque chamas-te a polícia?
- Did you call the cops?
- Chamou a polícia?
Did you call the cops?
Chamou a Polícia?
- What? - Did you call the cops?
- Ligaram à polícia?
Hey, fuckface! Did you call the cops?
Ó meu cara de cú, trouxeste a bófia?
- Did you call the cops?
- Chamaram a polícia?
Did you call the cops?
- Chamaste a polícia?
Did you call the cops?
Chamaram a polícia?
Did you call the cops? !
Chamaste os polícias?
- Did you call the cops? !
- Chamaste os polícias?
Did you call the cops yet?
Já chamaste a Polícia?
Did you call the cops?
Chamaste a polícia?
- Did you call the cops, too?
Também chamaste a polícia?
- Did you call the cops?
- Chamaste a Polícia?
- Did you call the cops?
- Chamaste a bófia?
Flanders, why did you call the cops last night?
Flanders, porque é que chamaste a polícia ontem? Eu tinha de o fazer.
- Did you call the cops?
- Chamaste a polícia?
Did you call the cops?
Chamaste os bófias?
Did you call the cops?
Você chamou a polícia?
Did you call the cops?
- Chamou a polícia?
Larry, did you call the cops?
- Larry, chamaste a polícia? - Merda!
- Did you call the cops?
Chamou a polícia?
Did you call the cops?
Chamaste a Polícia?
Did you call the cops?
Ligou para a polícia?
- Did you call the cops? In this neighborhood, there's really no point.
Nesta vizinhança, nem vale a pena.
- Did you call the cops?
- Alertou a Polícia?
Did you call the cops?
Chamaste a Polícia? - Não.
- Did you call the cops?
Ligou para a polícia?
Did you call the fucking cops?
Chamaste a merda da polícia?
Did you call the fucking cops, Stephan?
Telefonas-te aos caralhos dos polícias, Stephan?
Get to a phone, call the cops, call an ambulance, anything, actually, other than what you did.
Pegar num telefone e chamar a polícia, chamar uma ambulância. - Tudo, excepto aquilo que fez.
Did you call the cops?
Chamou a polícia?
I'm not going to bite you. Did you call the cops?
Você chamou a polícia?
I don't know what the fuck you did to piss this guy off, but you're gonna have to let me out and call the cops!
Não sei o que fez para o irritar, mas deixe-me sair e chamar a polícia!
You didn't call the cops, did you?
- Não chamaste a polícia, pois não?
Did you guys call the cops?
Vocês chamaram a polícia?
Did you call the campus cops?
Ligaram para a polícia da universidade?
- Did you call the fucking cops? - All right.
- Chamaste a merda da Polícia?
I'm gonna call the cops because I did use the credit card at Tiffany when you asked me to do you a favor and get your mom something nice.
Vou chamar a polícia porque usei o cartão de crédito na "Tiffany's" quando me pediste para te fazer um favor e comprar algo giro à tua mãe.
Why don't you just call the cops on me like you did when I tried to make this my pool?
Por que não chama a Polícia como fez quando tentei fazer a minha piscina?
Why don't you call the cops like you did on Christmas?
Porque não chamas a policia como fizeste no Natal?
An old Mexican con and a former mob- - whatever you want to call it- - explaining to the cops why these two dirty gangbangers ended up all busted like they did?
Um velho mexicano e um aleijado o que tu quiseres chamar a isso. Explicar aos policias porque estes dois gangsters acabaram da maneira que acabaram?
Did you at least call the cops?
Ao menos ligaram à polícia?
And if you did see me hurt ali, Then why didn't you just call the cops?
E se me viu fazer mal à Ali, porque não chamou a Polícia?
And if you did see me hurt Ali, then why didn't you just call the cops?
E se me viu fazer mal à Ali, porque não chamou a Polícia?

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