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Didn't know that traduction Portugais

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Sam put on a good face, but, deep down, I married a man that I didn't really know.
CAM fingia ser bonzinho, mas no fundo casei-me com um estranho.
What they didn't know is that he was beating me, because I covered up for him again and again.
O que elas não sabem é que ele andava a bater-me, porque eu o encobria repetidamente.
I'm adopted, and no we're no talking about it, but yes, it means I have personal feelings about this issue, which I would consider putting aside if I didn't know that this was just Wes and his crazy.
Eu sou adoptada, e não, não estamos a falar disso, mas sim, significa que eu tenho sentimentos pessoais sobre este problema, os quais eu podia considerar deixar de lado Se eu não soubesse que é apenas o Wes e a sua loucura.
How do we know that you didn't put the gun there yourself?
Como é que podemos saber que não colocou a arma ali?
I know how you feel, Catherine,'cause there's nothing scarier than being accused of something that you didn't do.
Sei como se sente, Catherine, não há nada mais assustador que ser acusada de algo que não se fez.
Maybe that says a lot about me, about how stupid I was and how stupid I am, but I didn't know they were gonna do that. I didn't and...
Talvez isso diga muito sobre mim, sobre como fui burro e como sou burro, mas eu não sabia que iam fazer aquilo.
I don't know... didn't have a good feeling about that event.
Não tinha um bom pressentimento em relação àquela prova.
Anthony knew he didn't know me but he pretended he also recognised me in that fake way some people do.
O Anthony sabia que não me conhecia, mas fingiu reconhecer-me daquela maneira falsa de algumas pessoas.
I didn't know this, but about that much of the pistol was laying out under a blanket.
Eu não sabia, mas uma ponta da pistola estava fora do cobertor, à vista.
Did you know that I almost didn't wear this shirt today?
Sabias que quase não vestia esta camisola hoje?
I hadn't... uh, I didn't know if you'd be okay with that.
Ainda não... Não sabia se ias aceitar isso muito bem.
I didn't know that was possible.
- Não sabia que isso era possível.
And don't give me that business about bonding, because Joe didn't even know I was there.
E não me venhas falar de ligações, porque o Joe nem sabia que eu estava lá.
She knew that you were capable of covering up rape, but she didn't know that you were capable of murder.
Ela sabia que era capaz de encobrir uma violação, mas ela não sabia que era capaz de assassinato.
You didn't think that was something we should know?
Pensava que não deveríamos saber disso?
Don't know what's more regrettable. That a mass murderer didn't suffer, of that he couldn't be taken alive.
Não sei se é mais lamentável que não tenha sofrido, ou que não tenha sido capturado vivo.
That's why Fitzgerald acted the way he did at the station- - he really didn't know about his wife.
Por isso o Fitzgerald se comportou assim. Não sabia mesmo da mulher.
You know, I've, uh, been hiding out in that Gremlin for, like, ten years now... from something, turns out, I didn't even do.
Sabes, eu... tenho-me escondido como um Gremlin há uns 10 anos... De uma coisa que nem sequer fiz.
Okay, um... I didn't know that you were down here.
Não sabia que tu estavas cá em baixo.
I want you to know that I didn't forget about him.
Quero que saibas que não me esqueci dele.
You didn't know who was in that closet.
Não sabias quem estava no armário.
You didn't know that, did you?
Não sabias, pois não?
How do I know that you didn't call her from a landline?
Como é que sei que não lhe ligaste duma linha fixa?
Now, she didn't know that her father was an arms dealer, and he's dead now, but back then, he was alive.
Ela não sabia isso dele. Agora ele está morto, naquela época, estava vivo.
I-I didn't even know that he was out of jail until they came here yesterday and told...
Nem sequer sabia que ele saiu da cadeia até virem aqui e me contarem...
Okay, I know that we can't divulge stuff, but I didn't know we'd moved on to spinning each other.
Está bem, sei que não podemos divulgar as coisas, mas não sabia que agora tínhamos tretas entre nós.
I didn't know that you were working here.
Não sabia que trabalhavas aqui.
Because when they first questioned me, I didn't know Joy was dead, and I didn't want Hanna to know that I'd met with her.
- Quando me interrogaram, não sabia que a Joy estava morta, não queria que a Hanna soubesse.
And Steve didn't like that, you know.
E o Steve não gostava disso.
That is to say, they matched it to somebody in the data bank who they didn't know was in there.
Pertencia a alguém que estava no banco de dados e que não sabiam que lá estava.
It showed me that he suspected that Gregory Allen was the assailant. But it also showed me... I didn't know how else to take it, other than that he was worried about his exposure.
que ele suspeitava que o Gregory Allen era culpado e que, não sei que mais pensar, a não ser que apenas estava preocupado com a imagem dele, pelo facto de haver informação sobre o Gregory Allen no ficheiro.
It's just very odd that we... we didn't hear from her for the last two days when she didn't return calls, you know?
Foi estranho... Ela não ter dito nada nestes dois últimos dias, nem ter atendido as chamadas, sabe?
I just want you to know, it's not that I didn't trust you.
Só quero que saibas que não é porque não confio em ti.
You know, get'em out so that they can prove they didn't do it.
Tirá-los de lá, para provarem que não foram eles.
[indistinct chatter ] [ Buting] The State wants to argue and in fact put out into the media as quickly as November 4th and maybe even November 3rd, that Steven Avery was the last person to see her, when they didn't know that, and they don't know that to this day.
O Estado quer deixar claro, e diz à comunicação social, logo a quatro de novembro, ou mesmo a 3 de novembro, que o Steven Avery foi a última pessoa a vê-la, quando eles não sabiam isso, assim como não sabem agora.
And the problem in that regard is, from this method, I don't know whether that's simply because they didn't detect it or because it wasn't there.
O problema é que, com este método, não sabemos se simplesmente não foi detetado ou não estava presente.
Well, Bill, that juror was actually excused last night, - but we didn't find out until... - I don't know what that would mean.
O jurado foi dispensado ontem à noite mas só descobrimos quando...
I felt there were some biased jurors that didn't, you know, keep an open mind and they had their mind made up, you know, before the trial started.
Senti que havia jurados parciais que não mantinham a mente aberta, já estavam decididos, antes do julgamento começar.
- I didn't know that.
- Eu não sabia disso.
But that day when I woke up face down in that snowbank, I didn't know where I was.
Mas no dia que despertei com a neve pela boca abaixo... não sabía aonde estava.
I didn't know it was that hot, guys.
- Não sabía que estava tão quente.
I didn't know that.
Eu não sabia disso.
I didn't even know it did that.
Nem sabia que fazia isto!
I didn't need an experiment to know that I loved you.
Não precisei de uma experiência para saber que te amava.
I didn't know that that was a thing.
Eu não sabia que havia problema.
I guess I didn't know that that would upset you because you don't actually ever really share anything with me.
Eu não sabia que aquilo te incomodava porque nunca partilhas nada comigo.
I got close enough to know that he didn't smell like a perp.
Aproximei-me o suficiente para saber que ele não cheira a bandido.
I didn't know just because I have a job and you don't that you wouldn't listen to me.
Não sabia que por ter emprego, e tu não, não me irias ouvir.
I didn't know where you were going with that.
Não sabia aonde querias chegar com essa, pá.
Sorry, I didn't know you were that sensitive.
Desculpa, não sabia que eras tão sensível.
So much so that General Ruiz didn't even know how he did it.
Tanto que o general Ruiz nem sabia como ele o fazia.

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