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Dim the lights traduction Portugais

108 traduction parallèle
We always dim the lights 45 minutes before we surface.
Reduzimos as luzes 45 minutos antes de submergirmos.
♪ Dim the lights and start locking the door ♪
Baixe as luzes e comece a fechar as portas.
Are you over your grief enough to dim the lights?
Já superou sua mágoa para abaixar as luzes?
# I'll play acts at the stage Dim the lights
Vou actuar no palco, reduza as luzes
- Honey, would you dim the lights? - Sure.
Reduzes as luzes?
Dim the lights?
Apagar as luzes?
Could you dim the lights?
Pode apagar as luzes?
Go ahead, Brent. Dim the lights.
Apaga as luzes, Brent!
You want to turn on the laser network and dim the lights a little bit?
Quer ligar a rede de laser e baixar as luzes?
- Dim the lights.
- Reduz as luzes.
Could you dim the lights on your way out?
Pode baixar as luzes quando sair?
Now, could you kindly dim the lights a little, please?
Podes diminuir um pouco a luz, por favor?
Dim the lights.
Lisa, acende as luzes.
Uh, could you dim the lights a little?
Uh, pode diminuir um pouco as luzes?
For God sakes, dim the lights.
Por amor de Deus, diminui a luz.
Dim the lights.
Baixa as luzes.
Computer, dim the lights.
Computador, diminuir a iluminação.
I'd ask you to dim the lights.
pedia que diminuísse as luzes.
Computer, dim the lights.
Computador, baixe as luzes.
Ooh, I'll dim the lights.
Ooh, eu vou baixar as luzes.
- We'll dim the lights.
- Diminuímos as luzes.
Dim the lights.
Dim as luzes.
I dim the lights and think about you
Eu apago as luzes e penso em ti
Should I dim the lights?
Baixo as luzes?
We'll give you a container, you can go home, make yourself comfortable, dim the lights, put on a little sweet soul music...
Damos-lhe um recipiente, pode ir para casa, pôr-se à vontade, escureça a luz, oiça um pouco de música suave...
Or should I dim the lights for you?
Ou querem que vos ponha à média luz?
Does he dim the lights sometimes, too?
Ele também consegue apagar as luzes?
Paul, can you dim the lights, please?
Paul, podes baixar as luzes, por favor?
Albie agreed to dim the lights a little each night as long as I was there to protect him.
Ele concordou em baixar um pouco a luz cada noite, desde que eu estivesse lá para o proteger.
By day, they bake cookie and carpool. But dim the lights and bam- - they turn into total pigs.
De dia fazem bolos e empurram carrinhos de bebé mas apagasse as luzes e tornam-se numas autenticas porcas.
# I see you standing all alone # # By the stereo # # I dim the lights down to very low, here we go #
Vi-te parada ao pé da aparelhagem Baixei as luzes e aqui vou eu
- Don't dim the lights this time.
- Não diminuas as luzes. Não desta vez.
Dim the lights.
Diminua as luzes.
Foundation. If we could dim the lights, I'd be happy to provide the defense all the foundation it could wish for.
Sempre quis cometer suicídio profissional em tribunal.
In the gloaming, oh, my darling, - When the lights are dim and low, - And the quiet shadows falling. -
Ao anoitecer, meu amor, - quando as luzes são ténues e as sombras serenas - - se desvanecem, acode suavemente - - e com suavidade vai-te embora. -
I'll drop off as close to the spot as I can. Let the train pass, then dim your lights twice.
Deixa passar o comboio e acende as luzes duas vezes.
I was just going to bed when the lights began to dim.
Estava mesmo a deitar-me quando as luzes começaram a falhar.
The lights are growing dim.
Está a escurecer.
But when the lights are dim You never know who's to blame
Mas quando as luzes se apagam Nunca sabes quem hás-de culpar
But when the lights are dim I'm not the only guilty one
Mas quando as luzes se apagam Não sou o único culpado
But when the lights are dim
Mas quando as luzes se apagam não sou o único culpado.
Our lights will grow dim and the very air we breathe, so thin.
As luzes apagar-se-äo, e o ar que respiramos ficará rarefeito.
She uses it and the lights dim.
Quando usa, as luzes diminuem.
When he is around, it's like the lights dim everywhere else.
Quando está por perto é como se as luzes vacilassem.
There were three dim lights coming from the top.
Havia três luzes fracas que vinham de cima.
- Miguel, dim the house lights. - Hmm?
Miguel, baixa as luzes do teatro.
Okay, the lights dim, I take the stage.
Okay, as luzes acendem-se, eu ocupo o palco.
Julio, dim the stage lights!
Julio, baixa as luzes do palco!
All right, let's dim the house lights.
Bem, baixemos um pouco as luzes.
I know the lights are beginning to dim, but if you could just hang on for a second, when Matt's finished, I'm gonna kill him and your daughter, and I would love for you to see that.
Sei que estás a começar a ver mal, mas, assim que o Matt acabar, eu mato-o a ele e à tua filha e gostava que tu assistisses.
EACH HIS OWN CINEMA or that thrill when the lights dim and the movie begins
Chacun Son Cinema ou "aquela sensação quando as luzes se apagam e o filme começa"

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