The lights traduction Portugais
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- Well if it were me, I would make the lights cycle on and off, strobe like a camera flash.
Bem, se fosse eu, faria as luzes alternarem num ciclo intermitente, Piscar como o flash duma máquina fotográfica.
Jarvis, turn the lights to 2000 kelvin.
JARVIS ligue as luzes em 1700 ° Celsius.
The lights came back on.
As luzes voltaram. Isso é um bom sinal.
Leave the lights off.
Deixa a luz apagada.
I hit send and thought, "Well, that's done" and turned the lights off.
Carreguei na tecla enviar e pensei, "Bem, está feito" e desliguei as luzes.
Oh, we can't dim the lights.
Não podemos diminuir a intensidade das luzes.
You got dreams of the lights.
Sonhas com a fama.
When the lights go down, we pick their pockets.
quando se apagam as luzes, roubamos o que está nos bolsos.
Bring in the lights and the air hoses.
Tragam as luzes e as mangueiras de ar.
Turn the lights on, will you?
Liga as luzes, sim?
Growing up, my mom had to work multiple jobs just to keep the lights on, and there wasn't a lot of spare time to help me learn how to read.
A minha mãe tinha vários empregos só para conseguirmos ter electricidade e não lhe sobrava muito tempo para me ensinar a ler.
Then came the lights in the sky, and everything changed.
Então, surgiram as luzes no céu, e tudo mudou.
I know you're in there, I can see the lights on.
Sei que estás aí. Consigo ver as luzes acesas.
What are the lights?
O que são aquelas luzes?
Here's to keeping the lights on for another month.
Um brinde a poder pagar a conta da electricidade.
$ 40 million just keeps the lights on?
40 milhões de dólares só pagam a conta da electricidade?
We started on that about 10 weeks ago, and... here today, the lights come on and the smoke rolls in and it looks great.
Começámos a trabalhar nele há cerca de dez semanas, e hoje aqui, as luzes ligam-se e o fumo espalha-se e parece ótimo.
Oh, my God, my shining is so strong, it's sucking the energy out of all the lights.
Meu Deus, o meu dom é tão forte que sugou a electricidade toda.
When the lights are low
Quando as luzes estão baixas
Kill the lights on my command.
Apague as luzes ao meu sinal.
Can you try and get the lights back on?
- Podes tentar voltar a ligar as luzes?
- Did you see the lights flicker?
Viram as luzes a vacilar?
- Mmm. Yeah, the lights went in the kitchen as well, just before the chef saw it.
As luzes também se apagaram na cozinha mesmo antes de o cozinheiro o ter visto.
Ugh, where are the lights?
Onde estão as luzes?
Can you turn on the lights?
Podes acender as luzes?
Why don't you hit the lights.
Porque não apagas as luzes.
â ™ ª I just wanna turn the lights on â ™ ª Your husband's mr.
O seu marido é o Mr.
Well, what if we turn off all the lights except for one, and it'll come to it.
Como o apanhamos? Que tal desligarmos todas as luzes excepto uma, e ele virá até ela.
Okay, okay, so if I remain calm, I'll get more gems like, "Turn off the lights"?
Então se eu ficar calmo, vais ter ideias brilhantes como "desligar as luzes"?
This is the footage taken from your office right before the lights went out.
Isto são imagens do seu escritório momentos antes das luzes se apagarem.
Please follow the lights up the aisle.
Por favor, sigam as luzes no corredor.
So what's the deal, you just plug'em in, then it's lights out, Samaritan?
Ligas e o Samaritano, deixa de funcionar?
Can we turn on the overheads? Fluorescent lights make me violent.
Luzes fluorescentes fazem-me violenta.
The UVC lights, they were...
As lâmpadas UVC, estavam...
There's a truck in the driveway and some lights are on.
Há uma carrinha estacionada a entrada e luzes acesas.
At was another client, for the Seattle city lights account, completely unrelated to this trip.
Não tem nada a ver com essa viagem.
Take off the exit signs and use their battery lights.
Apanha as placas e usa as baterias em lanternas. Não podemos ficar abertos, assim.
The lights went out, and you made your own light.
As luzes foram-se, e vocês fizeram as vossas próprias luzes.
For I have known I was destined to draw the eye of a great and powerful man for a long time, ever since I saw those mysterious lights in the sky.
Há muito tempo que sabia estar destinada a atrair a atenção de um homem forte e poderoso. Sei-o desde que vi aquelas luzes misteriosas no céu. Também as haveis visto?
A craft from the heavenly spheres, bedight with twinkling lights and miracles beyond imagining!
Uma galera das esferas celestes, com luzes cintilantes e milagres inimagináveis!
Some of the lights are out.
Algumas luzes apagaram-se. Temos um Dalek danificado.
You got the first lights on.
Conseguiste acender as primeiras luzes.
I said the booze must be what keeps your lights on.
Disse que as bebidas devem manter as luzes acesas.
Run the red lights.
Avance nos sinais vermelhos.
The red lights... international airports.
As luzes vermelhas são aeroportos internacionais.
The white lights represent variables that your genius friends at the FBI failed to identify, variables which I believe, due to their sheer number, represent airport warehouses.
As luzes brancas representam variáveis que os génios dos teus amigos do FBI não identificaram, variáveis que devido ao seu número acredito representarem armazéns de aeroportos.
If you think we should kill the creature, turn your lights off.
Se acham que devemos matar a criatura, desliguem as vossas luzes.
If you think we should take the chance let it live leave your lights on.
Se acham que devemos correr o risco, deixá-la viver... Deixem as luzes acesas.
- Did the lights...
- Mas as luzes...
The full brain lights up.
O cérebro ilumina-se na sua totalidade.
If they get scared, they'll have hats with lights because down there, it's night-night all the time.
Se se assustarem, têm aqueles capacetes com luzes, porque lá em baixo é sempre de noite!
the lights are on 28
the lights went out 23
lights 343
lights out 204
lights up 17
lights off 30
lights on 45
the lord is my shepherd 76
the little mermaid 17
the lord be with you 29
the lights went out 23
lights 343
lights out 204
lights up 17
lights off 30
lights on 45
the lord is my shepherd 76
the little mermaid 17
the lord be with you 29
the lord works in mysterious ways 23
the last few days 25
the line 46
the leg 22
the liar 16
the last one 115
the love of my life 42
the last time you were here 18
the longer we wait 44
the legend 36
the last few days 25
the line 46
the leg 22
the liar 16
the last one 115
the love of my life 42
the last time you were here 18
the longer we wait 44
the legend 36
the lord is with thee 72
the last i heard 37
the last 153
the letter 112
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the left 71
the light 187
the last time i checked 40
the law 124
the last i heard 37
the last 153
the letter 112
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the left 71
the light 187
the last time i checked 40
the law 124