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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ E ] / Enough of this nonsense

Enough of this nonsense traduction Portugais

53 traduction parallèle
Enough of this nonsense!
Oh, enough of this nonsense.
Ah, chega de disparates.
- That's enough of this nonsense.
- Chega destes disparates!
I've had enough of this nonsense.
Já me fartei disto.
I think we've had enough of this nonsense!
Acho que já chega de parvoíce!
I think we've had enough of this nonsense,
Acho que já chega deste disparate,
I've had enough of this nonsense!
Estou farto deste disparate!
And now I think we've had quite enough of this nonsense.
Basta de bobagens.
Enough of this nonsense.
Chega de disparates.
Enough of this nonsense! Get the book!
Basta de disparates.
All right. Enough of this nonsense. Give it here.
Chega de bobagem.
I've had enough of this nonsense.
Estou farto das vossas macaquices!
Enough of this nonsense, darling.
Chega de tolices, querida.
Enough of this nonsense!
Estou a ficar farta disto!
Now that's quite enough of this nonsense, Daughter.
Agora já chega de tolices, filha.
Enough of this nonsense!
Chega de parvoíces!
All right, enough of this nonsense.
Está bem, chega de parvoíces.
I've had enough of this nonsense.
Já estou farto deste disparate.
Now, Senator Brewster, you can subpoena me, you can arrest me, you can even claim that I've folded up and taken a run-out powder, but, well, I've had just about enough of this nonsense.
Senador Brewster, o senhor pode intimar-me, pode prender-me, até pode dizer que eu desisti e saí a correr, mas para mim já chega deste disparate.
I have had enough of this nonsense!
Estou farto destas idiotices!
Okay, enough of this nonsense.
Já chega de disparates.
Now enough of this nonsense.
agora bastante desta tolice.
That was close. Courtney, I've had enough of this nonsense!
Courtney, estou cansado deste disparate.
- Enough of this nonsense!
- Já chega de disparates!
I've had enough of this nonsense.
Já tive o suficiente deste absurdo.
Enough of this nonsense.
Isso é um absurdo total!
Okay, chloe, enough of this nonsense.
Certo. Chloe, chega deste disparate.
All right, Lisa, I've had just about enough of this nonsense.
Muito bem, Lisa, chega de disparates.
Enough of this nonsense.
Chega dessa treta.
That's enough of this nonsense.
Já chega destes disparates.
Enough of this nonsense!
Chega de choradeira. Basta!
Enough of this nonsense.
Chega deste disparate.
Okay, enough of this nonsense.
Chega desta bobagem.
You know, I've heard quite enough of this nonsense.
Quer saber? Já ouvi bobagem suficiente.
Now, enough of this nonsense.
Agora, chega destes disparates.
Enough of this nonsense, Kanan.
Chega Kanan.
Okay, I have had enough of this nonsense!
Já chega deste disparate.
Enough of this nonsense, we've got to get to bed.
Chega deste disparate, temos de dormir. Não!
É was hoping she's had enough of this career nonsense.
Tinha esperanças que tivesse desistido disto.
Enough of this cat-and-mouse nonsense.
Chega de jogar ao gato e ao rato.
Enough of this cat-and-mouse nonsense.
Chega desta palermice de gato e rato.
- Enough of this nonsense. - No, it's not nonsense.
- Não, não é disparate.
Enough of this nonsense!
Chega de disparates!
The point is, enough of this high-school nonsense.
Bem, nem por isso. A questão é : já chega destes disparates de liceu!
That's enough of this nonsense.
Chega destes disparates.
Now, enough of this nonsense.
Agora, chega deste disparate.
Okay, enough of this by-the-book nonsense.
Está na hora de ser duro.
I've had enough of this "Justin" nonsense.
Já estou farta deste disparate do "Justin".
Anyway, enough of this political nonsense, let's bring out the fart Machine.
Bem, basta destes disparates políticos e que entre a máquina dos peidos.
Anyway, anyway, enough of this political nonsense.
Mas basta destes disparates políticos.
Enough of this emotional nonsense.
Chega de disparates emocionais.

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