Enough of that traduction Portugais
3,045 traduction parallèle
That's enough of that.
Enough of that.
Chega disto.
And God only knows we've got enough of that going on. Two : We dispose of him.
433.911 ) } E Deus sabe quanto estamos a gastar com pagamentos. eliminamo-lo.
He's been throwing accusations around with no proof, and I've had about enough of that lately.
Acusa tudo e todos sem provas e estou farto.
That's enough of that, thank you, Miss O'Brien.
Já chega, obrigado, Miss O'Brien.
That's enough of that.
- Já chega.
And that's enough of that.
E chega disto.
That's enough of that.
- Queres saber?
They have nearly 50 kilos of highly enriched uranium and enough reflectors to triple that amount.
Eles têm quase 50kg de urânio altamente enriquecido e reflectores suficientes para triplicar essa quantidade.
There aren't that many stretches of road or clearings big enough to land a plane.
Não há muitos trechos de estrada ou clareiras grandes para aterrar um avião.
Serious enough that we were driving through town, and I thought the two of you should meet.
Sério o suficiente para estarmos a passar pela cidade e ter pensado que vocês se deviam conhecer.
It appears Dr. Hughes'test has revealed that the level of your allergy to cytoprethaline is serious enough to warrant a medical discharge.
Dr. Hughes determinou que a, gravidade da tua alergia para psydoprethaline é grave o suficiente para justificar uma alta médica.
A suspicious person would say that there are only a handful of people knowledgeable enough to program this device to backfire on him. And that you'd be one of them.
Uma pessoa desconfiada diria que são poucas as pessoas capazes de sabotar a máquina e que a senhora é uma delas.
Before Conrad's head of security was murdered, he told me that he had personally amassed enough evidence to put everyone involved in jail for good.
Antes do chefe de segurança do Conrad ser morto, ele disse-me que tinha reunido demasiadas evidências para colocar os envolvidos na cadeia de vez.
Illuminati... who believed that a select few of the elite were smart enough, were capable of handling this secret knowledge but not the population at large.
Illuminati... que acreditavam que um selecto grupo de eleitos era suficientemente capaz de lidar com o conhecimento secreto mas que a população em geral não o era.
That is not enough of a reason.
- Não é motivo suficiente.
I did it kind of as a joke and out of the frustration that I didn't have enough money and people ended up actually buying ads on it and paying for these cute little ads and it was fun.
Eu fiz isso tipo de como uma brincadeira e fora da frustração que eu não tenho dinheiro suficiente e as pessoas acabaram comprando realmente anúncios sobre ele e pagar por esses anúncios bonitinho e foi divertido.
Pownce was very popular for a first start-up It is not really the traditional way that start-ups are built most of the time you will have some small start-up that don't work out that well but I was lucky enough to work with Kevin Rose on
Pownce foi muito popular para um primeiro arranque Não é realmente da maneira tradicional que start-ups são construídas a maior parte do tempo, você terá uma pequena start-up que não funcionam que bem, mas eu tive a sorte de trabalhar com Kevin Rose em
Yeah, maybe if you stare at that piece of paper long enough, the time will reverse itself and the last ten seconds will be erased from the universe.
Sim, se olhares para esse papel tempo suficiente, talvez os últimos dez segundos sejam apagados do universo.
That if this thing bothers Derek enough to bring him out of his little hole, then we might have an opportunity.
Que se esta coisa incomoda tanto o Derek, para o fazer sair do seu buraquinho que isso representa uma oportunidade.
That's enough out of you.
Já chega de te ouvirmos.
It's bad enough that you brought it, but why did you let the chicken out of the bag?
Já é mau suficiente que o tenhas trazido, mas porque deixaste o galo sair do saco?
If his endgame was suicide, he wasn't organized enough to dispose of the body that permanently.
Se o fim do jogo era suicídio, não estava organizado o suficiente para descartar o corpo assim.
Well, that baby is getting us piles and piles of political capital, enough to fill fort knox.
Esse bebé está a dar-nos pilhas de capital político.
The victim's stomach may still be intact enough to discern a last meal. You see, what it is, Dr. Saroyan, is that I'm a-basically a bones kind of fella, and this is more like a barbecue. Ah.
O estômago da vítima deve estar intacto o suficiente para identificarmos a última refeição.
Bottom line, I have done this long enough to know that there are two kinds of heists :
Resumindo, já faço isto há tempo suficiente para saber que há dois tipos de assaltos :
What kind of animal is big enough to do that?
Que animal consegue fazer isto?
You know, it's not enough that you're wasting your time, you're risking 30-plus years of your reputation.
Eu encontrei uma coisa no armário do Pete. Tem o seu nome.
You reach a critical mass, and that's enough of a deterrent.
A certa altura atinges a massa crítica, e isso basta para parar o terror.
Once we walk out of here, we make no guarantees. All right, that's enough.
Quando sairmos daqui, não garantimos nada.
That's not why it was beautiful but because it was enough to look at both of you to see your love for each other.
Não era por isso que era bonito. mas porque era o suficiente olhar para ambos e ver o amor que sentem um pelo outro.
Long enough that me and Marge can be one of those couples who just sit and hold hands.
O suficiente para que eu e a Marge possamos ser um daqueles casais que ficam apenas sentados de mãos dadas.
Look, he knew that if a cop found tire tracks at one of the murders, and that if enough of the victims were in Harris's class, that they'd arrest him.
Olha, ele sabia que se um polícia descobrisse marcas de pneus num dos homicídios, e que se o suficiente de vítimas estivessem na turma do Harris, que eles prendiam-no.
If that's not enough of a reason for you to leave then I got no reason to stay.
Mas se não for o suficiente para saíres, não tenho motivos para ficar.
Yeah, well, they're just the only frames that are big enough to support the weight of lenses that thick.
Sim, eram as únicas hastes capazes de suportar o peso de lentes tão grossas.
it selects the type of people that will get to University so that they will then become part of an elite which dominates companies and production, economic and communication systems, etc. And another type of people for whom school is not appropriate enough and who are destined to less certain jobs because they won't have the qualifications to do this. The system, the states, are not worried about all this,
seleciona o tipo de pessoas que irão à universidade para chegar a fazer parte de uma elite que domina os sistemas etc. porque não vão dispor dos diplomas para fazer isto. não lhes preocupa o ser humano enquanto indivíduo.
Okay, is that enough of a challenge for you?
Certo, isso é desafio suficiente para si?
In a lot of ways, I don't think that you're good enough for my daughter.
Em muitos aspetos, não te acho suficientemente bom para a minha filha.
Once he's born... ♪ think of all the friends that you have known ♪ I'm worried I won't be strong enough.
Temo que não serei forte o suficiente.
That'll keep those Beamers off of us long enough to get across the bridge.
Isso vai manter os "beamers" longe o suficiente para passarmos a ponte.
And if nothing else, usually the label holds back enough money that your cost of auditing is such that you won't do it, so...
E se nada mais! Normalmente a editora retém dinheiro suficiente de tal modo que o custo da auditoria é tão grande que não o vais fazer, por isso...
Quick enough to know there isn't a law in the land that's gonna convict us of murder based off of our compliance with a vague letter.
Rápido o suficiente para saber que não há lei que nos condene por assassinato com base numa vaga carta.
All right, that's enough from the both of you.
- Parem!
Howard and Bernadette, you are lucky enough to be best friends who love each other. And that's the strongest kind of love because at its core, it has kindness, patience, and respect.
"Howard e Bernadette, têm a sorte de serem melhores amigos que se amam, e esse é o tipo de amor mais forte, porque, no cerne, tem bondade, paciência e respeito."
I wouldn't mind eating food like that every day. Enough of the flannel.
Não me importava de comer comida assim todos os dias.
There was that amazing Times review and I wanted to write you an e-mail, but I bet you're probably getting enough of those e-mails, so...
Saiu aquela crítica incrível no "Times" e depois quis enviar-lhe um e-mail mas deve receber imensos do género.
- If I get Anson, would that be enough to get Fiona out of jail?
Se apanhar o Anson, será suficiente para tirar a Fiona da cadeia?
We put enough of it together to know that Bracken took dirty money.
Mas juntámos o suficiente para saber que o Bracken ficou com o dinheiro sujo.
I came to tell you, that if you've had enough of making yourself ridiculous with your dolls and your verses, you can take them down now.
E se ele algum dia vier visitar-nos, diga-lhe que pergunte por mim. E mostro-lhe onde foi encontrado. Porque eu ainda estarei aqui.
It was enough that he was going to spend the rest of his life in jail, so I- - I fought against it.
Seria suficiente que ele passasse toda a sua vida na prisão, portanto eu... eu lutei contra aquilo.
A bottle of water, a couple adult diapers... With enough postage, we could finally take that dream vacation to hershey, Pennsylvania.
Uma garrafa de água, duas fraldas de adultos, com portes suficientes, e podíamos finalmente visitar Hershe, Pensilvânia.
enough of this 129
enough of this shit 25
enough of this nonsense 22
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
enough of this shit 25
enough of this nonsense 22
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161