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Had sex traduction Portugais

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Did you know that I had sex with him?
Sabias que fiz sexo com ele?
He told everybody that we had sex, and he told me he wasn't going to.
Ele contou a todos que fizemos sexo e disse que não o faria.
We had sex.
Já podemos fazer sexo.
Had sex with your son.
Eu fiz sexo com o seu filho.
She's so beautiful, if you had sex with her, you'd die.
É tão bonita, que se fizesses sexo com ela, morrias.
If he hadn't met me, he would have just had sex with someone else.
Se ele não me tivesse conhecido, teria feito sexo com outra qualquer.
Well, that's a relief, because if it had been a very bad day, I thought I might have had to have had sex with you to make up for it.
Bom, que alívio, porque se tivesse sido um dia muito mau, achei que teria de fazer sexo contigo para compensar.
- I guess from the first time we had sex. - Okay.
Suponho que desde a primeira vez que fizemos amor.
I haven't had sex for two years.
Há dois anos que não faço sexo.
I had sex last night, Kisha not cooked and I... killed my dog.
Não tivemos sexo ontem, a Keisha não cozinhou e ela matou o meu cão!
Malcolm, I had sex last night.
Nós tivemos sexo ontem a noite.
You just admitted that You had sex with a ghost!
Tu acabaste de admitir que tiveste relações sexuais com um fantasma!
I don't know about you, I've never met someone who's had sex with an Eskimo.
Não sei quanto a vocês, mas eu nunca conheci ninguém que tenha tido sexo com um esquimó.
She had sex with Ríg and could not bring herself to tell me the truth!
Ela teve sexo com o Rig e não foi capaz de me dizer a verdade!
You're sure this happened after you had sex... unprotected sex? Yes.
Tens a certeza que isto aconteceu depois do sexo desprotegido?
Yes, I had sex with an underage boy. Ugh.
Tecnicamente, sim, tive relações com um menor.
We held hands and passed notes, Then we had sex in the back of his dad's delivery truck.
Demos as mãos e trocámos bilhetes, depois fizemos sexo na traseira da carrinha de entregas do pai dele.
- We had sex.
- Nós demos uma queca.
Have you ever had sex with her here?
Fizeste sexo com ela aqui?
- Since we had sex.
- Desde que fizemos sexo.
You had sex when you were...?
- Tu fodeste quando tinhas...? - Não.
Well, we haven't had sex in 9 days and 13 hours.
Bem, nós não temos sexo à 9 dias e 13 horas.
And I'm a sex addict, but I haven't had sex for three weeks and five days.
... e sou dependente sexual. Mas não pratico sexo há três semanas e cinco dias.
Okay, I just had sex with Frank. It lasted for, like, eight seconds.
Fiz sexo com o Frank e durou oito segundos.
She slept over after she and Kevin had sex.
Ela dormiu aqui depois de foder com o Kevin.
The last time I had sex was when I played Scrabble.
A última vez que fiz sexo foi quando jogava Scrabble.
- There's no'us'. We had sex.
- Não há "nós".
We never had sex.
Nunca fazíamos sexo.
We never had sex, either.
Nós nunca fazíamos sexo também.
You mean they had sex? What's done is done.
Quer dizer, elas fizeram sexo.
You and Hannah had sex at the clinic?
O doutor e a Hannah fizeram sexo na clínica?
Shut up! This is way too much talking about a guy I haven't even had sex with! Shut up!
The Jacobs have a nanny-cam in the living room... Where we just had sex. Okay?
O Jacobs tem uma câmara oculta na sala de estar... onde acabamos de fazer sexo.
So you two had sex while your husband was in the house?
Então, fizeram sexo, enquanto o seu marido estava em casa?
I know you've tried it, but you haven't had sex high.
Sei que já experimentaste, mas nunca tiveste sexo pedrado.
Alegou que tinha tido relações sexuais consentidas com a queixosa na noite anterior à alegada violação.
Bradley had sex with Norman.
A Bradley teve sexo com o Norman.
Um, we've actually had sex before.
Mas já fizemos sexo antes.
We haven't had sex in a week.
- Não fazemos sexo há uma semana.
Had her perform oral sex in your car?
Ela fez-te sexo oral no carro?
I've never had anal sex.
O que foi? Nunca fiz sexo anal.
Now, Daniel had wanted to have sex with Hannah, but Hannah was a virgin and wanted to save herself for marriage.
O Daniel queria "papar" a Hannah, mas a Hannah era virgem e queria guardar-se para o casamento.
I know. But I just had a sex dream about him.
Mas acabei de ter um sonho sexual com ele.
Although I know many people who have had relations with same sex individuals.
Embora conheça pessoas que fizeram sexo com pessoas do mesmo sexo.
- We had a nice sex life ourselves.
Nós também tínhamos uma boa vida sexual.
It was fun. Because, man, I mean, some of the sex that I've had- -
Porque algum do sexo que tive...
"yeah, I'm good at little league" â ™ ª a preconceived idea of what it all meant â ™ ª for those that liked the same sex â ™ ª had the characteristics the right-wing conservatives think it's a decision â ™ ª
We had fantastic sex.
O sexo era fantástico.
We had such good sex.
Fizemos sexo maravilhoso.
And it was something about rock'n'roll and sex and men and music and myself and I grew a few years and a few inches when that incredibly beautiful man had his perfect body moving perfectly to that crazy, sexy, sad song.
Era algo sobre rock'n'roll, sexo homens, música e eu própria. E cresci uns anos e uns centímetros Quando aquele homem incrivelmente bonito pôs o seu corpo perfeito a mexer-se na perfeição ao som daquela música louca, sensual e triste toda a gente ficou completamente paralisada, em transe.
Durante muito tempo após a violação o sexo não tinha qualquer ligação com o amor ou o romance.

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