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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Hanging in there

Hanging in there traduction Portugais

397 traduction parallèle
- But I'm hanging in there.
- Mas estou a aguentar. - Que bom.
CROSS : They're hanging in there.
Eles estão a aguentar-se.
And I'm hanging in there.
E estou a aguentar-me aqui.
Hanging in there, handsome.
- Vou-me aguentando, jeitoso.
I've been hanging in there since I was born.
Tenho esperado desde que nasci.
l`m hanging in there.
Mais ou menos.
He`s hanging in there.
Está a aguentar-se.
For hanging in there.
Por continuares a ajudar-me.
They're hanging in there.
Estão calmíssimos.
Hanging in there.
Vai-se aguentando.
- Hanging in there.
- A aguentares-te? .
The thing I admire about the Chinese is they're hanging in there with the chopsticks.
Acho que a coisa que mais admiro, nos chineses, é vê-los não abrir mão dos pauzinhos.
I'm hanging in there.
A Holly está?
- You're hanging in there?
Fica bem?
Hanging in there?
Sentes-te bem?
You hanging in there?
- Hanging in there.
Jogo duro.
When- -? When have I ever been good about hanging in there?
Quando é que fui bom a aguentar?
Hanging in there Sean?
Tudo bem, Sean?
Are you hanging in there?
Estás a aguentar-te?
I'm taking him back to Port Royal and hanging him on the... dock in chains... and there he'll dangle to brood on his crimes till he's stoned to death.
Eu o levarei de volta a Port Royal e ali será enforcado para que medite sobre seus crimes até que morra.
Now there are five hanging in his place.
Agora vão enforcar cinco no lugar dele.
There must be a million dollars in copra hanging on those trees.
Deve haver um milhão de dólares em Copra pendurados nestas árvores.
Well, with you hanging there, they won't need any liquor in the bottles.
Consigo lá pendurada nem o liquido fica nas garrafas.
It's been hanging right there ever since I got in.
Tem algo a dizer! O que diabos é isso?
I have heard there is a tree at the end of the world with a fleece of gold hanging in its branches.
Ouvi falar numa árvore com um velo de ouro pendurado nos ramos.
Whoever comes in first, they'll see you hanging there.
Quem vier à frente, vai vê-la pendurado.
Those idiots in there are gonna get shot, and they're not even due for hanging.
Aqueles idiotas vão levar um tiro e nem sequer iam ser enforcados.
There's only one hanging I'm interested in.
Há um único enforcamento que me interessa.
The Thorndyke car now seems to have a slight edge on the Douglas car, which is hanging right in there.
O carro do Thorndyke parece ter alguma vantagem sobre o do Douglas, que se mantém mesmo ao lado.
Iff there's anything I enjoy more than hanging a sheep herder, it's hanging somebody who sticks his nose in my business.
Melhor ainda do que enforcar um criador de gado ovino é enforcar quem mete o nariz nos meus assuntos.
Um, look, there's not really a... a great deal of point In your sort of hanging on at your end Because I'm afraid there aren't any more jokes or anything.
Ouçam, não vale a pena estarem aí desse lado porque não há mais piadas nem nada.
I was only in charge there 11 months, not one hanging or shooting at that time.
Só mandei lá durante 11 meses, sem um enforcamento ou fuzilamento.
Uh, that's ella Watson... and, uh, that's John DeCory hanging in the back there.
É a Ella Watson... E, uh... É o John DeCory quem está ali atrás.
A week ago, just as when we were zeroing in on what looked like a rich vein, we began to notice that they were there, hanging around in the bushes- -
Mesmo no instante que estávamos sobre um filão prometedor, demos conta que eles nos estavam a espiar.
If I'm in school or hanging out or something there's all this pressure to act cool or do the right thing.
Se estou na escola, na rua ou outa coisa existe sempre a pressão de parecer bem e fazer tudo certo.
I don't want to be stuck out there with my ass hanging in the breeze!
Não quero ficar ali entalado com o cu à mostra!
And the next day, Vernon went out to get in his car, and there, hanging on the rearview mirror, was the hook!
E no dia seguinte, o Vernon saiu para entrar no seu carro,... e ali, pendurado no retrovisor,... estava o gancho!
Coal dust gets hanging in the air down there and there's a spark.
Uma bolsa de gás, uma faísca provocada por alguém e... explodiu.
Oh, God, he was just hanging there through the window in his bow tie!
Meu Deus! Ele tinha a cabeça no pára-brisas com o seu laço de borboleta.
They were hanging there wrapped up in these cotton candy things these... cocoons. Wait a second, guys. Are you sure about this?
Tem certeza?
I come in, I see you and your brother's faces hanging there,
De todas as vezes que chego, vejo as vossas caras ali.
They put the object they'd removed from behind the secret panel in the pocket of one of those coats hanging there.
Colocou o objecto que tinha tirado do painel num dos bolsos desses casacos.
I think there's a dressing gown hanging up in there.
Acho que há ali um robe pendurado.
There's enough uncertainty in life without wondering what tree your husband's hanging from.
Há bastante incerteza na vida sem se perguntar de que árvore o seu marido está pendurado.
- Oh, no. Right now I'm hanging precariously on the edge of a cliff... and I intend to stay there until they put a window in my dressing room.
Neste momento estou pendurado precariamente na beira de um penhasco... e tenciono ficar lá até porem uma janela no meu camarim.
I'll probably be working at the Whole Foods... playing warehouses... hanging around places like the Radio Shack... screaming that I used to know you... and you'll be there in the lights... and you'll be all beautiful and shit.
Provavelmente estarei a trabalhar no Whole Foods... brincar aos armazéns... andar por sítios como o Radio Shack... gritando que dantes conhecia-te... e tu estarás lá sob as luzes... e estarás toda bonita e coisas assim.
He's hanging in there with the kickers.
Aumenta a velocidade.
You were hanging around in there, lazing on the job when you should have been downstairs in the basement cleaning out those old carpets and scrap wood.
Mete-se aí dentro a preguiçar, quando devia era estar lá em baixo, na cave, a limpar aquelas alcatifas velhas e restos de madeira!
I just find it hard to believe there's a dead angel hanging in our garage.
Só me custa acreditar que está um anjo morto pendurado na garagem.
( Rembrandt ) There are creatures hanging back in the shadows.
Há criaturas escondendo-se nas sombras.

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