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Hank traduction Portugais

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Turns out Hank Mahoney is a regular and he works as a mechanic at a garage like an hour and a half away.
Ao que parece, Hank Mahoney trabalha como mecânico num sitio - a uma hora e meia daqui.
No, so when I got there, the shop manager told me that Hank was injured while he was working on a car.
Quando lá cheguei, o gerente disse-me que Hank se magoou a trabalhar num carro.
Stop saying Hank, it's confusing.
Para de dizer "Hank", estás a confundir-me.
Done well for yourself, Hank.
Soubeste dar-te bem, Hank.
Sergeant Hank Voight,
Sargt. Hank Voight,
Hank, put the gun down. It's me.
Hank, guarda a arma, sou eu.
- Hank, call 911. - I have an intruder.
Hank, chama a polícia.
- Who is it, Hank?
Quem é, Hank?
- Unlock the door, Hank.
Destranca a porta, Hank.
I'm Hank.
- Sou a Hank.
( bicycle bell rings ) HANK : Rusty, where are you?
Rusty, onde é que estás?
- Rusty!
- É a Hank!
It's Hank!
Hank, I know the team was making fun of me.
Hank, sei que a equipa esteve a gozar-me.
You heard what Hank said.
ouviste o que a Hank disse.
Hank wants you there.
A Hank quer-te lá. Foi o que ela disse.
I'm here, Hank.
Estou aqui, Hank.
All right, here we go. Officer Hank Bishop.
Agente Hank Bishop.
- Don't hank me, give thanks to Eva.
- Agradeça antes à Eva.
( hank ) she definitely meant something to this guy.
Era importante para ele.
( hank ) if zack went after bella, caught up with her, Are we thinking she's a witness to what happened Or involved?
Se o Zack foi atrás da Bella e a encontrou, será ela testemunha ou estará envolvida?
( hank ) we found his helmet and his bicycle on the trail And his body in the ravine.
Encontrámos o capacete e a bicicleta no caminho, e o corpo dele na ravina.
( hank ) so we can't tie her to the crime And we can't make her woge.
Não conseguimos ligá-la ao crime nem fazê-la wogar.
( hank ) this is rick thornton, One of the guys from the cycling club.
É o Rick Thornton, membro do clube de ciclismo.
( hank ) what time did you close up tonight?
- A que horas fechou?
( hank ) could that be her mother?
- Poderá ser a mãe?
- Of course, Hank, whatever you need.
- Sim Hank, o que precisares.
Hey, if you want to tell Hank, we can tell him.
Se quiseres, podemos contar ao Hank.
I don't want to talk about Hank.
- Não quero falar sobre o Hank.
You told Hank?
Contaste ao Hank?
So what do you think, Hank?
O que é que achas, Hank?
So cold. Nick, Hank, get over here.
- Nick, Hank, venham para aqui.
This is Hank, as in the Hank.
Esta é Hank, como em a Hank.
As in ex-fiancé Hank.
Tal como em ex-fiancà © Hank.
It's very un-Hank.
É muito un-Hank.
I mean, Jesus Christ, Hank.
Quero dizer, Jesus Cristo, Hank.
Extremely un-Hank.
Extremamente un-Hank.
That was Hank.
Isso foi Hank.
Hank, I want to apply to medical school.
Hank, eu quero aplicar a faculdade de medicina.
Good-bye, Hank.
Good-bye, Hank.
Hank, and yeah.
Hank, e sim.
You apologize a lot, Hank.
Você pedir desculpas muito, Hank.
Mrs. Dr. Hank Lawson's out there somewhere.
Fora da Sra Dr. Hank Lawson lá em algum lugar.
Não, Hank!
Hank, no!
Hank, não!
This is Detective Hank Griffin.
- Este é o Detective Griffin.
- Yeah, Hank, what's up?
O que foi?
Hey, Hank.
- Olá, Hank.
Hank, I got him!
Hank, apanhei-o!

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