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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Healy

Healy traduction Portugais

428 traduction parallèle
- I'm Healy, of the Bulletin.
- Sou do Bulletin.
It's a Lyon Healy.
Isso é um Lyon e Healy.
This is the third time that she's gone off on a buying spree... picked herself out a whole new wardrobe and charged it to Healy.
Já é a terceira vez que ela faz compras desenfreadamente, escolhe um guarda-roupa todo novo e espera que o Healy pague as contas.
Look at Tom Healy.
Olha só o Tom Healy.
The Great Healy Dramatic and Concert Company's arrived... to entertain, amaze, and amuse.
A Magnífica Companhia Healy de Artes Dramáticas, chegou para entreter, surpreender e divertir.
Now you're talking, Healy.
Assim é que é, Healy.
The Healy Company, Mr. Pierce... has the same high standards of performance.
A Companhia Healy, Sr. Pierce, tem sempre os mesmos padröes nas suas actuaçöes.
No, Healy, you can't get away... with making fun out of marriage in Cheyenne.
Näo, Healy, você näo vai conseguir... fazer pouco do casamento aqui em Cheyenne.
It should be the Healy Theatre.
Deveria ser o Teatro Healy.
The Healy Company and the Healy Theatre.
A Companhia Healy e o Teatro Healy.
That's a lot of Healy.
Isso é Healy a mais.
I'll be back in the morning, Healy.
Volto de manhä, Healy. Esteja aqui.
Why, we haven't seen her anywhere, Mr. Healy.
Näo a vimos em lado nenhum, Sr. Healy.
The Healy Dramatic Company, sir.
A Companhia de Teatro Healy.
Mr. Healy, I put your breakfast over there.
Sr. Healy, coloquei ali o seu almoço.
- Hey, Healy.
- Healy? - Sim?
- Thanks, Healy.
- Obrigada, Healy.
- Lf you would, please, Mr. Healy.
- Sr. Healy, por favor.
- I'm here to help you, Healy.
- Estou aqui para ajudar, Healy.
My name is Healy, sir... manager of the Healy Dramatic and Concert Company.
Caro senhor, o meu nome é Healy, sou director da Companhia Healy de Artes Dramáticas.
Della, there are no parts, there are no plays and there's no Healy Company.
Näo há papéis, nem peças e a Companhia Healy já näo existe.
Come, Lorna, I'm not the only Healy.
Lorna, näo sou o único Healy. É um nome comum.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mr. Healy.
Senhoras e senhores, este é o Sr. Healy.
You're on next. You stay out of this, Healy.
Näo te metas nisto, Healy.
I'm gonna kill you, Healy.
Vou-te matar, Healy.
- The Healy Theatre.
- O Teatro Healy.
Mrs. Thomas Healy.
A Sra. Thomas Healy.
Ensign Healy, first thing in the morning, I wanna draw up a letter of recommendation.
Vou redigir uma carta de recomendação...
Magnum, this is Ensign Healy.
- Magnum? Suboficial Healy.
Oh, Healy, yeah. L.S.U. quarterback, right?
Healy, sim, quarterback da LSU, certo?
Look, Healy, I don't wanna ruin your career.
Ouça, não quero estragar sua carreira, só quero...
Despite what Ensign Healy said, Dan's death had to be connected to some case he was investigating.
Apesar do que o Suboficial Healy disse, a morte do Dan tinha de estar ligada a algum caso que ele estava investigando.
And if Healy wouldn't give'em to me, I'd steal'em.
Como Healy não me daria o dossiê, eu o roubaria.
Howdy, sports fans. This is Dennis James with Jim Healy down here at ringside.
Sou o Dennis James e estou aqui no ringue com o Jim Healy.
Remember when we were in college and drove to Fort Lauderdale in my Austin Healy?
Faz-me lembrar do tempo na faculdade quando fomos até Fort Lauderdale no meu Austin Healy.
I'm Pat Healy.
Sou Pat Healy.
I'm Pat Healy, Dr McKittrick's assistant.
Pat Healy, assistente do Dr McKittrick.
- Little Henry Healy.
- Pequeno Henry Healy. - Donald.
"There's Ben and Flo Healy going out to yet another birthday party with their new son!"
"Ben e a Flo Healy vão a outra festa de anos com o seu novo filho!"
Then they'll say, "Let's invite that Healy family over for dinner."
Depois dirão : "Vamos convidar a familia Healy para um jantar."
I would like to proudly present the newest member of the Healy family, Junior!
É com orgulho que apresento o mais novo membro da familia Healy, Junior!
I'm really sorry, Mr Healy.
Sinto muito, sr. Healy.
Nice spot your friend reserved especially for us, Mr Healy
Que belo sitio o seu amigo reservou em especial para nós, sr. Healy
I'd tell him to shove it, Mr Healy.
Eu mandava-o passear, sr. Healy.
And I don't ever want to cause Mr Healy any trouble.
E não quero causar problemas ao sr. Healy.
Please don't spank me, Mr Healy.
Por favor não me bata, sr Healy.
You Healy?
É o Healy?
Nothing to read there, Healy.
Nem vale a pena ler.
Thank you, Mr. Healy.
Obrigada, senhor. Healy.
- Healy.
- Healy.

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