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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Hit him again

Hit him again traduction Portugais

188 traduction parallèle
You just hit him again if you dare.
te atreva a lhe pegar outra vez.
Hit that woman there, so I hit him again.
Atingiu aquela mulher e eu dei-lhe outra.
I hit him again.
Eu acerto-lhe de novo.
Hit him again.
Volte a puxá-lo.
Hit him again!
Dá-lhe outra vez!
Don't hit him again.
Não voltes a bater-lhe.
Don't hit him again if he behaves.
Não lhe bata de novo se ele se comportar bem.
Get up there and hit him again.
Levanta-te e dá-lhe de novo.
If you hit him again I'll kick you back to that school.
Se voltares a pegar-te com o Cagnola, vais para o colégio a pontapé.
Hit him again, Smitty!
Bata-lhe outra vez, Smitty!
Don't hit him again.
Não volte a bater-lhe.
- Hit him again!
- Dá-lhe outra vez!
Hit him again, kid! Go on!
Bate-lhe, força!
- Hit him again.
- Dá-lhe novamente.
And hit him again to finish him off.
E voltou a bater-lhe para o matar.
Hit him again, Marcelo!
Arreia-lhe outra, Marcelo!
Hit him again and we'll see.
Arreia-lhe outra vez e veremos.
Hey, you hit him again. Now that's against the rules!
Esse golpe não é permitido!
I'd like to hit him again just for the hell of it.
Gostava de lhe voltar a dar só por puro prazer.
Hit him again, still nothing.
Voltamos a bater e nada.
The sky hit him again
" O céu atigiu-a de novo.
Hit him again!
Try and hit him again.
Tenta acertar-lhe novamente.
Hit him again, Harry.
- Encha o copo.
Maybe you better hit him again.
É melhor dares-Ihe outra vez.
Hit him again!
Dê-lhe outra vez!
Hit him again!
Outra vez!
- Hit him again.
- Dá-lhe mais.
Let's hit him again.
Disparem novamente.
- Hit him again. 350.
- Outra vez. 350.
Don't hit him again!
Não Ihe batas mais!
So you hit him again in the legs?
- Voltou a bater-lhe nas pernas?
I'll hit him again if I have to.
Se causar problemas, bato-lhe outra vez.
I just wanted to hit him again-smack some sense into the dumb son of a bitch!
Só queria bater-lhe outra vez... por algum bom senso no cabrão!
- Hit him again.
- Bate-lhe outra vez.
I reckon that didn't quite satisfy me. So I hit him again with it in the neck with the sharp edge and just plumb near cut his head off, killed him.
Suponho que isso não me deve ter satisfeito, portanto atingi-o outra vez no pescoço com a ponta afiada e quase lhe cortei a cabeça, matei-o.
Ijarna's wife hit him again?
A mulher do Ijarna bateu-lhe?
If you hit him again, I will kill you.
Se lhe tocares, eu mato-te.
- Shall I hit him again?
- Bato-lhe outra vez?
Hit him again!
Atinge-o outra vez!
Dacks, damn it, you hit him again, I'll have you up on charges.
Se lhe bate outra vez, apresento queixa de si!
And don't hit him again or I'll smack you.
E não lhe batas mais ou levas!
Hit him again.
Dá-lhe outra vez.
We shot at him time and time again, but the bullets don't hit him, he is invincible.
Há algo de estranho nele... As balas passam-lhe perto, mas não lhe tocam.
- Hit him again. - Hit him again.
Listen, if we're going to hit Sartoris, we gotta hit him so he doesn't get up again.
Se acertarmos no Sartoris, fazêmo-Io de forma a que ele não se levante outra vez.
Until Sammy can drive again, KITT and I are gonna have to pinch-hit for him.
Até o Sammy poder conduzir de novo, o KITT e eu vamos ter de o substituir.
Hit him again.
Bate-lhe de novo.
Hit him again.
Outra vez!
If you'd had hit him in the hindlegs, he'd never gotten up again.
Se lhe acertasses nas patas de trás, ele nunca mais se levantava.
- I'm gonna hit him again.

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