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If he knew traduction Portugais

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Witnesses said that De Menezes looked at the authorities as if he knew them, he was like a scared rabbit and he was killed, execution style.
[ITN ] Para esclarecer : estavam trabalhando HOJE em um exercício que previa este cenário? [ Sr. Power] Quase precisamente. Trabalhei até 2 horas desta manhã porque é o nosso trabalho, minha própria empresa,
If he knew that it was a terrorist attack, he wouldn't have stayed in the building. "
Se soubesse que era um ataque terrorista, não teria ficado no edifício.
If he knew I betrayed him, if he knew I was the Nightwatchman, he would lash out, and not just at me. At my father.
Se soubesse que o traí, que sou o Vigilante da Noite ele batia-me a mim e ao meu pai.
If he knew that Glen and I were screwing around, Bob would be just furious.
Não, se soubesse que eu e o Glen andávamos, o Bob ia ficar furioso.
Her life if he knew about the affair.
A própria vida, caso ele soubesse do caso amoroso.
If he knew, your love making wouldn't have been so realistic.
Se ele soubesse, o seu amor não teria sido tão realista.
And i don't think your best friend would still be your best friend if he knew- -
Não creio que o teu melhor amigo continue a ser o teu melhor amigo se ele souber...
If he knew how much i enjoyed the removal of a certain chastity belt in the back of this very limo?
Se ele souber o quanto gostei de tirar um certo cinto de castidade no banco de trás desta limusine?
If he knew where he was, why was he still looking for him?
Se ele sabia onde ele estava, por que continuou à procura dele?
Does she have any idea what her boss would do if he knew she was even in here?
Ela faz ideia do que o patrão lhe faria, se soubesse que aqui veio?
No, I-I have no idea if he knew.
Não, não faço ideia se ele sabia.
But why would he have made them invisible if he knew it was going to kill them?
Mas porque os tornaria invisíveis se sabia que isso os matava?
If he knew a boxer of that level... He wouldn't have become some cheap assassin.
Se ele fosse bom o bastante para conhecer boxeadores famosos... não teria se tornado um matador.
I think he would be even more cooperative if he knew that his little brother was alive.
Acho que ele cooperaria ainda mais se soubesse que o irmão está vivo.
If he knew what I was doing with Sam, he'd disown me, lying to my mom like this.
Se ele soubesse o que ando a fazer com a Sam, deserdava-me, por mentir à minha mãe desta forma.
If he knew half the shit I know, his head would explode.
Se ele soubesse metade do que eu sei, a cabecinha dele explodia.
He can't be too serious if he knew what I got in store for you now.
Ele não diria tal coisa se soubesse o que preparei para si.
It's almost as if he knew what was going to happen.
É quase como se ele soubesse o que iria acontecer.
Everyone knew where the President was, if not the President you might have had some concern with these little kids, Why did he ( Bush ) stay for 30 minutes? Why was he ( secrete service agent ) countermanded?
Sinto intensamente que temos que denunciar a cumplicidade do governo no 11 / 9 porque, se não fazemos, seguirão fazendo o mesmo no futuro.
As if he actually knew anything about fashion.
Bom dia, Daniel! Posso trazer-lhe um café?
She made love to Scott. Would she have if she knew he harbored thoughts of killing her?
Fá-lo-ia se soubesse que pensava matá-la?
You wouldn't if you knew what he charged for the videos.
Não teriam se soubessem quanto ele cobra por aqueles vídeos.
I always knew he'd come home if he could.
Sabia que, se ele pudesse, viria.
Se ao menos ela soubesse quem ele era...
I wouldhave never mentioned it if I knew he was gonna get me out here this early.
O Jed também corre. Nem lhe teria contado, se soubesse que ele me traria para aqui tão cedo.
But if you knew he was dead, if you knew where he was,... why were you still looking for him?
Se sabia que ele estava morto, se sabia onde estava, por que continuava à procura dele?
It would help if we knew where he was going to strike next.
Ajudaria se soubéssemos onde é que ele vai atacar a seguir.
'Cause I knew if he got cut from the team, he could be lost.
Sabia que se ele fosse expulso da equipa, estava perdido.
But... nick, for the past 40 years, I've read every look on his face like it was code, wondering if he was gonna come down to bed and- - and--ask me or tell me he knew or... he never did.
Mas nos últimos 40 anos, li cada olhar do seu rosto como se fosse um código, a pensar se ele ia chegar à cama e perguntar-me, dizer-me que sabia ou... - Nunca o fez.
The National Missing Persons Database only lists four persons in'64, none of which are a match. It might help if we knew where he was from.
A base de dados nacional de pessoas desaparecidas só lista 4 pessoas de 1964, nenhuma das quais é uma correspondência, talvez ajudasse se soubéssemos de onde ele era.
Jesus, if Drama knew that, he would have kept her for himself.
Se o John soubesse disto, queria ficar com ela para ele!
What if he was driving to get there because he knew he could disappear?
E se ele tiver ido para lá porque sabia que podia desaparecer?
It's almost as if Dr. Schafer knew he was going to need an alibi when this video was taken.
É quase como se o Dr. Schafer soubesse que ia precisar de um álibi quando este vídeo foi feito.
If we knew, he wouldn't be dead. So, that's it?
Se soubéssemos, ele não estaria morto.
You knew what would happen to you and Kat if he found out.
O senhor sabia o que lhe aconteceria, se ele descobrisse.
- No. Well, if i knew a captain rich, i doubt he'd tell me he was special ops.
Bem, se tivesse conhecido o Capitão Rich, duvido que me contasse que era das operações especiais.
I'd never have let him into that room with those people if I knew he had a gun
Nunca o teria deixado entrar, se soubesse que tinha uma arma.
She knew if she had another man, and I am pretty sure about it, and he wasn't his own blood, Jan would ruthlessly throw her out.
Ela saberia que se tivesse outro homem, e tenho certeza disso, e que não fosse do sangue de Jan, ele a expulsaria sem dó de sua vida.
Kissinger knew that these dictators used torture and mass killing to stay in power, but in his theory, what he called Real Politik, this was the price that had to be paid if Soviet tyranny was to be kept in shack *.
Kissinger sabia que estes ditadores, recorriam à tortura e chacina, para se manterem no poder. Mas na sua teoria, a que chamou de "Real Politique". Este era o preço a pagar, se se queria manter a tirania soviética em cheque.
Even if he wasn't not where I knew he was, it could mean... On the good ship Lollipop
Mesmo que ele não estivesse onde eu sabia que ele estava, isso podia significar que eu não saberia completamente onde é que ele não está.
If Max knew what you did,... you think he will still see you fit to be mother?
Achas que ele ainda a veria como uma boa mãe?
Maybe he knew if you did, you wouldn't let him do it again.
Talvez ele pensasse que se tu soubesses, não o deixarias voltar a fazê-lo.
If I not knew he / she would need you.
Se eu soubesse não precisava de vós.
The flock would not maybe sleep so placidly if he / she knew who arrived at the island before them.
Talvez não estivessem a dormir tão descansados se soubessem quem é que tinha chagado à ilha antes deles.
I never really knew if he had feelings had for me, so I broke it out...
E eu não correspondia, assim o deixei.
So, I thought if I flashed him he'd shut up, but who knew the whole store would flip out?
Achei que o tinha calado, mas ele continuou com a mesma coisa.
If my dad knew I was here, he'd come and take me out by force.
Seu o meu pai soubesse que estou aqui, vinha cá para me levar à força.
If my brother knew I was leaving you here alone... he'd kill me.
Se o meu irmão soubesse que te deixo aqui sozinha... Matava-me.
He asked if you knew any underground activities?
Ele perguntou-lhe se sabia algo sobre alguma actividade subterrânea?
He asked if you knew anybody in the underground?
Ele perguntou-lhe se conhecia alguém nesta actividade?
But I knew if I did that he would...
Mas sabia que se fizesse isso ele...

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