In his case traduction Portugais
915 traduction parallèle
And in his case, he can't serve his best interests by being tied to a woman he can't present to his family or his friends.
E, no caso dele, não lhe convém estar preso a uma mulher que não possa apresentar à família ou aos amigos.
In his case, it's rather difficult... because he has two doctors.
Osso tem dois médicos.
In his case, was religion.
No seu caso era a religião.
I wonder, in his case, if fresh air and light duties might do more good than being cooped up.
Talvez o ar fresco e trabalhos leves ajudassem mais do que estar aqui.
He carries all the company records in his case.
E leva todos os registos na sua pasta.
Although, in his case, maybe every other day.
Ainda que no seu caso, dia sim, dia não talvez seja suficiente.
In case that bonus doesn't go through... he wanted me to persuade you to give him at least an advance on his monthly check.
No caso do bónus não ser aprovado... ele quer que eu o convença a dar-lhe um aumento no seu salário mensal.
In any case, Hitler intends to synchronise his Egypt push with a blitzkrieg on Gibraltar.
O Hitler vai sincronizar os ataques do Egipto e de Gibraltar.
Not only that. I'd have to take his drivers license in case I was stopped or something.
E além disso, precisava da carta de condução para se me mandassem parar.
- It was in his back. - The case is one of murder.
- Estava alojada nas suas costas.
There's no law says a man can't work on a case without a client. You know, just to keep his hand in.
Ninguém me proíbe de trabalhar sem cliente, para não perder a prática...
And now, Sergeant Major O'Rourke will lead out the colonel's lady in this case, his lovely daughter, Miss Philadelphia Thursday.
E agora, o Sargento Mor O'Rourke abrirá com a senhora do Coronel... neste caso, a sua adorável filha, A Mna.
In any case, his life and fate have best been summed up... ironically enough, in the words of Nazi Germany's sternest enemy... the honorable Winston Churchill.
Sua vida e seu destino foram melhor descritos, ironicamente, nas palavras do inimigo mais severo da Alemanha nazista, o ilustre Winston Churchill :
I advised McCool to take someone into his confidence in case anything happened to him. But he wanted to play it alone.
Tinha dito a McCool de agarrar um homen de confiança, mas opôs-se.
I'll be right here behind you, Sheriff, in case the bad man sticks his head out.
Estarei mesmo atrás de si, Xerife, No caso do mau colocar a cabeça de fora.
[Carlotta Narrating] I knew he was anxious to see them as soon as possible... so I decided to stop offi at his apartment... in case he should be there to show them to him.
Sabia que ele estava desejoso de as ver o mais breve possível... portanto decidi passar pelo apartamento dele... caso ele lá estivesse para as mostrar a ele.
He went out several times last night in the rain, carrying his sample case.
Saiu várias vezes ontem à noite com a mala das amostras.
[In any case, Peppone was sure that under the brand new... ] [... dove of peace, that enormous face of his... ] [... would have an irresistible effect, and in fact, he was right.]
De qualquer modo, Peppone tinha a certeza de que, debaixo da nova... pomba da paz, a sua enorme cara... provocaria um efeito irresistível, e na realidade, ele tinha razão.
But I could... and I'm the only one who could, because I can anticipate him, try to figure out his next move and then catch him with his hand in the jewel case.
Sou o único que pode, porque posso antecipar-me a ele, tentar descobrir o seu passo seguinte, chegar lá antes dele e apanhá-lo com a mão no estojo das jóias.
Get him his case, Sergeant. Send the car in please.
A maleta está no carro.
Well, I would have thought no more of it, I suppose, just a case of mistaken identity. But a few days later, here at the club... in fact at that table over there, where Manning and his father are now... I was having lunch with a man from Detroit... who had inherited an estate I was handling.
Não pensei mais no assunto, uma mera troca de identidades, mas, dias mais tarde, aqui mesmo, no clube, naquela mesa onde se encontram o Manning e o pai estava eu a almoçar com um senhor de Detroit
He'd really have to believe in his client to put up a good case.
É preciso acreditar no cliente para construir um bom caso.
In any case, all his men will turn against me.
Seja como for, todos os homens se voltarão contra mim.
Pick the most likely one, build your case, and at the proper moment, they'll find this in his possession.
Escolhe o mais provável, organiza o teu caso, e na altura própria vão encontrar isto na posse dele.
In view of the charges, a court would grant latitude in presenting his case.
Dadas as acusações, um tribunal lhe daria espaço para se defender.
You see, the shop only put them on there to cover up a tear in the leather, the same day Chaundry picked up the case to take home to his wife.
Sabe, a loja só as pôs lá para cobrir um rasgão no couro, no mesmo dia em que o Chaundry foi buscar a mala para levar para a esposa.
I want her to marry some man who lives in Philadelphia or Boston. Has his business there. Mixes with educated people.
Eu quero que ela se case com um homem que vive em Filadélfia ou Boston, que tenha o seu negócio lá, que se mistura com gente educada.
In that case, I'll leave you in his hands.
Nesse caso, deixo-a nas Suas mãos.
Just enough to keep his attention away in case we make noise coming in below.
Só para distrai-lo se por acaso os outros fizerem barulho lá em baixo.
No, I'm his associate in the case.
Não, sou o colega dele neste processo.
Esta é a retribuição que espera todo homem quando o livro de sua vida é aberto e examinado, o balanço é feito, e então a recompensa ou penalidade é paga.
I don't think the cause of a Southern sympathizer would be enhanced in case someone were to find out I was his wife.
Não me parece que a causa de um simpatizante sulista seja fortalecida se alguém descobrir que eu era a sua mulher.
But in Norman's case, he was simply doing everything possible to keep alive the illusion of his mother being alive.
Mas, no caso do Norman, ele fazia os possíveis para manter viva a ilusão da mãe estar viva.
He left his card in case.
Ele deixou o cartäo em todo o caso.
That he claims his commodity is music does not, in this case, impress me.
Se a vantagem dele é saber música, então ele não me impressiona.
The clothing of the decedent had no laundry or dry cleaning marks, and the only personal effects found in his pockets were a key case, a handkerchief, a pack of cigarettes, and a wallet.
A roupa do falecido não tinha nenhuma marca de lavandaria ou limpeza a seco, Os únicos objectos pessoais encontrados nos seus bolsos foram um porta-chaves, um lenço, um maço de cigarros e uma carteira.
In any case, His Eminence will listen to you.
Mas Sua Eminência terá gosto em ouvi-lo.
This is us in the air. We're in this fella's plane. He knocked himself out because he drank a whole case of bourbon and hit his head.
Estamos no avião de um sujeito... ele bebeu, apagou e bateu com a cabeça.
We had a very similar case in my abnormal psychology class... ... where a shy, introverted, reticent young boy... ... was grasping for his father's affection...
Tivemos um caso muito semelhante na cadeira de Psicologia Anormal, em que um jovem tímido, introvertido e reservado ansiava pelo afecto do pai, não o recebeu, e por isso reagiu da forma mais normal possível.
As a matter of fact, he's briefing me on it tomorrow before he leaves on his vacation, in case anything happens to him.
Pode explodir a qualquer momento! E se cair no chão, explode imediatamente!
In any case, I find it hard to believe that a grown man... can waste his entire life playing with animals in the first place.
Trato animais. Trata também as pessoas como animais. Não tenho nada mais que desprezo para pessoas cujo prazer... é pegar num animal indefeso e fazer um evento social com um ritual de matança.
In the case of Capt. Nolan, now Lord Raglan refuses his request for a court-martial that it might be prejudicial to the good of the service and cause public disquiet.
Agora, no caso do Capitão Nolan Lord Raglan recusou o seu pedido para o tribunal marcial porque pode ser prejudicial para o exército e causar inquietude no público...
Well, in case you didn't know, Milt Danby is rounding up his two brothers and all of their sons and all of their hired hands.
Caso não saiba, Milt Danby está reunindo... seus dois irmãos, os filhos deles e todos os empregados.
In a red leather case on the floor, next to his desk, locked.
Numa pasta vermelha de cabedal no chão, junto da secretária. Fechada.
Him and his men are staying in town, just in case.
Ele e os seus homens vão ficar na cidade, por precaução.
It's his opinion that your testimony is important in determining the merits of his case.
Na opinião dele, o seu depoimento é importante para determinar os méritos deste caso.
It occurred to him that if it's possible to identify one's previous incarnations, it might also be possible to determine one's future ones, in which case Mr Stratton could leave his money to himself.
Ocorreu-lhe que se for possível identificar sua encarnação anterior... também seria possível identificar as futuras. Nesse caso, o sr. Stratton poderia deixar seu dinheiro para si mesmo.
I'll stay back here with Ketcham in case his friends try something.
Fico aqui com o Ketcham. Os amigos podem armar-se em espertos.
The case was in his prison, in his cell.
O caso foi na sua prisão, na sua cela.
They're not likely to be by again today and in any case they'd wait until we dressed his wounds.
Não devem voltar hoje. E, de qualquer modo, esperariam até lhe tratarmos as feridas.
In any case his housekeeper's not complaining.
Estás enganada! A patroa dele anda contentíssima.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in history 31
in his car 20
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in history 31
in his car 20
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his mind 49
case 419
cases 98
casey 1909
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his mind 49
case 419
cases 98
casey 1909
case dismissed 57
case in point 102
case closed 256
case scenario 268
case number 46
case basis 20
case is closed 22
case scenarios 16
case in point 102
case closed 256
case scenario 268
case number 46
case basis 20
case is closed 22
case scenarios 16