In his mind traduction Portugais
969 traduction parallèle
He's only trying to get it straight in his mind.
Ele está só a tentar compreender.
Filled with curiosity about places and people remote from his own experience... he wandered to the half-world of London... the words of Lord Henry vibrating in his mind.
Cheio de curiosidade pelos lugares e as gentes estranhas à sua própria experiência, vagabundeava pelo sub-mundo de Londres, as palavras de Lord Henry vibrando na sua mente.
- That's what's in his mind now.
- Isso tem em mente.
What you'd love is for Bannon to tell you what he heard in his mind while he was out in the field.
O que amaria no Bannon se lhe dissesse o que ele pensa... enquanto estava no campo.
I know what is in his mind.
Sei o que tem em mente.
Something Mr Crabtree has in his mind.
Uma coisa que o Sr. Crabtree tem em mente.
You see, what I need to know is... could a man actually be in one place doing one thing... and still in his mind be elsewhere... doing something else, but so vividly, with such detail... that this is the real, the living part of his life to him?
O que eu preciso de saber é... Pode um homem estar num sítio, a fazer uma coisa, e, na sua mente, estar noutro sítio, a fazer outra coisa, mas de forma tão nítida e com tamanho pormenor que é essa a parte real da sua vida?
A lot of that could be just in his mind.
Muito disso pode ser apenas o seu pensamento.
He's only suffering in his mind.
Só está sofrendo mentalmente.
Perhaps that may have been in his mind.
Talvez estivesse nos propósitos dele.
Admiration for Catherine welled up in him, and he sent her a kiss in his mind.
Um clarão de admiração jorrou nele enquanto enviava à Catherine através da mente, um beijo invisível.
What's in his mind?
O que há em sua mente?
In his right mind, perhaps he plays marbles with his landlady's kids or plays cards with friends.
No seu perfeito juízo, se calhar joga ao berlinde com os filhos da senhoria ou joga às cartas com os amigos.
Here, in this very study... the luminous facets of his brilliant mind conceived his outstanding theory... of the source of life.
Aqui, nesta precisa sala de leitura, a sua brilhante e maravilhosa mente concebeu a excelente teoria... da origem da vida.
One never knows what goes on in that quiet mind of his.
Nunca se sabe o que se passa naquela cabeça.
Here's a man who could've been president who was as loved, hated and talked about as any man in our time, but when he dies something is on his mind called Rosebud.
Era um homem que quase foi presidente... que foi mais amado, odiado e falado que qualquer outro... mas, ao morrer, só pensa em algo chamado Rosebud.
If he's upset in any way, has something on his mind, it's absolutely fatal.
É preocupante em todos os sentidos, se os nervos forem afectados, mesmo que... tudo esteja bem com a sua mente. É absolutamente fatal.
There is very little doubt in my mind that Kay has visited Frank in his cell, and I'm afraid for one very definite purpose.
Eu não duvido que a Kay foi ver o Frank à cela... e estou com medo por uma razão.
Why should anybody in his right mind want a picture of you?
Quem, no seu perfeito juízo, quererá uma fotografia tua?
And his mind's sick in his soul, if he has one.
E a mente dele doente na sua alma, se ele tem uma.
no German in his right mind can still have a taste for war.
Podem ainda existir alguns fanáticos, mas nenhum... alemão em seu juizo pode continuar a pensar numa guerra. Conhece a Alemanha, Sr. Rankin?
That's not easy for him. His mind gets in the way.
- Isso não é fácil para ele..., a mente dele fica pelo caminho... não chega lá!
And, to that dauntless temper of his mind, he hath a wisdom that doth guide his valour to act in safety.
Muito ele ousa... e junto com seu destemido espírito... ele tem uma sensatez que guia seu valor, fazendo-o agir em segurança.
These are the thoughts in'Ntoni's mind... and he feels he has to make his family understand.
O António só tem pensado nisso. Eles precisam de se tornar independentes.
"Keep this in mind, Cola : Our struggle is here!" This is what'Ntoni tells his brother.
"É aqui que temos de lutar", diz o António ao irmão.
Any resemblance between me and a fellow in his right mind is purely coincidental.
Qualquer semelhança entre mim e alguém no seu juízo perfeito, é pura coincidência.
There was no doubt the fair Katrina was the richest prize in the countryside. The schoolmaster, being an ambitious man, began to fill his mind with many sugared thoughts and hopeful suppositions.
Não havia dúvidas de que a bela Katrina... era um prémio cobiçado na aldeia... e o pedagogo, homem bastante ambicioso... começou a encher a sua mente com muitos pensamentos doces..
"When a man knows that he's going to be hanged in a few hours, " it concentrates his mind wonderfully. "
"Quando um homem sabe que vai ser enforcado, concentra-se."
Lieutenant Cohill's has made up his mind that Lieutenant Pennell hasn't rank enough to be seen in my company.
Mas ele acha que o Sr. Pennell não tem nível para andar comigo.
Everybody in this game has to make up his own mind.
Todos neste jogo têm de andar pelos seus próprios pés.
What we mean is we don't want Don Camillo taken away, but to make him stay in his place make him stop doing politics and to mind his own business.
O que tentamos dizer é que não queremos que nos tire Don Camillo.Não! Mas queremos que o ponha na ordem. Que ele deixe de fazer politica, que não se meta em coisas que não lhe dizem respeito.
That was someone who existed only in his... Poor, sick mind.
Essa mulher só existiu na pobre mente enferma dele.
It takes a low mind to think low. And his mind's in the gutter!
É preciso uma mente suja para ideias tão sujas, e a dele Está na sarjeta,
- In his own mind, anyway.
- Pelo menos pensa que é.
You could miss the man if you had a mind to, or you could kill him dead in his tracks.
Um tipo podia errar o tiro, se queria ou podia matar o seu homem ali mesmo.
Henry won't mind, except in his pride.
O Henry só ficará ferido no seu orgulho.
Colonel, if he's to do any of the talking with Broken Hand... it might be wise to keep his attitude in mind.
Coronel, se ele for falar com o Mão Quebrada... seria prudente lembrar a sua atitude.
I mean, the quiet, little insidious devices... that can drive a man out of his mind... like putting bubble-gum in someone's coat pocket.
E não me refiro a tortura ou a qualquer tipo de violência, refiro-me aos esquemas insidiosos que nos podem fazer perder a cabeça. Como meter pastilha elástica no bolso do casaco de alguém.
Maybe that wretched experience you had a year or so ago... you know, when that fellow who was trying to impersonate you... went out of his mind right in front of you.
Talvez devido à experiência que tiveste há coisa de um ano, quando o tipo que se fez passar por ti deu em louco mesmo à tua frente.
Anyone in his right mind would blow his stack.
Qualquer pessoa no seu juízo dava-lhe cabo do caneco.
No wolf in his right mind would've jumped us at the fire,
Não é normal que um lobo chegue tão perto do fogo.
Don't mind him, he's always got his head in the clouds.
Encantado. Não se aborreça, é um pouquinho distraído.
And when your husband came in, did it seem to you that there might have been something on his mind?
E quando o seu marido entrou, pareceu-lhe que ele vinha a pensar nalguma coisa?
Never mind what he found in his pocket.
Esquece o que ele encontrou no seu bolso.
Nobody in his right mind would let himself be murdered.
Ninguém em seu juízo perfeito se deixaria assassinar.
I'm of the opinion that he was in sufficient possession of his faculties so he was not dominated by his unconscious mind.
Na minha opinião, ele estava na posse de faculdades suficientes... e, portanto, não estava dominado pelo subconsciente.
No wonder he's chasin'the fairy gold, and him half out of his mind, tryin'to keep some little bit of self-respect in the town.
Não é de admirar que ele esteja caçando o ouro das fadas, e meio enlouquecido, tentando manter um pouquinho de dignidade na cidade.
His coachman told me they found you rootin'in the mud of the road, so far gone in grief you were out of your mind entirely.
Seu cocheiro disse-me que o acharam afundado na lama da estrada, tão desesperado que estava totalmente fora de si.
Whether or not he's guilty technically, I ask the court to bear in mind that a sentence of guilty would automatically result in his professional ruin.
Mesmo que tecnicamente falando ele possa ser culpado, peço ao tribunal para ter em conta que uma sentença de culpado resultaria automaticamente na sua ruína profissional.
Go get in his wagon before this poor man change your mind.
Subam nessa carroça... antes que este pobre homem mude de ideias.
So he had to erase the crime, at least in his own mind.
Assim, teve de apagar o crime, pelo menos na sua mente.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
mind 439
mindy 774
minded 447
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
mind 439
mindy 774
minded 447
mind over matter 19
mind the gap 34
mind your head 41
mind your own business 391
mind your manners 33
mind your business 83
mind yourself 33
minding my own business 39
mind control 21
mind you 638
mind the gap 34
mind your head 41
mind your own business 391
mind your manners 33
mind your business 83
mind yourself 33
minding my own business 39
mind control 21
mind you 638