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Just be honest with me traduction Portugais

89 traduction parallèle
Just be honest with me.
Sê honesto comigo, Michael.
- "Just be honest with me."
- Não sou eu que ando a dormir por aí.
Just be honest with me about what you're trying to do.
Seja sincero sobre as suas intenções.
With gigantic- - oh, for God's sake! Can you please just be honest with me?
- Pelo amor de Deus, importam-se de dizer a verdade?
Oh Jesus Rick, just be honest with me. I'm being honest with you.
Onde é?
So if you'll just be honest with me I can forgive you.
Portanto, se fores honesto comigo, consigo perdoar-te.
Why don't you just be honest with me and tell me which hand you're leaning towards?
Porque não és sincera e dizes para que lado estás mais inclinada?
- Just be honest with me.
- Apenas sê honesta comigo.
Just be honest with me.
Sê honesta comigo.
You know, Val, it would be a lot easier if you'd just be honest with me.
Sabe Val, teria sido muito mais fácil se tivesse sido honesta comigo.
But how about just be honest with me?
Então porque é que...? Sê honesta comigo.
Just be honest with me.
Apenas sê sincero comigo.
Just be honest with me.
Sê honesto comigo.
If you don't want to date me anymore, please just be honest with me.
Se já não queres sair comigo, sê franco comigo.
Just be honest with me.
Mas sê sincero comigo.
Would you like to get a drink with me? If you don't want to date me anymore, please just be honest with me.
Se não quer voltar a sair comigo, por favor, seja sincero.
Just be honest with me.
Sejam sinceros comigo.
I'm giving you a chance here to just be honest with me.
Estou a dar-te uma oportunidade de seres honesta comigo.
Just be honest with me
Está bem? Sê apenas sincera comigo.
Just be honest with me.
Diz-me só a verdade.
Just be honest with me, okay?
Quero que sejas honesta comigo.
- Just be honest with me.
- Fala a verdade.
Around right now, and you're putting words into my mouth. Just be honest with me!
Sê sincero comigo!
I'll be honest with you, miss, I just can't stand no more of this.
Serei honesto com você, Srta. Eu só me acostumei com a bebida.
I just want you to be honest with me.
Só quero que sejas sincera.
But- - and, just like Cheryl, this is a big "but" - - you could at least be honest with me.
Mas, a Cheryl tem um grande rabo! Podias pelo menos ter sido honesto comigo.
I'm definitely interested but I just ask that you be honest with me. The one thing I can't handle is games.
Estou definitivamente interessado, mas só te peço que sejas honesta comigo.
Then I had to make it up, because it was more important not to let her down than it was for me to just be honest with her.
Depois tive de inventar, porque era mais importante não a desiludir do que ser honesto com ela.
I can hardly believe it myself because, to be quite honest with you, when I first met him, when you hired him to play at Thanksgiving, I just didn't like him at all. He bugged me, actually.
Eu própria não consigo acreditar, porque, para ser honesta consigo, quando o conheci, quando o contratou para tocar na Acção de Graças, não gostei nada dele, até me aborrecia.
I just hope that one day you'll realize you can be honest with me.
Eu só espero que um dia você perceba que pode ser honesta comigo.
You just wanna be honest with this person and tell them, " It's me.
Só queres ser honesto com esta pessoa e dizer-lhe " Sou eu...
And, to be honest with you, Lol... just thinking of you... got me through them three and a half years inside.
Para ser sincero, Lol, foi pensar em ti que me ajudou a suportar a prisão.
I just want him to be honest with me.
Só quero que ele seja honesto comigo.
I just want you to be honest with me. You can tell me anything.
Quero que sejas sincera comigo, podes contar-me tudo.
I... honey, I-I just want you to be honest with me.
Querido, só quero que sejas sincero comigo.
I just need you to be honest with me.
Só preciso que seja honesta comigo.
I just wish, you know, I wish he'd be honest with me.
Só queria que fossem honestos comigo.
Just be completely honest with me, pat.
- Sê honesto comigo, Pat.
dirty sex money Season01 episode03 So i'm just asking you to be honest with me.
Só te peço que sejas sincero comigo.
You know, you guys are just pathetic. If you're not gonna be honest with your husbands, then who are you gonna be vulnerable with?
Sinto-me muito vulnerável neste momento.
It's really tough when I'm alone with her, you know... and she's asking me, " Please, just be honest.
É muito difícil ficar sozinho com ela, sabe? E quando ela me pede : " Por favor, seja honesto.
You just have to be honest with me.
Só tens que ser honesto comigo.
I just wanna be as honest with you as you would be with me.
Só quero ser tão honesta contigo como serias comigo.
To be honest, Jessica, I don't really care if we get caught. I just don't want to share a cell with you.
Honestamente, Jessica, não me importo que sejamos apanhadas, só não quero partilhar uma cela contigo.
I just want to be honest with me.
Só quero que sejas honesto comigo.
Most of the time, great, but every now and again, there's that one outfit I just wish somebody would be honest with me and say,
Na maior parte do tempo, óptimo. Mas de vez em quando, há aquela peça... Gostava que alguém tivesse sido sincero e dito :
Just one time, be honest with me.
Pelo menos uma vez, seja honesta comigo.
I'm on my last strike. If my boss finds out I'm here, I'll be gone tomorrow, but I know there is something else going on, and I just need someone to be honest with me.
É a minha última oportunidade, se o meu chefe descobrir que estou aqui, amanhã serei expulsa, mas sei... que passa-se mais qualquer coisa, e preciso que... sejam sinceros comigo.
You just gave a whole speech about honesty, it's time for you to be honest with me!
Tu acabaste de fazer um, discurso sobre honestidade, e está na hora de seres honesto comigo!
I can't tell if you guys are following me or not, and I'm just a little out of sorts, to be honest with you.
Não sei se me estão a seguir e ando um bocado mal humorado, para ser franco.
[Laughs] just a girl i used to date. Okay, i'm gonna ask you just a girl i used to date. Okay, i'm gonna ask you again, and i want you to be okay, i'm gonna ask you again, and i want you to be honest with me.
Vou perguntar outra vez, e quero que sejas sincero.

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