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Maybe it traduction Portugais

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maybe it's more real than I thought.
Por isso, talvez seja mais real do que eu pensava.
I thought maybe it was a mistake.
No início, pensei que talvez fosse um engano.
Maybe it is a sign.
Talvez seja um sinal.
Maybe it's the other way around.
- Talvez seja do outro lado.
Maybe it takes some time.
Talvez demore um pouco.
If the guy who died in Cambodia ever had business here, maybe it was at that workshop.
Se o tipo do Camboja esteve cá, talvez tenha ido à oficina.
Maybe it was just waiting.
Talvez tenha estado à espera.
I don't know, maybe it was just an afterthought.
Não sei, talvez tenha sido um acto irreflectido.
Maybe it was just this old house that needs to be updated.
Talvez seja só esta casa que precise de uma remodelação.
Maybe it's not proper for her to go out in the woods with another man.
Talvez não seja de bom tom para ela ir para a floresta com outro homem.
But, hey. Maybe it's a good thing that we said it out loud.
Talvez tenha sido bom que o tenhamos dito em voz alta.
- Or maybe it's the other way around.
- Talvez seja ao contrário.
I thought if I just lay there, maybe it'd go away.
Pensei, que ao ficar deitada, esqueceria o que aconteceu.
- That's because maybe it's them! May-Maybe them.
Porque talvez seja culpa deles!
Maybe it's just, who they are.
Talvez as pessoas sejam assim.
Or maybe it's about time you know about your mother.
Ou talvez esteja na hora de saberdes mais sobre ela.
Uh, maybe it means something to you.
Talvez signifique algo para si.
Maybe it was a mask.
Talvez fosse uma máscara.
Or maybe it's not.
Ou talvez não.
Yes, and I was thinking maybe it's time we paint.
Sim, e pensei que talvez esteja na altura de pintarmos.
Maybe it was inappropriate, handing out invites on the first day, but Renata's a planner.
Talvez tenha sido inadequado, dar convites no primeiro dia. Mas, a Renata adora planear.
And Ed's not a neurotic guy, so maybe it is me.
Como o Ed não é neurótico, talvez a culpa seja minha.
I don't know. Maybe it's a little bit about both.
Não sei, talvez as duas coisas.
Uh-huh. And maybe it's just a random signal cross?
E talvez seja apenas um sinal de cruz aleatório?
Maybe it's his way of coping.
Talvez seja a sua maneira de aguentar isto.
This says "start," so, maybe it's not that complicated.
Isto diz "Start" por isso talvez não seja complicado.
I think maybe it's too much information.
Acho que talvez seja demasiada informação.
- Well, maybe it should.
- Bem, talvez devia.
Or maybe it'll rip this thing apart!
Ou talvez irá destruir isto!
I thought maybe it would remind you of your dad.
Pensei que te lembraria o teu pai.
If it is, maybe it's because there's too much of it.
Só se for por excesso de evento.
Maybe it is all changing.
Talvez esteja tudo a mudar.
Just consider for a moment that maybe... just maybe... they got it wrong.
Pondera por um momento que talvez, apenas talvez eles estivessem errados.
I could... I could get it analyzed. Maybe prove that the documents were forged.
Se tens o tablet, posso mandar analisá-lo, talvez provar que os documentos foram falsificados.
Fighting it, maybe.
Lutá-la, talvez.
If they think Danny's a key, maybe whatever it is he unlocks is in that structure.
Se acham que o Danny é uma chave, talvez o que ele abre esteja lá.
- Maybe he made it out.
- Talvez ele tenha saído de lá.
Yeah, maybe that's why it was so inexpensive.
Sim, talvez seja por isso que foi tão barato.
Maybe we can sell all of it on craigslist, make some money and buy some different furniture?
Talvez a consigamos vender, ganhamos algum dinheiro e compramos mobilias novas?
Yeah, maybe I'll check it out.
Sim, talvez vá lá ver.
And it seems we're on our way to users being able to register it and maybe actually vote through their Circle account.
E parece que estamos a caminho dos utilizadores registarem-se e talvez até votarem através da sua conta do Círculo.
Maybe I could give it to the church instead?
Talvez a possa dar à igreja?
Maybe this school isn't as great as you think it is.
Talvez esta escola não seja tão boa como pensa.
It would've been nice if the conversation after had been about the failure of counterinsurgency, or why we seem so desperate to be at war all the time, or how maybe what we're doing is just making more enemies all in the name of keeping America safe.
Teria sido bom se a conversa a seguir tivesse sido sobre o fracasso da contrainsurgência ou porque parecemos tão ansiosos por estar sempre em guerra, ou que talvez estejamos apenas a fazer mais inimigos ao tentar manter a América segura.
Maybe a week or two, that's it.
Talvez uma semana ou duas, é isso.
Yeah, maybe it is.
- Sim, talvez seja.
Or maybe I'm here to entertain you, so you can laugh at my clumsiness, my freakishness, is that it?
Ou talvez eu esteja aqui para entretê-la, para que possa rir-se da minha falta de jeito, da minha anormalidade, é isso?
I am suggesting that we help each other by an alliance of pirates and slaves, bring down Nassau, maybe bring it all down.
Estou a sugerir que nos ajudemos mutuamente fazendo uma aliança entre piratas e escravos, derrubar Nassau, talvez destruí-la completamente.
It will be days, hours maybe, before he finds a way to set his feet beneath him and retrench.
Numa questão de dias, talvez horas, descobrirá uma forma de se reerguer e preparar a defesa.
Okay, "forced himself" maybe is the wrong word, but I hated every minute of it.
Está bem, talvez "violentar-me" não seja a palavra certa, mas odiei cada minuto.
But then, maybe you can tell me about it later.
Mas talvez possas contar-me como foi mais logo.

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