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Mexicans traduction Portugais

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Do you know a million Mexicans drink it?
Sabia que um milhão de Mexicanos o bebem?
- A million Mexicans drink it.
- Um milhão de mexicanos o bebem.
I've just seen at least a million Mexicans in the corridor.
Acabo de ver pelo menos, um milhão de mexicanos no corredor.
You gotta hand it to the Mexicans when it comes to swift justice.
Há que admitir que os mexicanos sabem aplicar justiça rápida.
I don't know. I went to the United States of America with some of my buddies but came back, with all my hopes and dreams to my dear Mexico, a place full of... Mexicans.
Eu fui pros "United States of América" e voltei com o carregamento de esperança e ilusões no México, tão cheio de...
If we make peace with the Americans can we still raid the Mexicans?
Se fizermos paz com os Americanos podemos mesmo assim atacar os mexicanos?
There cannot be war against the Mexicans either.
Também não poderá haver guerra contra os mexicanos.
Ambushed by the Mexicans, the entire detachment was killed or captured and only Captain Farrell escaped by shooting his way to freedom with a pair of the new Colt repeating pistols. "
Emboscados pelos mexicanos, apesar de toda sua tropa ter sido aniliquida Foram mortos ou capturados e só o capitão Farrell escapou Abrindo o seu caminho para liberdade com um par do novo revólver Colt.
A whole cart full of Mexicans, but they weren't Mexicans.
Uma carroça cheia de mexicanos, mas nao eram mexicanos.
- There ain't no Mexicans up that-a-way, is there?
- Mas os mexicanos nao estao nessa area?
Not the Mexicans.
Nao se trata dos mexicanos.
" I am besieged by a thousand or more Mexicans under general Santa Anna.
" Estou a ser sitiado por mais de mil mexicanos sob as ordens de Santa Anna.
A Iot of Mexicans are going to pay for this.
Ds mexicanos vao paga-Ias.
- Senor, it was not Mexicans who did this. It was Americans.
- Senor, nao foram os mexicanos que fizeram isto, foram americanos.
Maybe do what a Iot of others are doing. Join the Mexicans.
talvez aquilo que fazem tantos outros : juntar-me aos mexicanos.
- Hey, Jim, shoot twice if you see any Mexicans.
- Eh, Jim, dispara duas vezes se vires os mexicanos.
I heard the Mexicans were giving land grants.
Duvi dizer que os mexicanos distribuem terras.
Mexicans, sir.
Mexicanos, sir!
You sure it was Mexicans?
Mexicanos? De certeza?
- No, but they were Mexicans.
- Nao, mas eram mexicanos.
Stroud joining up with the Mexicans? It don't make sense.
Stroud e os mexicanos, isso nao faz sentido!
They're not Mexicans. They just dress like Mexicans.
Nao sao mexicanos, so estao vestidos assim!
- But he broke out of jail and joined the Mexicans.
- Juntou-se aos mexicanos!
I tried to tell you, Miss Beth. They're Americans dressed as Mexicans.
Ja o disse : sao americanos disfarçados de mexicanos.
He cultivated the friendship of some influential Mexicans... that didn't like the Guadalupe Treaty, that lost them their lands in Texas.
Cultivou a amizade de alguns mexicanos influentes... que perderam as suas terras pelo Tratado de Guadalupe.
The Mexicans grind those things up for cayenne.
Os mexicanos moem e comem essas coisas para esquentar.
When settlers came to this valley there was only the adobe village of Ocatilla which the Mexicans and the Indians had started to build.
Quando chegaram os colonos só tinha o povoado de Ocatilla que os mexicanos e os índios tinham começado.
We Mexicans are a different and older race.
Garanto-lhe que os Americanos não compreendem.
I know how to handle Mexicans.
Sei lidar com mexicanos.
- Took it from some ignorant Mexicans.
- Tiraram-na a uns mexicanos ignorantes.
You see, all Mexicans are very religious people, and for any Mexican to deny the final rite to a departed soul, it's unthinkable.
Repare, todos os mexicanos são pessoas muito religiosas, e para qualquer mexicano, negar a extrema-unção a uma alma que partiu, é impensável.
Aren't you the fellow the Mexicans used to call borrachin?
Não é a pessoa a quem os mexicanos costumavam chamar "borrachin"?
That's when the Mexicans started calling him borrachon.
Foi quando os mexicanos lhe começaram a chamar "borrachón", que significa....
The Mexicans played it for the Texas boys when they had them pent up at the Alamo.
Os mexicanos tocaram-na quando penduraram os tipos do Texas, no Alamo.
About 10 months ago, some Mexicans were supposed to have been massacred by Apaches in Rattlesnake Canyon, at least, everybody said it was Apaches.
Há cerca de 8 ou 10 meses atrás, uns mexicanos foram supostamente massacrados por apaches em Rattlesnake Canyon. Pelo menos foi o que disseram, que tinham sido os apaches.
You see, we'd rustled more than a thousand head at Haciendo Puerto across the border, but those Mexicans trailed us back here.
Tínhamos roubado mais de mil cabeças de gado em Haciendo Puerto para lá da fronteira, mas aqueles mexicanos seguiram-nos até aqui.
And the Mexicans did not speak English and when understood, said... had ºold the horses few weeks earlier.
E o mexicano não falava inglês e quando entendi, disse que... havia vendido os cavalos algumas semanas antes.
I already got two Mexicans.
Já tenho dois Mexicanos.
Old folks and womenfolks and Mexicans, a couple of cripples like Crane, that's what this town is.
Velhos, velhas e mexicanos, um par de aleijados como o Crane, é tudo o que resta desta cidade.
- Mexicans?
- Os mexicanos?
Well look at me Hally. Count the Mexicans who are living here.
Olha para mim, Hally, conta os mexicanos que estão na Vila.
I understand that the Mexicans like their women fat and dumpy.
Dizem que os mexicanos gostam das mulheres gordas e atarracadas.
The damn war between the Mexicans and Major Jackson's soldiers reduced the town to this, as you can see.
A maldita guerra entre os mexicanos e os soldados do major Jackson reduziu a cidade a isto, Como podes ver.
We manage, a bit with the Mexicans, and a bit with the Major's men.
Nós nos arranjamos, um pouco com os mexicanos, e um pouco com os soldados do Major.
It means having to face both the racists and the Mexicans.
Significa ter que enfrentar ambos os racistas e os Mexicanos.
It's the Mexicans he can't stand.
São os Mexicanos, ele não consegue sustê-los.
You wanted to run away and ended up in the hands of Jackson's worst enemies, the Mexicans.
Quiseste fugir e acabou nas mãos dos piores inimigos do Jackson, os Mexicanos.
A harlot who was sold to the Mexicans.
Uma prostituta vendida aos Mexicanos.
Nathaniel, if you'd go to the Mexicans, maybe those two would be saved.
Nathaniel, se fores ter com os mexicanos. Talvez estes dois fiquem a salvo.
Don't worry. You'll still have the Mexicans as your customers.
Ainda tens os Mexicanos como teus clientes.
The Mexicans are coming!
Os Mexicanos estão a vir!

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