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Michael holt traduction Portugais

9 traduction parallèle
On my way to interviewing nobel prize-winning tech guru Michael Holt, my taxi ran out of gas.
Quando ia a caminho para entrevistar o vencedor do Prémio Nobel, o guru da Tecnologia Michael Holt, o meu táxi ficou sem gasolina.
Michael Holt.
Michael Holt.
Main investors, Simon Stagg, Michael Holt and...
Principais investidores : Simon Stagg, Michael Holt e...
Then there's this guy, Michael Holt. Suspected in four other robberies along the East Coast.
Michael Holt, suspeito de mais quatro roubos na costa leste.
Cameras caught Michael Holt scoping out their security system.
As câmaras apanharam o Michael Holt a estudar o sistema de segurança deles.
Accomplice to Michael Holt.
Cúmplice do Michael Holt.
Michael Holt, he's our prime suspect in the fossil shipment theft.
Michael Holt, é o nosso principal suspeito no roubo dos fósseis.
I pushed George Michael into running for office... and I think he's gonna get crushed by this kid Steve Holt.
Forcei o George Michael a candidatar-se... e acho que ele vai ser esmagado por outro miúdo, o Steve Holt.
My name is Michael Holt, and I am being attacked by... [tires screeching]
Polícia de Gotham? Chamo-me Michael Holt, e estou a ser atacado por...

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