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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ M ] / Mr brown

Mr brown traduction Portugais

651 traduction parallèle
Victoria, this is Mr Brown of the Grand Central Railroad.
Victoria, este é o Sr. Brown da estação de Grand Central.
Mr Brown seems to have recovered your furs, which you seem to have left some place yesterday.
O Sr. Brown encontrou o teu casaco de pele, que deixaste nalgum lugar ontem.
Thank you very much, Mr Brown.
Muito obrigado, Sr. Brown.
Mr Brown?
O Sr. Brown?
You wouldn't go around sneaking behind her back, calling Mr Brown.
Tu não ias, nas costas dela, telefonar ao Sr. Brown.
You're too much of a gentleman to call Mr Brown at Schuyler 5-7-8-6-7.
És demasiado cavalheiro para telefonar ao Sr. Brown para o Schuyler 5-7-8-6-7.
Does Mr Brown of the Grand Central Railroad live here?
O Sr. Brown da Grand Central Railroad vive aqui?
Hello, is this Mr Brown of the Grand Central Railway?
Sim, fala o Sr. Brown da Grand Central Railroad?
Where do you live, Mr Brown?
Onde vive, Sr. Brown?
I do not want Mr Grey and Mr Brown alone with the passengers.
10 milhões de dólares! De onde tirou ele esse número?
- Don't you trust them? - I trust Mr Brown.
Na verdade, 10 é o limite, senhor.
Mr Brown.
- Não. Não que a gente saiba.
All right. Open the door, would you, Mr Brown?
Agora, têm 6 minutos e 55 segundos, confere.
Best get going. All right, Mr Brown.
Pelo menos igual a mim.
Guns to Mr Brown.
Vamos embora! - Temos de encontrá-lo!
Mr. Lincoln, you know ever since John Brown's raid, the South has been infuriated, the East on the verge of revolt, and now New York threatens to quit the Unión.
oln, o Senhor sabe que desde o I ataque de Joh o Sul ficou furioso, o leste está quase numa revolta e agora N. York ameaça com abandonar a União.
Good-bye, Mr. Brown.
- Adeus, Sr. Brown.
It will look very bad, Mr. Brown.
Seria muito feio, Sr. Brown.
I'm just a poor man, Mr. Brown.
Sou apenas um pobre homem, Sr. Brown.
Well, Mr. Brown has "out-Browned" himself.
Agora é que o senhor Brown se escaldou!
This way, Mr. Brown.
Por aqui, Sr. Brown.
- Good evening, Mr. Brown.
- Boa noite, Mr. Brown.
Mr. Gibbons coat, Frank, that brown one.
O casaco marrom do Sr. Gibbons, Frank.
- Mr. And Mrs. Brown.
- O Sr. E a Srª Brown.
Is that you, Mr. Brown?
É você, Sr. Brown?
Mr. Brown and the others arrived in that boat four days ago.
Mr. Brown e os outros chegaram no barco grande, há quatro dias.
Yeah, this is Mr. Brown.
Fala Mr. Brown.
Mr. Brown-Pryce, Mr. Boltchak.
Brown-Pryce, Mr. BoItchak.
- Mr. Nordley, Brown-Pryce.
- Mr. NordIey, Brown-Pryce.
- Mr. Brown-Pryce.
- Brown-Pryce.
Mr Clay Brown.
Clay Brown. - Aqui.
- Good morning, Mr. Brown.
- Bom dia, Sr. Brown.
Mr. Brown and Mr. Knight have been informed by their company commanders about our venture.
Os senhores Brown e Knight receberam a informação... dos seus comandantes de companhia sobre o nosso empreendimento.
Okay, Mr. Brown.
Tudo bem, S.r Brown.
Thank you, Mr. Brown.
Obrigado, S.r Brown.
Thanks, Mr. Brown.
Obrigado, S.r Brown.
Now look, Mr. Brown, I didn't tell Mrs. Collins anything about this.
Olhe, S.r Brown, eu não contei nada disto à S.ra Collins.
Now, Mr. Vole, when you went to visit Mrs. French for the last time, did you wear a trench coat and a brown hat?
Agora, Sr. Vole, quando foi visitar a Sra. French pela última vez, usava uma capa de chuva e um chapéu marrom?
Just the man you need, Mr. Charlie Brown.
Exatamente, o homem que vocês precisam, O Sr. Charlie Brown.
Well, Mr. Brown, I hope your first impression of us won't be too critical.
Sr. Brown, espero que tenha uma boa impressão de nós.
Well, they're high-spirited, Mr. Brown.
São cheios de vida, Sr. Brown.
- Mr. Brown, may I have a word with you?
- Sr. Brown, podemos falar?
Double-exposed four x-ray negatives, which caused Mr. Brown's liver to wind up in Mrs. Schuman's right ear.
Expôs duplamente quatro negativos de raio-x, o que fez o fígado do Sr.Brown aparecer na orelha direita da Sra.Schuman.
- Mr. Brown.
- Sr. Brown.
That is the army, Mr. Brown
Isto é o exército, Mr. Brown
Mr. Brown...
Mr. Brown...
At least Mr. Brown and his family have the sense to stay to themselves.
Pelo menos o sr. Brown e a familia tem o sentido de se isolarem.
Mrs. penguin and number eight, mrs. colyer- - These two now at the head of the field From mrs. brown, mrs. atkins, mrs. parkinson
Mrs. Penguin e Mrs. Colyer estão à frente do campo de Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Atkins, Mrs. Parkinson Mrs. Warner e Mrs. Rudd, todas em casa de Mr.
Highlights of that broadcast will be discussed later by Lord George-Brown, ex-foreign secretary Mr. Sven Olafson, the ex-Norwegian minister of finance Sir Charles Ollendorff, ex-chairman of the Norwegian Trades Council Mr. Hamish McLavell, the mayor of Wick the nearest large town to Norway Mrs. Betty Norday, whose name sounds remarkably like Norway Mr. Brian Waynor, whose name is an anagram of Norway Mr. and Mrs. Ford, whose name sounds like fjord of which there are a lot in Norway Ron and Christine Boslow...
Boa noite Podem achar algo estranho que estejamos a pedir-vos que votem Norueguês nas próximas eleições Mas considerem as vantagens
You're talkin'to the wrong man. I'm not your Mr B-B-B-Brown.
Com certeza, que a sua esposa sabe, não é?

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