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Mystic falls traduction Portugais

350 traduction parallèle
Originally discovered nearly five centuries ago it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over a 145 years.
Inicialmente descoberto há quase cinco séculos, não passava sobre Mystic Falls há mais de 145 anos.
Last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death.
Na última vez que passou sobre Mystic Falls, houve muitas mortes.
Let her tell everyone that vampires have returned to Mystic Falls.
Deixa-a dizer a toda a gente que os vampiros voltaram a Mystic Falls.
Hey. So, you were born in Mystic Falls?
Então, nasceste em Mystic Falls?
Mystic Falls is a different place now.
Mystic Falls agora é diferente.
The battle of Willow Creek Took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls.
A batalha de Willow Creek... aconteceu mesmo no fim da... guerra na nossa Mystic Falls.
Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls? Distant.
Salvatore, alguma relação com os... colonos primitivos em Mystic Falls?
This is Logan Fell coming to you live from Mystic Falls with breaking news of another deadly animal attack.
Logan Fell, em directo das ruas de Mystic Falls com notícias de última hora sobre outro ataque mortífero de um animal.
The wild animal terrorizing citizens has claimed another victim local high school student, Elena Gilbert.
O animal selvagem que aterroriza os cidadãos de Mystic Falls fez mais uma vítima, a aluna do liceu local Elena Gilbert.
All's well in Mystic Falls. "
Tudo está bem, em Mystic Falls. "
To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught.
Repito : o animal que aterrorizava Mystic Falls foi apanhado.
Did your mom tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?
A tua mãe alguma vez te disse por que me mudei de Mystic Falls?
"The founding families of Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural Founder's Council Celebration."
"As famílias fundadoras de Mystic Falls dão as boas-vindas à Festa Inaugural do Conselho dos Fundadores."
And when I heard you were staying in Mystic Falls, I thought maybe... Well, maybe I could have a second chance to make things right.
E, quando soube que ias ficar em Mystic Falls, pensei que talvez tivesse uma segunda oportunidade para consertar as coisas.
All is well in Mystic Falls. "
Tudo está bem, em Mystic Falls. "
The citizens of Mystic Falls coming together in support of one of their own.
Os cidadãos de Mystic Falls unem-se para apoiar um dos seus.
Are there any other Salvatores in Mystic Falls?
- Há mais Salvatore em Mystic Falls?
Not in Mystic Falls, not anymore.
- Em Mystic Falls, não.
They were discovered at the old Mystic Falls cemetery...
Foram descobertos, hoje, no velho cemitério de Mystic Falls.
Well, how did we end up in Mystic Falls?
Como viemos parar a Mystic Falls?
What are you really doing in Mystic Falls?
Que vieste realmente fazer a Mystic Falls?
And I will finally reveal the ulterior motive behind my evil and diabolical return to Mystic Falls.
Gosto. - E eu revelarei finalmente o motivo por detrás do meu perverso e diabólico regresso a Mystic Falls.
I was right about Mystic Falls.
Tinha razão, quanto a Mystic Falls.
Mystic Falls, the civil war era.
Mystic Falls, no tempo da Guerra Civil.
And the Gilberts were one of t original founding families of Mystic Falls. So...
E nós, os Gilbert somos uma das famílias fundadoras de Mystic Falls, por isso...
And you were leading what was probably the only anti-war sit-in within miles of Mystic Falls.
E liderava o que era, provavelmente, o único protesto anti-guerra nas redondezas de Mystic Falls.
Mystic Falls general.
Hospital de Mystic Falls ".
It's just, uh, you don't actually Think the are vampires in mystic falls.
Mas não achas mesmo que haja vampiros em Mystic Falls.
Why are you in mystic falls?
Porque estás em Mystic Falls?
- We're respectable ladies of Mystic Falls.
Somos as senhoras respeitáveis de Mystic Falls.
Do you know that I am one of Mystic Falls'most eligible bachelors?
Sabias que sou um dos solteiros mais cobiçados de Mystic Falls?
The real housewives of Mystic Falls await.
As verdadeiras donas de casa de Mystic Falls esperam-nos.
- I'm a teacher at Mystic Falls High.
Sou professor no Liceu de Mystic Falls.
Oh, well, give us a fun fact about Mystic Falls. Something crazy.
Conte-nos um facto divertido sobre Mystic Falls, alguma maluquice.
I've been in Mystic Falls since the comet.
Estou em Mystic Falls desde o cometa, Damon.
Mystic Falls is our home, Damon.
Mystic Falls é a nossa casa, Damon.
Katherine and I were best friends long before we came to Mystic Falls.
A Katherine e eu já éramos melhores amigas muito antes de virmos para Mystic Falls, Damon.
It's one of the original structures in Mystic Falls.
É um dos edifícios originais de Mystic Falls.
I was thinking about squeezing one more out on the vampires of Mystic Falls.
Estava a pensar em voltar a fazer sobre os vampiros de Mystic Falls.
You know, Miss Mystic Falls.
A eleição da Miss Mystic Falls.
In the running for Miss Mystic Falls?
Na corrida para Miss Mystic Falls?
Because you wanna stay in Mystic Falls. John Gilbert's making that impossible.
- Porque quer ficar em Mystic Falls, e o John Gilbert está na cidade, fazendo com que isso não seja possível.
So without further ado, it is my honor to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls, Miss Caroline Forbes.
Portanto, sem mais delongas, tenho a honra de anunciar a nossa Miss Mystic Falls, a menina Caroline Forbes!
All of this within a 75-mile radius of Mystic Falls.
Tudo isto num raio de 120 km de Mystic Falls.
I like my life here in Mystic Falls.
Gosto da minha vida aqui em Mystic Falls.
So if you were planning on some clever high-speed-snatch-ring-vamp-kill move know that if I die everything I know goes to the council including a fascinating little tale of the original Salvatore brothers and their present-day return to Mystic Falls.
Portanto, se estavas a planear um movimento rápido de me roubar o anel e me matares, é bom que saibas que se eu morrer, tudo o que eu sei passa para o Conselho. Incluindo a fascinante história original dos irmãos Salvatore, e do seu actual regresso a Mystic Falls.
Let's give a big hand to the Mystic Falls High School Marching Band.
Um grande aplauso para a banda do liceu de Mystic Falls!
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic Falls court and their handsome escorts.
Senhoras e senhores, um aplauso para a belíssima corte da nossa Miss Mystic Falls e os seus bonitos acompanhantes.
This is Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls.
Esta é a Caroline Forbes, a Miss Mystic Falls.
Look. Let's cheer for the Mystic Falls High School football team.
Um aplauso para a equipa de futebol do liceu de Mystic Falls.
For 150 years Mystic Falls has been the kind of town that everybody wants to call home.
Durante 150 anos, Mystic Falls foi o tipo de cidade a que todos querem chamar sua casa.

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