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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ N ] / Nance

Nance traduction Portugais

399 traduction parallèle
Peerey, Nance and all of them.
O Peerey, o Nance e todos eles.
Nance, what I want you to do is start counting from 1 00 backwards real slow, okay?
Nance, o que quero que faça é que comece a contar de 100 até zero bem devagar, ok?
Nance, can you give me a cough, please?
Nance, pode tossir, por favor?
I can't talk about it, Nance, I told you.
Já disse que não posso falar sobre isso.
I don't wanna talk about it, Nance.
Não quero falar sobre isso, Nance.
Nance, what I'm doing is affecting me.
Nance, o que estou a fazer está-me a afectar.
By the way, ít's amully kínd _ Pa to _ nance me here, ín spíte of my ídíocy.
É muito generoso da parte do Pai financiar-me, apesar da minha idiotice.
Catamite, nance, fairy, punk.
Capanga. Bandido. Maricas.
Hey, Nance.
Sid! Nancy!
Are you guys still fighting, Nance?
- Vocês ainda discutem, Nancy?
Sid, Nance, pull up your pants!
Nancy! Ponham as calças!
I'll meet her halfway. Nance!
Vou recebê-la na porta.
It's no use hiding!
Nance! Não adianta se esconderem!
Mr. Nance is waiting for you.
O Sr. Nance está à sua espera.
One would speculate that it's about the charges against Mitchell and Nance.
Especula-se que são acusações contra o V.P. E o Presidente.
Allegations of wrongdoing have also been made against Nance.
O Vice-Presidente Nance também foi acusado.
Vice-President Nance is a good and decent public servant and I'd like to apologize for any pain this caused him or his family.
O Vice-Presidente Nance... é um bom e digno funcionário público... e peço desculpa por qualquer dano que isto lhe causou.
In a bittersweet ceremony in the capital, Vice-President Gary Nance was officially sworn in today as the 45th president of the United States.
Numa cerimónia no Capitol, o Vice-Presidente Gary Nance... tornou-se hoje o 45º Presidente dos Estados Unidos.
Under the terms of the 25th Amendment, Nance has been acting with full authority since Bill Mitchell's incapacitation.
Nos termos da 25ª Emenda da Constituição, Nance era... o Presidente interino, desde a incapacidade de Mitchell.
How much time we got?
Quanto tempo resta, Nance?
How many bytes?
Nance, quantos bytes?
Nance, don't give up on me.
Nance, tu não me desistas.
You Nance, private investigator?
É Nance, o detetive particular?
Thank you, Nance.
Obrigado, Nance.
Thank you, Nance.
- Obrigado, Nance.
Even John Nash... that's the guy who ran the scam... he knew there wasn't much he could do about it.
Até o John Nance, o tipo que geria a tramóia, sabia que não havia muito a fazer.
- I'm sorry. Nance gives me trouble, I'll tell him I'll take the eyes out of his frickin'head.
O Nance chateia-me muito e arranco-lhe a porra da cabeça.
Fuckin'Nance takes back two suitcases from the Tangiers. What about three or four?
Porque razão traz o Nance duas malas do Tangiers, em vez de três ou quatro?
The first one to skip was John Nance.
O primeiro a fugir foi o John Nance.
Hey, Nance, can you cover for me?
Nance, podes substituir-me?
How do you think I got this far, Nance?
Como pensas que cheguei aqui, Nance?
I can have Alderman Nance called the chief settle all the motion.
Posso pedir ao Alderman Nance que chame o chefe para acalmarem os ânimos.
I'm over at Nance Road.
Estou na Rua Nance.
Nance Road.
Rua Nance.
See you tonight, Nance.
Até logo à noite, Nance.
You know, I know an entomologist at UNC Willmington... Dr. Libby Nance.
Conheço uma entomologista da UNC Wilmington, uma Dra. Libby Nance.
Sable brushes. Nance.
Pincéis de pêlo de marta.
You are the best Nance.
Nance... És a maior, Nance.
You're goddess, Nance.
- És uma deusa, Nance.
- Bye, Nance.
- Adeus, Nance.
How do you, Nance?
Como vai isso, Nance?
Sorry, Nance.
Desculpa, Nance.
What, again you missing bodies, Nance?
Andas outra vez a perder cadáveres?
Nobody is questioning you, Nance.
Ninguém te põe em causa.
- Nance?
- Nance?
Come on, Nance.
Vá lá, Nance.
Barbara Nance, Hialeah.
Barbara Nance, Hialeah.
Hello, Nance.
Olá, Nancy?
You have a friend in me, Nance. A staunch friend, Nance.
Sou teu amigo, Nancy,... um amigo fiel.

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