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Northumberland traduction Portugais

64 traduction parallèle
- My lord? - Saw you the melancholy Lord Northumberland?
Hás visto o melancólico senhor de Northumberland?
- At the Northumberland Hotel.
- No Hotel Northumberland.
There came Northumberland, his son, Henry Percy, called Hotspur, and Worcester, whose purpose was ever to procure malice and set things in a broil.
Northumberland, seu filho Henrique Percy, chamado "Espora Ardente",... e Worcester, cujo objetivo sempre foi agir com malícia e tramar intrigas.
Henceforth let me not hear you speak of Mortimer, or you shall hear in such a kind from me as will displease you.
Não queirais falar de Mortimer, ouvirias coisas que não gostarias. - Lord Northumberland,... podeis deixar-nos... e vosso filho. - Meu bom Lorde, ouça-me.
My liege, Northumberland lies sick, but a great power of English and of Scots follow young Henry Percy.
Northumberland está enfermo, mas um grande exército... de ingleses e escoceses segue Henrique Percy.
Yea, there thou mak'st me sad and mak'st me sin in envy that my Lord Northumberland should be the father to so blest a son.
Isso me deixa triste. Invejo Lorde Northumberland por ser o pai... de um filho tão abençoado.
A son that is the theme of honor's tongue.
O filho de Northumberland!
Percy, Northumberland, the Archbishop's grace of York, Douglas, Mortimer... capitulate against us and are up.
Percy, Northumberland,... o Arcebispo de York, Douglas, Mortimer... uniram suas armas contra nós.
Falstaff, you are going with Prince John of Lancaster against Northumberland.
Falstaff, ireis com o Príncipe John de Lancaster contra Northumberland.
Uh, in North - We're in Northumberland.
Estamos em Northumberland.
- Just a minute. - Whereabout in Northumberland?
Só um minuto.
Rob Roy. Lindisfarne Island, Northumberland.
Rob Roy, Ilha Lindesfarm, Northumberland.
You don't know the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers!
Você não conhece os Fuzileiros 5 de Northumberland.
His mother's dead, his father's in Northumberland.
A mãe morreu, o pai está em Northumberland.
Thither Macduff is gone to pray the holy king upon his aid to wake Northumberland and warlike Seyward.
Macduff foi para lá para pedir ajuda ao santo rei para despertar Northumberland e o belicoso Seyward.
Yes it was she who sent us that warning to the Northumberland Hotel.
Sim, foi ela que enviou a mensagem, para o Northumberland Hotel.
Well, they met in Northumberland in the winter.
Conheceram-se em Northumberland, no Inverno.
Yes, attached to the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers.
Sim, agregado à 5ª companhia de Fuzileiros de Northumberland.
- My Lord Northumberland.
- Lord Northumberland.
Jane, you know the Duke of Northumberland.
Jane, conheces o Duque de Northumberland.
- My Lord Northumberland.
- Senhor de Northumberland.
My Lord I will sign this if the words "our father Henry, Duke of Suffolk" are struck out and "our well-trusted councillor, John, Duke of Northumberland" put in.
Senhor assinarei, se as palavras "nosso pai, Henry Duque de Suffolk" forem tiradas e "o nosso fiel conselheiro, John, Duque de Northumberland" forem incluídas.
The Mayor of Norwich, incarcerated by my Lord Northumberland...
O Mayor de Norwich, encarcerado pelo Senhor de Northumberland...
They have pronounced Northumberland a traitor and Princess Mary, Queen.
Proclamaram Northumberland traidor e a Princesa Maria Rainha.
One, Richard Earl of Cambridge, and the second, Henry Lord Scroop of Masham, and the third, Sir Thomas Grey, knight, of Northumberland, have for the gilt of France...
Um, Ricardo, Conde de Cambridge. O segundo, Henrique, Lorde Scroop de Masham. Terceiro, Sir Tomás Grey, um cavaleiro de Northumberland.
There yours, Lord Scroop of Masham, and sir knight, Grey of Northumberland, this same is yours.
A sua, Lorde Scroop de Masham... e, Cavaleiro, Sir Grey de Northumberland, a sua.
I arrest thee of high treason by the name of Thomas Grey, Knight of Northumberland.
Eu te detenho por alta traição, Tomás Grey de Northumberland.
Also in the jury was Lord, Percy, her former lover now Earl of Northumberland.
No júri também estava Lorde Percy, seu antigo pretendente, agora Conde de Northumberland.
Snuggled between the plover and a waxwing was a portrait of his world, rain-soaked Northumberland, a tough, dark, gritty place, a world in a lot of pain.
Aninhado entre o Maçarico ( cabeça-ôca ) e o Ampelis europeu havia um retrato de seu mundo, a chuvosa Northumberland, um lugar escuro e pedregoso, um mundo com muita dor.
Duke of Northumberland... scores of them.
Duque de Northumberland... Há muitas marcas deles.
Well, it will make her the future Duchess of Northumberland.
- Por que haveria de estar? Bem, ela será a próxima Duquesa de Northumberland.
The boy will return to Northumberland where he will marry the Talbot girl, as arranged.
O rapaz voltará para Northumberland, onde casar-se-á com a tal Talbot, conforme planeado.
I hear that the Earl of Northumberland is having problems on his borders with raiding Scots.
Ouvi dizer que o Lorde de Northumberland está a ter problemas nas suas fronteiras, com escoceses furiosos.
Northumberland, don't like him.
Lorde Northumberland, não gosto dele.
Apparently, Northumberland is willing to be generous.
Aparentemente, Northumberland, está disposto a ser generoso.
As soon as Northumberland gets his troops. Three days, perhaps.
Assim que o Lorde Northumberland receber as tropas.
Rufus is collecting the money from Northumberland's agent at Mansfield.
O Rufus está a juntar o dinheiro a partir dos agentes de Northumberland em Mansfield.
Northumberland, he cannot have them all.
Northumberland, ele não os pode ter a todos.
Now some of you have already known him, he is the Duke of Northampton's legal man.
Alguns de vós já o conheceis como advogado do Duque de Northumberland.
Bob Clayton, Northumberland Fusiliers.
Bob Clayton, dos Fuzileiros de Northumberland.
Courtesy of the Northumberland Fusiliers.
Cortesia dos Fuzileiros de Northumberland.
" 22 Northumberland Street,
" 22 Northumberland Street,
22 Northumberland Street.
22 Northumberland Street.
- Northumberland Street's a five-minute walk from here.
- Northumberland Street's fica a 5 minutos daqui.
The one who stopped outside Northumberland Street.
Aquele que parou em Northumberland Street.
" 22 Northumberland Terrace.
"22 Northumberland Terrace."
Northumberland Terrace is a five-minute walk from here.
Northumberland Terrace é a 5min daqui, a pé.
"Ructiοns!" she said.
Acho que eles são do Norte. Penso que de Northumberland.
- That's οne we CAN check up οn.
Não pode ter sido o Coronel Erskine, ele está em Northumberland.

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