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Nucky thompson traduction Portugais

113 traduction parallèle
Nucky Thompson is here.
Está aqui o Nucky Thompson.
January 16th, 8 : 03 p.m. Johnny Torrio meeting with Nucky Thompson.
16 de Janeiro às 20 : 03, o Johnny Torrio encontra-se com o Nucky Thompson.
Lucky Luciano, Nucky Thompson.
Lucky Luciano e o Nucky Thompson.
Nucky Thompson.
Nucky Thompson.
Frankly, sir, I'm beginning to think Nucky Thompson is the bigger fish.
Sinceramente, começo a pensar que o Nucky Thompson é o peixe mais graúdo.
What exactly is the nature of your relationship to Nucky Thompson?
Qual é exactamente a natureza da sua relação com Nucky Thompson?
And how do you know a man like Nucky Thompson?
E como é que conheces um homem como o Nucky Thompson?
So this Nucky Thompson, eh? Gave our entire operation over to the coons. You believe that?
Então, esse Nucky Thompson deu a nossa operação toda aos negros.
Nucky Thompson.
O Nucky Thompson.
From Nucky Thompson.
Do Nucky Thompson.
- You tell Nucky Thompson it's gonna take a lot more than 10 grand to get me to fuck him over.
- Diga ao Nucky Thompson será preciso muito mais de 10 mil para o foder.
Winslow's confession is a direct link to Nucky Thompson.
A confissão do Winslow é uma ligação directa ao Nucky Thompson.
He committed murder on a direct order from Nucky Thompson.
Ele cometeu um crime por ordem directa do Nucky Thompson.
Which brings me to Nucky Thompson... the man you said you know everything about.
Que me leva até Nucky Thompson... o homem que você me falou, de que sabia de tudo.
22 year I know Nucky Thompson, back when the Commodore had this town.
22 anos que conheço Nucky Thompson, desde que o Comodoro tinha a cidade.
Say hello to Nucky Thompson.
Diga olá ao Nucky Thompson.
- Nucky Thompson.
- Nucky Thompson.
"As Nucky Thompson goes, so goes the New Jersey delegation."
"Para onde for o Nucky Thompson, vai também a delegação de Nova Jérsia."
Senator and Mrs. Harding, I'd like you to meet Nucky Thompson, an esteemed member of the New Jersey delegation.
Senador e Sra. Harding, gostaria de lhes apresentar o Nucky Thompson, estimado membro da delegação de Nova Jérsia.
I want to introduce you to a dear friend of mine. Nucky Thompson from Atlantic City.
Quero apresentar-lhe um amigo meu, o Nucky Thompson, de Atlantic City.
Well, the punch line is you tell Nucky Thompson it's gonna take a lot more than 10 grand to get me to fuck him over.
Bem, a piada é dizeres ao Nucky Thompson que vão ser precisos mais de 10 mil dólares para convencer-me a traí-lo.
So let me ask you, how many times you think you can knock over Nucky Thompson's bagman before he bites back?
Deixa-me perguntar-te quantas vezes achas que podes roubar o cobrador do Nucky Thompson antes que ele responda?
Nucky Thompson owns it.
Pertence ao Nucky Thompson.
Nucky Thompson didn't get where he is by being naive.
O Nucky Thompson não chegou onde chegou sendo ingênuo.
Nucky Thompson come by?
Esteve cá o Nucky Thompson?
Normally, I'd make a deal with such a man, cut him in as a partner, but I find Nucky Thompson to be greedy and unreasonable.
Normalmente, faria um acordo com tal homem. Convidava-o para meu sócio, mas acho o Nucky Thompson ganancioso e irracional.
They just got a call from Nucky Thompson's butler inquiring about a wire from James Darmody.
Acabaram de receber uma chamada do mordomo do Nucky Thompson a perguntar por um telegrama do James Darmody.
Supervisor Elliot, he thinks we're being obsessive about the Hans Schroeder case, about Nucky Thompson.
O inspector Elliot acha que estamos a ser obsessivos. Com o caso do Hans Schroeder... Com o Nucky Thompson...
Nucky Thompson!
O Nucky Thompson!
You want to know who Nucky Thompson is fucking, why don't you ask him?
Se quer saber quem é que o Nucky Thompson anda a comer, porque não lhe pergunta a ele?
Nucky Thompson!
Nucky Thompson!
Nucky Thompson was looking after us.
O Nucky Thompson tomava conta de nós.
Nucky Thompson does.
O Nucky Thompson tem.
Nucky Thompson, the spawn of a drunken piney.
Nucky Thompson, filho de um bêbedo de Pine Barrens.
And who really likes Nucky Thompson anyway?
E, de qualquer forma, quem gosta do Nucky Thompson?
Nucky Thompson was weaned on my teat.
O Nucky Thompson mamou na minha teta!
And Nucky Thompson?
- E o Nucky Thompson?
Don't you find it curious neither of us has mentioned that Nucky Thompson spent last night in jail?
Não acha curioso que nenhum de nós tenha mencionado que o Nucky Thompson passou a última noite na prisão?
Nucky Thompson's about to hit seven years of lean, and woe unto them that follow him.
O Nucky Thompson está prestes a apanhar uma pena de sete anos. E ai de quem o seguir.
Nucky Thompson's going to jail thanks to Jim Neary and...
O Nucky Thompson vai para a prisão graças ao Jim Neary e a...
He was coming out of The Ritz with Waxey Gordon and Nucky Thompson.
Estava a sair do Ritz com o Waxey Gordon e o Nucky Thompson.
Nucky Thompson.
Com o Nucky Thompson.
Meeting Nucky Thompson.
Estava numa reunião com o Nucky Thompson.
- For Nucky Thompson?
- Para o Nucky Thompson?
Nucky Thompson is none the wiser.
- O Nucky Thompson não vai saber.
Yes, I'm sure between ordering murders and rigging elections, Nucky Thompson showed you quite a time.
Sim, tenho a certeza de que entre ordenar assassínios e manipular eleições, o Nucky Thompson sabia como divertir-te.
Let me ask you, Mr. Doyle, would you consider Nucky Thompson fun?
Deixe-me perguntar-lhe, Mr. Doyle. Considera o Nucky Thompson divertido?
Republicans, Democrats, all fucking meaningless as soon as Nucky Thompson is...
Os Republicanos e os Democratas serão insignificantes, assim que o Nucky Thompson estiver...
On Nucky Thompson's shoulder.
No ombro do Nucky Thompson.
A Nucky Thompson on the telephone.
Está um Nucky Thompson ao telefone.
All right, folks, a couple steps back.
Dorme com os Anjos Nucky Thompson

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